"Hershville Naval Base"@en . . "Hershville Naval Base is a naval base and port located on the western side of Falena by Kuwanora's Bay. Previously under the reign of the House of Godwin (and prior to that by the House of Aethelbald), Hershville administrates trade with the island nation of Kanakan. Strictly run and regimented under the House of Godwin, Hershville lacked the lively atmosphere and outward prosperity of its great eastern counterpart, Estrise. However, Hershville could be considered just as prosperous as its House of Barows counterpart in its own right, although corruption among workers there was common."@en . "Hershville Naval Base is a naval base and port located on the western side of Falena by Kuwanora's Bay. Previously under the reign of the House of Godwin (and prior to that by the House of Aethelbald), Hershville administrates trade with the island nation of Kanakan. Strictly run and regimented under the House of Godwin, Hershville lacked the lively atmosphere and outward prosperity of its great eastern counterpart, Estrise. However, Hershville could be considered just as prosperous as its House of Barows counterpart in its own right, although corruption among workers there was common. Workers in Hershville would often siphon off goods to make profits of their own, even to sworn enemies of the House of Godwin, such as the Loyalist Army. Due to its location on the west coast of Falena, Hershville suffered little throughout Falena's history of wars, either internal or against such nations as the New Armes Kingdom. During the Falenan Civil War, the town fell to the Loyalist Army following the fall of Stormfist. Lord De Beers had previously fled to this location in fear of the Loyalist Army before departing from the town and across the ocean following news of the Loyalist advance on the area."@en .