. "Galactic Federation of Free Alliances"@en . "Fornax"@es . "Fornax (Latin para horno) es una constelaci\u00F3n austral que fue introducida por Nicolas Louis de Lacaille bajo el nombre de Fornax Chemica (lat\u00EDn para horno qu\u00EDmico)."@es . "From a distance, the planet seemed to be surrounded by five rings of fire. The rings were actually large solar prominences that encircled the planet, attracted to it by its close proximity to the system's star. The Fire Rings were one of the natural wonders of the galaxy and not only attracted tourists wanting to view their beauty, but also daredevil young pilots who risked their lives to fly through the Rings. One such pilot was a young Han Solo."@en . . . "el horno"@es . "Fornax system"@en . "50"^^ . "Fornax"@es . "Launched in 2167, the human-published magazine presents the galaxy with raunchy pictures of models from various races. With a predominance of unisexual asari models the publication also depicts both male and female quarians, drell, batarians, volus, and even hanar. By its fifth year Fornax became the first human magazine to offer full five-sensory stimulation. It has a monthly publishing of 127 million and is available both in hard-copy and for direct download. Specialty editions such as Genit-elcor and Krogasm service devoted but smaller markets."@en . . "Once Fornax reaches level 100, it can evolve again. Depending on Support Levels, Fornax can evolve into Cepheus, Tucana, or Caelum. This evolution would give the mag another trigger action, a different auto action and possibly change what Photon Blast it used."@en . "3.87"^^ . . . "None"@es . "J-7"@en . "3"^^ . "Diciembre"@es . "Fornax (Latin para horno) es una constelaci\u00F3n austral que fue introducida por Nicolas Louis de Lacaille bajo el nombre de Fornax Chemica (lat\u00EDn para horno qu\u00EDmico)."@es . . . . . "right|250px Lanc\u00E9 en 2167, Fornax se d\u00E9crit comme \"le magazine des vrais x\u00E9nophiles\". Au cours de sa cinqui\u00E8me ann\u00E9e de publication, Fornax est devenu le premier magazine humain \u00E0 proposer une stimulation multi-sensorielle, r\u00E9sultat d'une technologie co\u00FBteuse amortie par des chiffres de vente colossaux : plus de 127 millions d'exemplaires vendus chaque mois, en version papier ou t\u00E9l\u00E9chargeable. Fornax offre une vaste gamme de mod\u00E8les de toutes races et de tous sexes, avec une pr\u00E9f\u00E9rence marqu\u00E9e pour les Asari . Des \u00E9ditions sp\u00E9ciales comme G\u00E9nit-elcor et Krogasme sont consacr\u00E9es aux march\u00E9s de niche. Il est disponible sur Omega pour le prix de 5 credits."@fr . . "Fornax"@en . "Die Fornax-Zwerggalaxie (Katalogbezeichnungen ESO 356-04 und MCG -06-07-001) ist eine kleine elliptische Galaxie (Typ dE2) im Sternbild Chemischer Ofen (Fornax). Sie geh\u00F6rt zur Lokalen Gruppe und ist nur 450.000 Lichtjahre entfernt. Sie hat eine Helligkeit von +9,3 mag. Wegen ihrer geringen Fl\u00E4chenhelligkeit wurde die Zwerggalaxie erst 1938 von Harlow Shapley entdeckt. Dazu benutzte er ein 24-Inch-Spiegelteleskop am s\u00FCdafrikanischen Boyden Observatory. Die Zwerggalaxie enth\u00E4lt sechs Kugelsternhaufen. Der gr\u00F6\u00DFte darunter, NGC 1049, wurde noch vor der Galaxie selbst entdeckt."@de . "Launched in 2167, the human-published magazine presents the galaxy with raunchy pictures of models from various races. With a predominance of unisexual asari models the publication also depicts both male and female quarians, drell, batarians, volus, and even hanar. By its fifth year Fornax became the first human magazine to offer full five-sensory stimulation. It has a monthly publishing of 127 million and is available both in hard-copy and for direct download. Specialty editions such as Genit-elcor and Krogasm service devoted but smaller markets."@en . "For"@es . . . . "From a distance, the planet seemed to be surrounded by five rings of fire. The rings were actually large solar prominences that encircled the planet, attracted to it by its close proximity to the system's star. The Fire Rings were one of the natural wonders of the galaxy and not only attracted tourists wanting to view their beauty, but also daredevil young pilots who risked their lives to fly through the Rings. One such pilot was a young Han Solo."@en . "-30"^^ . "right|250px Lanc\u00E9 en 2167, Fornax se d\u00E9crit comme \"le magazine des vrais x\u00E9nophiles\". Au cours de sa cinqui\u00E8me ann\u00E9e de publication, Fornax est devenu le premier magazine humain \u00E0 proposer une stimulation multi-sensorielle, r\u00E9sultat d'une technologie co\u00FBteuse amortie par des chiffres de vente colossaux : plus de 127 millions d'exemplaires vendus chaque mois, en version papier ou t\u00E9l\u00E9chargeable. Fornax offre une vaste gamme de mod\u00E8les de toutes races et de tous sexes, avec une pr\u00E9f\u00E9rence marqu\u00E9e pour les Asari . Des \u00E9ditions sp\u00E9ciales comme G\u00E9nit-elcor et Krogasme sont consacr\u00E9es aux march\u00E9s de niche."@fr . . "Die Fornax-Zwerggalaxie (Katalogbezeichnungen ESO 356-04 und MCG -06-07-001) ist eine kleine elliptische Galaxie (Typ dE2) im Sternbild Chemischer Ofen (Fornax). Sie geh\u00F6rt zur Lokalen Gruppe und ist nur 450.000 Lichtjahre entfernt. Sie hat eine Helligkeit von +9,3 mag. Wegen ihrer geringen Fl\u00E4chenhelligkeit wurde die Zwerggalaxie erst 1938 von Harlow Shapley entdeckt. Dazu benutzte er ein 24-Inch-Spiegelteleskop am s\u00FCdafrikanischen Boyden Observatory. Die Zwerggalaxie enth\u00E4lt sechs Kugelsternhaufen. Der gr\u00F6\u00DFte darunter, NGC 1049, wurde noch vor der Galaxie selbst entdeckt."@de . . . . "Glythe sector"@en . "*Cetus\n*Sculptor\n*Phoenix\n*Eridanus"@es . "Fornax"@fr . "Fornax"@en . . . "Once Fornax reaches level 100, it can evolve again. Depending on Support Levels, Fornax can evolve into Cepheus, Tucana, or Caelum. This evolution would give the mag another trigger action, a different auto action and possibly change what Photon Blast it used. Fornax evolves into Cepheus if Ranged is still heavily focused, exceeding Striking or Technique, even when either is supplemented by Dexterity. Fornax evolves into Tucana if Fornax's Striking level is higher than his Technique or if the Striking and Dexterity, combined, are higher than Ranged. Fornax will evolve into Caelum if Fornax's Technique level exceeds the Striking level or if Technique and Dexterity, combined, exceed Ranged."@en . . . "41"^^ . "Fornacis"@es . . "The Fornax Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Fornax was visible in the lower right corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . "α For"@es . . . . . . "Fornax"@de . "Fire Rings of Fornax"@en . "Barren"@en . "Fornax"@es . . "90"^^ . . "None"@es . . "The Fornax Constellation was partially visible on a viewscreen in the briefing room on the USS Enterprise in 2266. It was a star chart of the winter sky as seen from Earth. The constellation Fornax was visible in the lower right corner of the chart and identified by name. (TOS: \"The Corbomite Maneuver\" )"@en . . "398"^^ . . "None"@en . . . .