"The deadlift is a weight training exercise where a loaded barbell is lifted from the ground from a stabilized, bent over position. It is one of the three canonical Powerligting exercises, along with the squat and bench press. Instructions Preparation With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider over hand or mixed grip. Execution Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return and repeat. The deadlift, being a compound movement, works a varity of muscles, including; \n* Grip strength: finger flexors \n* Lower back: erector spinae \n* Gluteus maximus \n* Hamstrings \n* Quadriceps \n* Adductor magnus Variations Romanian deadlift: Unlike a standard deadlift, which begins from the floor with a concentric movement, this variation begins from the top. For this reason it is not technically a deadlift. Starting with an eccenctric phase and incorporating a stretch reflex, it eliminates most of the quadriceps contribution, putting more emphasis on the hamstrings and glutes. It is performed by standing with barbell held in front of the body with knees unlocked and bending at the hip while keeping the back straight, then extending the hip to lockout."@en . "Justin S. Cotta"@en . "Human"@en . . "Deadlift didn't start out as a warrior. He, like his nemesis Beachcomber, weren't used to warfare. On Cybertron, Deadlift enjoyed the function of transporting deactivated Decepticons, broken weapons and aircraft wreckage to the smelting pools for re-purposing. Now, however, the war has drawn him into its grip, and he finds himself battling Beachcomber in close-quarters fights."@en . . . . . "Marooned"@en . "The deadlift is a weight training exercise where a loaded barbell is lifted from the ground from a stabilized, bent over position. It is one of the three canonical Powerligting exercises, along with the squat and bench press. Instructions Preparation With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider over hand or mixed grip. Execution Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return and repeat. The deadlift, being a compound movement, works a varity of muscles, including; Variations"@en . "Single Leg Deadlift too"@en . "Single Leg Deadlift too"@en . "*Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel"@en . . "Male"@en . "The deadlift is a conditioning exercise, where a barbell is lifted from the floor (dead) to a position near the waist. It is very helpful in Parkour and Freerunning training, as it is an excellent way to build lower and upper body strength. It is one of the most important exercises needed for safe landings. The primary muscles used are the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, as well as indirectly working a number of other muscles."@en . . "Enemy"@en . "Deadlift is the heroic name of Dedrick Reinhardt, member of Teh H4xx0rz. He is Screw's best friend and the only super-powered member on his squad. He is the strongest student at Poseidon Prep."@en . "*His full name, according to him, is Bucephelus Deadlift MacElroy.\n*Mentioned to have asked Janey out, however he was turned down due to Janey being a lesbian."@en . . "*Deadlift drops the Vandergraffen when killed.\n*During the \"Bloody Harvest Celebration\" , Deadlift was renamed \"Undeadlift\", and given a pumpkin head. When killed, Undeadlift had a chance of dropping the Jack-o'-Cannon.\n*Deadlift has a chance to drop the following skins:\n**Athena's \"Royal Guard\"\n**Wilhelm's \"Hero Suit\"\n**Nisha's \"Where You Go Indigo\"\n**Claptrap's \"Indi Go Go\"\n**Jack's \"Violet and Violent\"\n**Aurelia's \"I am Basically Royalty\""@en . "Deadlift"@en . "The deadlift is a conditioning exercise, where a barbell is lifted from the floor (dead) to a position near the waist. It is very helpful in Parkour and Freerunning training, as it is an excellent way to build lower and upper body strength. It is one of the most important exercises needed for safe landings. The primary muscles used are the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, as well as indirectly working a number of other muscles."@en . "Deadlift didn't start out as a warrior. He, like his nemesis Beachcomber, weren't used to warfare. On Cybertron, Deadlift enjoyed the function of transporting deactivated Decepticons, broken weapons and aircraft wreckage to the smelting pools for re-purposing. Now, however, the war has drawn him into its grip, and he finds himself battling Beachcomber in close-quarters fights."@en . . . . "Deadlift is a notable scav in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel."@en . . . "*\"DEADLIFT TIME!\"\n*\"I can't wait to throw your corpse on to a jump pad and watch it take to the air like... a child's imagination.\""@en . . "Deadlift is the heroic name of Dedrick Reinhardt, member of Teh H4xx0rz. He is Screw's best friend and the only super-powered member on his squad. He is the strongest student at Poseidon Prep."@en . "Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel"@en .