"7"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "12"^^ . "1"^^ . "Salarin the Twisted is a monster. He is the highest leveled chaos druid and can only be found in a room within the Yanille agility dungeon. A player who attempts to cast a spell or engages in combat with Salarin will have their attack and strength stats reduced to zero. Salarin has a weakness for strike spells. This is the only effective way of killing him. However, it is possible to kill Salarin by using the rapid heal prayer and waiting for combat stats to recover, but this method takes much longer than casting any strike spell on him. Strike spells cast on Salarin the Twisted do not give experience. Players kill him mainly for the sinister key which he drops, rather than experience, which he does not give. To reach Salarin in the Yanille agility dungeon, players must have 67+ Agility going through the north entrance, or 82+Thieving going through the south entrance."@en . "8"^^ . "Always"@en . "Super defense Potion"@en . . "1"^^ . "Iron med helm"@en . "Grimy dwarf weed"@en . "Snape grass"@en . "Tarromin"@en . . . "No"@en . "205"^^ . "Salarin the Twisted"@en . "24"^^ . "Vain luita."@fi . "Bones"@en . . "Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid found at the end of Yanille's Agility dungeon in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter. He guards the sinister chest that contains nine herbs: 2 harralander, 3 ranarr, 1 irit, 1 kwuarm, 1 avantoe, and 1 torstol. Salarin can only be harmed by Strike spells or spells higher level than strike spells, including special spells like Polypore Strike. Lower level spells, melee, and ranged cannot harm him. He is weakest against fire spells, although any magic spell will work."@en . "Grimy cadantine"@en . "Salarin the Twisted"@en . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . "36"^^ . "Coins"@en . "Salarin The Twisted"@fi . . "magic, melee"@en . . "0"^^ . "Rune javelin"@en . "Grimy harralander"@en . "Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid in Yanille's Agility dungeon. He can be found at the end of the dungeon, in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter (64 with an agility potion or 62 with a summer pie). He and the Magpie impling are currently the only NPCs able to drop the Sinister key. This key opens the Sinister chest that contains nine herbs: 2 Harralander, 3 Ranarr, 1 Irit, 1 Kwuarm, 1 Avantoe, and 1 Torstol. Salarin is a target for many players because of this drop. Players should keep in mind that the Sinister key is an uncommon drop, and he has a long respawn. Salarin can only be harmed by Strike spells or spells higher level than strike spells, including special spells like Polypore Strike. Lower-level spells, melee, and ranged cannot harm him. He is weakest against fire spells, although any magic spell will work. Salarin is initially aggressive to the player but will become tolerant after several minutes. He attacks only with melee, which is fairly weak. Food, or a healing familiar such as the Bunyip, are useful during long trips. High-level players can easily kill Salarin (and the nearby Chaos druids) multiple times with little or no need for food. One effective tactic is to use Void knight gear and a Polypore Staff or Armadyl battlestaff, which often kills Salarin in one strike. If also killing the chaos druids, bringing a bow and arrows will also kill them quickly, too. There is a point in the corridor where the player can attack Salarin and he will try to retreat rather than attack. This is useful for low level players who are not confident about taking him on at close quarters."@en . "983"^^ . "0"^^ . "Fire rune"@en . "55"^^ . "Water-Rune"@en . . . . "45"^^ . "70"^^ . "0"^^ . "58"^^ . . "1"^^ . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "2000"^^ . "Super defence"@en . . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "Salarin The Twisted"@fi . . "Ranarr Weed"@en . "0"^^ . . "Bones"@en . "Guam leaf"@en . . ""@en . "Irit Leaf"@en . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . "Ihminen"@fi . . . "Grimy kwuarm"@en . "58"^^ . "Cadantine"@en . "Strike spells"@en . "Vial of water"@en . "Ei tiedossa!"@fi . . "Nature rune"@en . "Salarin The Twisted on pirudruidi Yanille Agility Dungeonissa. H\u00E4net voi l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 luolaston lopusta, jonka p\u00E4\u00E4syyn tarvitaan 67 Agility level. H\u00E4n ja Magpie Impling ovat ainoita NPC pelaajia jotka voivat pudottaa Sinister keyn. T\u00E4m\u00E4 avain avaa Sinister chestin, jonka sis\u00E4lt\u00F6 on: 2 Harralanderia, 3 Ranarr weedi\u00E4, 1 Irit leaf, 1 Kwuarm herb, 1 Avantoe ja 1 Torstol herb. Salarin The Twistedi\u00E4 voi vahingoittaa vain seuraavilla loitsuilla: Wind Strike, Water Strike, Earth Strike tai Fire Strikell\u00E4, ja my\u00F6s Magic Dartilla, eli Loitsutikalla. T\u00E4m\u00E4 druidi vihaa Sigbert the adventureria, koska t\u00E4m\u00E4 yritt\u00E4\u00E4 varoittaa ihmisi\u00E4 tapaamasta h\u00E4nt\u00E4. Luokka:Ihmiset/hirvi\u00F6t"@fi . "Avantoe"@en . "Coins"@en . . "2002-12-12"^^ . . "Agility skill online"@en . "90"^^ . "No"@en . . "Ei"@fi . . "A crazy evil druid"@en . . "Black dagger"@en . "No"@en . "Grimy avantoe"@en . "65"^^ . "Salarin the Twisted is a monster. He is the highest leveled chaos druid and can only be found in a room within the Yanille agility dungeon. A player who attempts to cast a spell or engages in combat with Salarin will have their attack and strength stats reduced to zero. Salarin has a weakness for strike spells. This is the only effective way of killing him. However, it is possible to kill Salarin by using the rapid heal prayer and waiting for combat stats to recover, but this method takes much longer than casting any strike spell on him. Strike spells cast on Salarin the Twisted do not give experience."@en . . "Iron helm"@en . . "Rare"@en . . "69"^^ . "Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid found at the end of Yanille's Agility dungeon in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter. He guards the sinister chest that contains nine herbs: 2 harralander, 3 ranarr, 1 irit, 1 kwuarm, 1 avantoe, and 1 torstol. Salarin can only be harmed by Strike spells or spells higher level than strike spells, including special spells like Polypore Strike. Lower level spells, melee, and ranged cannot harm him. He is weakest against fire spells, although any magic spell will work. Food, or a healing familiar such as the bunyip, are useful during long trips. High-level players can easily kill Salarin multiple times with little or no need for food. One effective tactic is to use Void knight gear and a polypore Staff or Armadyl battlestaff, which often kills Salarin in one strike. If also killing the chaos druids, bringing a bow and arrows will also kill them quickly, too. There is a point in the corridor where the player can attack Salarin and he will try to retreat rather than attack. This is useful for low level players who are not confident about taking him on at close quarters."@en . "0"^^ . "Marrentill"@en . "70"^^ . "0"^^ . "No"@en . "2000"^^ . "0"^^ . . "105.7"^^ . "Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid in Yanille's Agility dungeon. He can be found at the end of the dungeon, in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter (64 with an Agility potion or 62 with a Summer pie). He is currently one of only three NPCs able to drop the Sinister key, alongside the Magpie impling and the Chaos Fanatic. This key opens the Sinister chest that contains nine Herbs: 2 Harralander, 3 Ranarr weed, 1 Irit, 1 Kwuarm, 1 Avantoe, and 1 Torstol. Salarin is a target for many players because of this drop. Players should keep in mind that the Sinister key is an uncommon drop. Salarin can only be harmed by Strike spells: Wind Strike, Water Strike, Earth Strike, and Fire Strike. Melee and Ranged cannot harm him. These spells will always deal 9, 10, 11, and 12 damage (respectively) to him as long as the player does not splash. This damage is not affected by items that would normally increase spell damage like the smoke battlestaff, occult necklace, tome of fire, etc. This also means that Salarin could be a cheap way of training magic because you are guaranteed 23.5, 27.5, 31.5, and 35.5 magic experience for every successful cast (not including some last hits) Salarin is initially aggressive to the player but will become tolerant after several minutes. Food is useful during long trips. High-level players can easily kill Salarin (and the nearby Chaos druids) multiple times with little or no need for food. If also killing the chaos druids, bringing an arrow-firing Ranged weapon will kill them quickly. There is a point in the corridor where the player can attack Salarin, and he will try to retreat rather than attack. This is useful for low-level players who are not confident about taking on a high-level monster at close quarters."@en . "Grimy ranarr"@en . "Very rare"@en . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . "0"^^ . . "Herb"@en . "Fire"@en . . "Black dagger"@en . "55"^^ . "Law-Rune"@en . "No"@en . "Cosmic talisman"@en . . "55"^^ . "no"@en . . . . "Grimy guam"@en . . "White berries"@en . "77"^^ . . . "Sinister key"@en . "Super defence"@en . . "3"^^ . "Grimy lantadyme"@en . "Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid in Yanille's Agility dungeon. He can be found at the end of the dungeon, in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter (64 with an agility potion or 62 with a summer pie). He and the Magpie impling are currently the only NPCs able to drop the Sinister key. This key opens the Sinister chest that contains nine herbs: 2 Harralander, 3 Ranarr, 1 Irit, 1 Kwuarm, 1 Avantoe, and 1 Torstol. Salarin is a target for many players because of this drop. Players should keep in mind that the Sinister key is an uncommon drop, and he has a long respawn."@en . "Bronze longsword"@en . "Kwuarm"@en . . "A crazy, evil druid."@en . . . "White berries"@en . "Clue scroll"@en . "Salarin The Twisted on pirudruidi Yanille Agility Dungeonissa. H\u00E4net voi l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 luolaston lopusta, jonka p\u00E4\u00E4syyn tarvitaan 67 Agility level. H\u00E4n ja Magpie Impling ovat ainoita NPC pelaajia jotka voivat pudottaa Sinister keyn. T\u00E4m\u00E4 avain avaa Sinister chestin, jonka sis\u00E4lt\u00F6 on: 2 Harralanderia, 3 Ranarr weedi\u00E4, 1 Irit leaf, 1 Kwuarm herb, 1 Avantoe ja 1 Torstol herb. Salarin The Twistedi\u00E4 voi vahingoittaa vain seuraavilla loitsuilla: Wind Strike, Water Strike, Earth Strike tai Fire Strikell\u00E4, ja my\u00F6s Magic Dartilla, eli Loitsutikalla. T\u00E4m\u00E4 druidi vihaa Sigbert the adventureria, koska t\u00E4m\u00E4 yritt\u00E4\u00E4 varoittaa ihmisi\u00E4 tapaamasta h\u00E4nt\u00E4. Luokka:Ihmiset/hirvi\u00F6t"@fi . "70"^^ . "792"^^ . "No"@en . "Fire-Rune"@en . "74"^^ . "Vial of water"@en . "0"^^ . . "Grimy irit"@en . "Water rune"@en . . "0"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "70"^^ . "Grimy tarromin"@en . "Salarin the Twisted is an evil druid in Yanille's Agility dungeon. He can be found at the end of the dungeon, in an area that requires level 67 Agility to enter (64 with an Agility potion or 62 with a Summer pie). He is currently one of only three NPCs able to drop the Sinister key, alongside the Magpie impling and the Chaos Fanatic. This key opens the Sinister chest that contains nine Herbs: 2 Harralander, 3 Ranarr weed, 1 Irit, 1 Kwuarm, 1 Avantoe, and 1 Torstol. Salarin is a target for many players because of this drop. Players should keep in mind that the Sinister key is an uncommon drop."@en . . "Sinister key"@en . "65.1"^^ . "0"^^ . . "80"^^ . "324"^^ . . . . "Yes"@en . "Uncommon"@en . "70"^^ . "Melee"@en . "Yes"@en . "Not immune"@en . "55"^^ . . "792"^^ . "Common"@en . "Mithril bolts"@en . "Ei tiedossa!"@fi . "Not immune"@en . "Grimy marrentill"@en . . . . . "983"^^ . . "Fire spells"@en . "2002-12-12"^^ . "Yes"@en . "An crazy evil druid."@fi . . "Nature-Rune"@en . "Harralander"@en . "A crazy evil druid."@en . "Law rune"@en . "Dwarf Weed"@en . "62"^^ . . "1"^^ .