"Can I join the WLB? Are there any requirements?"@en . "What is this \"babel\" system? What is my \"babel\" level?"@en . "Possible! The wiki changes to a different \"continent\" theme every two months: January\u2013February means Asia/purple, March\u2013April means Australia/blue, May\u2013June means Europe/green, July\u2013August means Africa/yellow, September\u2013October means South America/orange, and November\u2013December means North America/red."@en . "Huh? Didn't this wiki look different last time I visited it?"@en . "Babel is adopted from Wikipedia's Babel system, that a lot of wiki users know. It's a helpful way to consistently define a user's language proficiency level. You can go to Babel to find out yours. Stay real though: you don't want to disappoint or surprise users by indicating a too high or too low level."@en . . "Where do I find what I can translate or correct?"@en . "Is your language small or have you joined recently? Then the answer is definitely no. But even if you are a long-time member, we usually don't need extra admins or moderators. Yatalu and Jr Mime will spontaneously address someone when they think he/she is a suitable candidate for a language that needs support."@en . "For translations, you go here. For corrections, you go here. Instructions on how to make a request can be found at the top of these pages. The request rules go for both pages. If you have questions or doubts, don't hesitate to ask another user."@en . "Below are frequently asked questions, questions that we are asked a lot, usually (but not always!) by visitors or new members. Questions are sorted by subject, so that it is easier to link to a certain section of this page. If you have a question that is not in this list, feel free to ask our members by posting it on Portal:English, or individually by posting on someone's message wall. It will be added here when it is a common question, so do not add your own questions here."@en . "Am I allowed to speak my native language in chat?"@en . "I need something translated or language-checked. Where do I go?"@en . "What are Brigadiers? Why do you call them that?"@en . "The WLB wants to cover any language around the world that Wikia supports. Therefore, our chat will be in a different color and with a different map in the background every two months. This follows the wiki's entire layout as well: the wiki background will be a location within the continent you see the map of in chat."@en . "More than Translate:Requests or Correct:Requests, your portal is the place where you can find what you can do for your language. It shows all active requests in your language, but also lists all pages on this wiki, some of which may still need to be translated or checked for mistakes."@en . "Every language has its own memberlist: English, Spanish and many more languages. To join, you just need to put your name, language level and availability in the list of the language that you speak. A step-by-step guide can be found on the page Join."@en . "What is the Wikia Language Brigade?"@en . "My language doesn't have an admin or moderator. Can I be one?"@en . "Every WLB member can have a miniature flag of the country they live in or the language they speak natively. You can request one too, by asking an admin or posting a message on this page. Don't forget to mention which flag you want."@en . "Below are frequently asked questions, questions that we are asked a lot, usually (but not always!) by visitors or new members. Questions are sorted by subject, so that it is easier to link to a certain section of this page. If you have a question that is not in this list, feel free to ask our members by posting it on Portal:English, or individually by posting on someone's message wall. It will be added here when it is a common question, so do not add your own questions here."@en . "Do I have to know more than one language?"@en . "FAQ/kn"@en . . "Anyone who has a Wikia account can join! There are no real requirements. You will be a \"Brigadier\" as soon as you have put your name and information in the memberlist of one of our languages. You can edit our wiki and help without doing so, but this will make it easier for us to contact you too."@en . "That you don't see your language in :Category:Brigadiers, doesn't mean you're not allowed to join. It just means that no one has joined yet, or that we could not get any reliable translations to create the page. Just contact Yatalu and she will give you the words and phrases that we need you to translate."@en . "How do I become a member?"@en . "Our moderators can't speak every language and therefore it is hard to just answer \"yes\" or \"no\" to this question. An important rule of thumb here is: try to speak a language that most people in chat understand. If you don't know if they understand you, it's always safe to ask first."@en . "Why does everyone in chat have a flag next to their name?"@en . "The Wikia Language Brigade is a project where users from across Wikia volunteer to help other users and wikis with translations and corrections. It is fun, collaborative, and helps both English and international wikis! You can read more in-depth background information on WLB."@en . . "Bilinguality and multilinguality is logically a real asset in the WLB, but it isn't necessary. Being unilingual, you can help making suggestions and improvements to the existing pages. What we do is also not only translations, but also corrections. To check the grammar and spelling of a page, you only need to know one language anyway."@en . "I don't see my language here! What do I do?"@en . "Brigadiers are members of the Wikia Language Brigade and refers to being \"member of a brigade\". Other languages however may deviate from this term. See WLB terminology for the translations of this word in other languages."@en . "Why is there a giant map in the chat background?"@en .