. . . . . . . . "Marius"@en . "He had hoped that when the dung thawed, Jack would become extremely smelly and be taught a lesson, but as Jack sent the player to retrieve the dung instead of going himself, he had to enchant the dung so it wouldn't melt until it was after given to Jack, while also enchanting it to allow it to survive teleportation."@en . . . "2008-12-16"^^ . . "He had hoped that when the dung thawed, Jack would become extremely smelly and be taught a lesson, but as Jack sent the player to retrieve the dung instead of going himself, he had to enchant the dung so it wouldn't melt until it was after given to Jack, while also enchanting it to allow it to survive teleportation."@en . . . "It looks right at home here."@en . . "No"@en . "No"@en . "Christmas Event and Quest"@en . "Marius (Snow imp)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Male"@en .