. "The Snow Demons! was the second installment of The Kingdom of Ice, published in Pizzazz 11 in August 1978. The entire story arc was reprinted in the UK in Star Wars Weekly 57\u201360 in 1979."@en . . . . "11"^^ . . . "*Human\n*Snow Demon"@en . . "The Kingdom of Ice!"@en . "0"^^ . "*Astromech droid\n**R-series\n***R2-series astromech droid\n*Protocol droid\n**3PO-series protocol droid"@en . . "Treachery!"@en . . . . "*Bandolier\n*Maker \n*Snowball \n*Thermal suit\n*Utility belt\nLanguages\n*Binary\n*Galactic Basic Standard"@en . "*Galactic Civil War\n**Mission to Akuria II"@en . . "*TIE/LN starfighter\n*War Sled"@en . . "The Snow Demons! was the second installment of The Kingdom of Ice, published in Pizzazz 11 in August 1978. The entire story arc was reprinted in the UK in Star Wars Weekly 57\u201360 in 1979."@en . . "*C-3PO\n*Fafnir \n*Odan \n*Odan (impostor) \n*Leia Organa\n*R2-D2\n*Luke Skywalker"@en . "The Snow Demons!"@en . . . "The Snow Demons!"@en . "*Akuria II\n**Polar Wastes\n***Akuria Rebel Base"@en . . . "*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n**Colonel\n*Galactic Empire\n*Princess"@en . . "3"^^ . . "*Axe\n*Blaster\n**Blaster pistol\n*Club\n*Explosive charge \n*Integrated logic terminal \n*Laser cannon\n*Lightsaber\n**Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber\n*Sensor"@en .