. "Ruling the Kelvar of the western peaks of the Blue Mountains with benevolent authority, Arthorotur is a distant cousin to Gwaihir, Windlord of the Misty Mountains. Truly an impressive sight, Arthorotur is among one of the largest Eagles remaining in Endor; his mighty wingspan spreads to span 50 feet. Although remaining aloof from the affairs of the peoples of Lindon and D\u00FAneriador, the Lord of the Ered Luin is well known as the source for many a legend. Arthorotur's Eagles have occasionally interfered in the conflicts during the Second and Third Age, becoming involved in pushing back the forces of the Dark Lord in S.A. 1700. Although his demeanor is haughty and arrogant, Arthorotur is a kind spirit. He and his kindred have been known to rescue hapless wanderers lost in the dangerous wilds of D\u00FAneriador, setting them down in safety near a town or village. The Eagles of the Ered Luin are stuff of legends. Although rarely seen, they possess the respect of the educated folk of Lindon and D\u00FAneriador."@en . "Ruling the Kelvar of the western peaks of the Blue Mountains with benevolent authority, Arthorotur is a distant cousin to Gwaihir, Windlord of the Misty Mountains. Truly an impressive sight, Arthorotur is among one of the largest Eagles remaining in Endor; his mighty wingspan spreads to span 50 feet. Although remaining aloof from the affairs of the peoples of Lindon and D\u00FAneriador, the Lord of the Ered Luin is well known as the source for many a legend. Arthorotur's Eagles have occasionally interfered in the conflicts during the Second and Third Age, becoming involved in pushing back the forces of the Dark Lord in S.A. 1700."@en . "Arthorotur"@en . . . . .