. . "Sector 2"@en . "Sector 2 was one of 3600 sectors into which the Guardians of the Universe had divided the universe. Each sector was assigned one, and later two, members of the Green Lantern Corps, who were responsible for its safety and well being. The same system was later used by the other Lantern corps of the emotional spectrum, including the Sinestro Corps.\n\nSector 2 is the home sector of the Reach, though its empire has stretched far beyond its borders."@en . . . . . . . "Sector 2 (TRO) is the tropical sector of the Biologic Space Laboratories research station in Metroid Fusion. It has a humid climate and has a jungle environment, housing various creatures. It is also the largest sector on the BSL station. Sector 2 is the first sector where Samus encounters a SA-X. It is also where Samus fights Zazabi and Nettori."@en . "Sector 2 is a party room on Club Penguin during Operation: Blackout. It contains 3 Security Terminals that you need to hack into and disable in order to get to the Central Command Room through the Lock Down. It is part of Herbert's Fortress."@en . . "Sectorul 2 este din cartierele Berceni,Grozavesti,Tineretului,Drumul Taberei,Ghencea,Vacaresti,Giulesti, Progresul,Titan,Dristor,Pantelimon,Militari,Cranggasi,Vatra Luminoasa,Balta Alba,Baneasa"@ro . . "2012-11-14"^^ . . . "2012-12-06"^^ . "* Warth"@en . "Sector 2 was an area of Mega-City One and one of the first sectors to be affected by the robot rebellion that started the The Robot Wars."@en . . . "Sectorul 2 este din cartierele Berceni,Grozavesti,Tineretului,Drumul Taberei,Ghencea,Vacaresti,Giulesti, Progresul,Titan,Dristor,Pantelimon,Militari,Cranggasi,Vatra Luminoasa,Balta Alba,Baneasa"@ro . . . . "* Ovacron Six\n* Reachworld"@en . "* Hannu"@en . . . "New Earth"@en . "Sector 2"@en . "200"^^ . "Sector 2"@en . "Sector 2 was an area of Mega-City One and one of the first sectors to be affected by the robot rebellion that started the The Robot Wars."@en . . . "This is Sector 2. There are three Security Terminals hidden here... but you'll need a Deflection Vest and Smoke Goggles. Stay focused, and good luck!"@en . . "Sector 2"@en . . "Sector 2 (TRO) is the tropical sector of the Biologic Space Laboratories research station in Metroid Fusion. It has a humid climate and has a jungle environment, housing various creatures. It is also the largest sector on the BSL station. Sector 2 is the first sector where Samus encounters a SA-X. It is also where Samus fights Zazabi and Nettori. When Samus first visits the Navigation Room in this sector, Adam tells her about the SA-X and how much of a threat it is to her. Samus's first mission in Sector 2 is to unlock the Level 1 security doors. When she has done this, she is able to download Bomb data and eventually fights Zazabi. It is during this visit that Samus first encounters an SA-X. Samus later visits Sector 2 to search for the source of the vegetation choking the Reactor Silo's components. Upon entering the Sector, she encounters an SA-X once again, and is forced to evade it. She eventually finds Nettori, a strange plant-like creature and the source of the overtaking vegetation. Once she defeats it, as well as its Core-X form, she obtains the Plasma Beam. The Reactor Silo then comes back online."@en . . . . . . "Sector 2"@ro . "855"^^ . "* Horku\n* Reach Infiltrator"@en . "Sector 2 is a party room on Club Penguin during Operation: Blackout. It contains 3 Security Terminals that you need to hack into and disable in order to get to the Central Command Room through the Lock Down. It is part of Herbert's Fortress. Agents must use a Plasma Laser to cut through the door in Sector 1, waddle across the hanging platform in the Lock Down, and crawl through the vent to access this room. Then they must use a Deflection Vest to get through the laser system to infiltrate Security Terminal 4. Then they must use Smoke Goggles to see through the smoke screen and shut down Security Terminal 5."@en . . . . .