. . "A DAMAGE_POWER_* constant indicating the damage reduction this damage can pierce. This is ignored for non-physical damage."@en . "EffectDamage"@en . "A DAMAGE_TYPE_* constant indicating the damage type."@en . "The EffectDamage() NWScript command creates an effect that will damage whatever it is applied to. This effect can be applied to anything with hit points \u2014 namely creatures, placeables, and doors. It must be applied instantly (not temporarily or permanently). The damage is credited to the object running the script when this effect is created."@en . "DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL"@en . . . "int nDamageAmount"@en . "function EffectDamage (float fDmgMin, float fDmgMax, float fPercentageDmg, string sMedium, int bCombatDamage=0, string sAbilites=\"\") Create a Damage effect \n* fDmgMin: \n* fDmgMax: \n* fPercentageDmg: amount of damage to be dealt. This should be applied as an instantaneous effect. - \n* sMedium: Type of medium of damage. - \n* bCombatDamage: combat damage plays specific damage animation, takes shields into account etc - \n* sAbilities: comma-separated names of additional abilities used in calculation (added by Maciej Sinilo) \n* Return type: effect \n* Include file: nwscriptdefn"@en . . "Plik do za\u0142\u0105czenia: (nie wymagany) Parametry: \n* fDmgMin - minimalna warto\u015B\u0107 obra\u017Ce\u0144 \n* fDmgMax - maksymalna warto\u015B\u0107 obra\u017Ce\u0144 \n* fPercentageDmg - (???) procentowe nasilenie efektu? Warto\u015B\u0107 zmiennoprzecinkowa. \n* sMedium - nazwa rodzaju obra\u017Ce\u0144: \"Magic\", \"Silver\" itp. (domy\u015Blna warto\u015B\u0107 to \"Magic\"?) \n* bCombatDamage - FALSE oznacza, \u017Ce nie s\u0105 to obra\u017Cenia od walki i wtedy istota po prostu straci punkty \u017Cywotno\u015Bci, TRUE \u017Ce s\u0105 to obra\u017Cenia od wali i wtedy na istocie, kt\u00F3ra otrzyma efekt obra\u017Ce\u0144, b\u0119dzie odgrywana animacja otrzymania obra\u017Ce\u0144 (na czas trwania animacji istota nie mo\u017Ce wykonywa\u0107 \u017Cadnych czynno\u015Bci w czasie rzeczywistym gry). \n* sAbilites - nazwy dodatkowych umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci, jakie s\u0105 brane podczas obliczania wysoko\u015Bci obra\u017Ce\u0144. Mo\u017Cna poda\u0107 kilka, rozdzielonych przecinkami albo mo\u017Cna nie podawa\u0107 \u017Cadnych."@pl . "EffectDamage"@en . "int nDamageType"@en . "EffectDamage"@pl . . "The EffectDamage() NWScript command creates an effect that will damage whatever it is applied to. This effect can be applied to anything with hit points \u2014 namely creatures, placeables, and doors. It must be applied instantly (not temporarily or permanently). The damage is credited to the object running the script when this effect is created."@en . "int nDamagePower"@en . "DAMAGE_POWER_NORMAL"@en . . "The amount of damage to be dealt."@en . "Plik do za\u0142\u0105czenia: (nie wymagany) Parametry: \n* fDmgMin - minimalna warto\u015B\u0107 obra\u017Ce\u0144 \n* fDmgMax - maksymalna warto\u015B\u0107 obra\u017Ce\u0144 \n* fPercentageDmg - (???) procentowe nasilenie efektu? Warto\u015B\u0107 zmiennoprzecinkowa. \n* sMedium - nazwa rodzaju obra\u017Ce\u0144: \"Magic\", \"Silver\" itp. (domy\u015Blna warto\u015B\u0107 to \"Magic\"?) \n* bCombatDamage - FALSE oznacza, \u017Ce nie s\u0105 to obra\u017Cenia od walki i wtedy istota po prostu straci punkty \u017Cywotno\u015Bci, TRUE \u017Ce s\u0105 to obra\u017Cenia od wali i wtedy na istocie, kt\u00F3ra otrzyma efekt obra\u017Ce\u0144, b\u0119dzie odgrywana animacja otrzymania obra\u017Ce\u0144 (na czas trwania animacji istota nie mo\u017Ce wykonywa\u0107 \u017Cadnych czynno\u015Bci w czasie rzeczywistym gry). \n* sAbilites - nazwy dodatkowych umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci, jakie s\u0105 brane podczas obliczania wysoko\u015Bci obra\u017Ce\u0144. Mo\u017Cna poda\u0107 kilka, rozdzielonych przecinkami "@pl . . "function EffectDamage (float fDmgMin, float fDmgMax, float fPercentageDmg, string sMedium, int bCombatDamage=0, string sAbilites=\"\") Create a Damage effect \n* fDmgMin: \n* fDmgMax: \n* fPercentageDmg: amount of damage to be dealt. This should be applied as an instantaneous effect. - \n* sMedium: Type of medium of damage. - \n* bCombatDamage: combat damage plays specific damage animation, takes shields into account etc - \n* sAbilities: comma-separated names of additional abilities used in calculation (added by Maciej Sinilo) \n* Return type: effect \n* Include file: nwscriptdefn"@en . .