. "Champy"@en . "Champy Family"@en . "FireHit"@en . . "Champy (\u30C1\u30E3\u30F3\u30D7 Chanpu?) is a boxer virus from the Mega Man Battle Network series with flaming fists. On its underside is a gong complete with a hammer, typically used as signal in professional boxing matches. Its Japanese name is possibly abbreviated from champion or champ. Champy remain stationary in a panel until an enemy moves into its line of sight on the cyber field; it will then teleport to deliver a punch to an enemy. However, even though they appear to float, Champy cannot cross holes in the cyber field; in Mega Man Battle Network 6, all variants of Champy are able to cross broken panels on their side of the field, but not on MegaMan's side. All Champy are Fire-types and hence weak to Aqua attacks."@en . "Champy (\u30C1\u30E3\u30F3\u30D7 Chanpu?) is a boxer virus from the Mega Man Battle Network series with flaming fists. On its underside is a gong complete with a hammer, typically used as signal in professional boxing matches. Its Japanese name is possibly abbreviated from champion or champ. Champy remain stationary in a panel until an enemy moves into its line of sight on the cyber field; it will then teleport to deliver a punch to an enemy. However, even though they appear to float, Champy cannot cross holes in the cyber field; in Mega Man Battle Network 6, all variants of Champy are able to cross broken panels on their side of the field, but not on MegaMan's side. All Champy are Fire-types and hence weak to Aqua attacks."@en . . . "Champy, ChampyEX, Chumpy, ChumpyEX, Chimpy, ChimpyEX, ChampySP, RareChampy, RareChampy2"@en . . "#FFF"@en . . . . . . . . "Champy"@en . "Fire"@en .