. . "Azshara Crater"@pl . "Azshara Crater is a battleground mentioned in passing at BlizzCon 2011 during a preview panel for the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria. It has the same name as a previous battleground that never made it out of testing and so far few details have emerged."@en . . . . . . "Azshara Crater"@es . "thumb|Mapa Azshara Crater Azshara Crater - jest jedn\u0105 z Closed Zone, niedost\u0119pn\u0105 dla graczy. Nie ma tam \u017Cadnych NPC, ani obiekt\u00F3w (sprawdzone: TBC)."@pl . . . "Azshara Crater is a battleground mentioned in passing at BlizzCon 2011 during a preview panel for the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria. It has the same name as a previous battleground that never made it out of testing and so far few details have emerged."@en . "Azshara Crater"@en . "thumb|Mapa Azshara Crater Azshara Crater - jest jedn\u0105 z Closed Zone, niedost\u0119pn\u0105 dla graczy. Nie ma tam \u017Cadnych NPC, ani obiekt\u00F3w (sprawdzone: TBC)."@pl .