"El Siggard personaje apareci\u00F3 en el libro electr\u00F3nico Demonsbane, donde se encuentra como el \u00FAnico sobreviviente de la batalla de Blackmarch sin memoria del evento. A medida que regresa a casa, Siggard recupera sus recuerdos perdidos. \u00C9l es conocido por haber matado a Assur, un demonio con un glifo que, bendecida por el Diablo mismo, supuestamente, le hace invulnerable a cualquier da\u00F1o de todas las fuentes de vida. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Ampliar"@es . "The character Siggard appeared in the book Demonsbane, where he found himself as the only survivor of the battle of Blackmarch with no memory of the event. As he heads back home, Siggard recovers his lost memories. He is noted for killing Assur, a demon with a glyph that, blessed by Diablo himself, supposedly renders him invulnerable to any harm from all living sources. Image:D1 item repair skill.jpg This article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it."@en . "El Siggard personaje apareci\u00F3 en el libro electr\u00F3nico Demonsbane, donde se encuentra como el \u00FAnico sobreviviente de la batalla de Blackmarch sin memoria del evento. A medida que regresa a casa, Siggard recupera sus recuerdos perdidos. \u00C9l es conocido por haber matado a Assur, un demonio con un glifo que, bendecida por el Diablo mismo, supuestamente, le hace invulnerable a cualquier da\u00F1o de todas las fuentes de vida. Categor\u00EDa:Personajes Categor\u00EDa:Ampliar"@es . "Siggard"@es . "Siggard"@en . . . . . "The character Siggard appeared in the book Demonsbane, where he found himself as the only survivor of the battle of Blackmarch with no memory of the event. As he heads back home, Siggard recovers his lost memories. He is noted for killing Assur, a demon with a glyph that, blessed by Diablo himself, supposedly renders him invulnerable to any harm from all living sources. Image:D1 item repair skill.jpg This article is a . You can help the Diablo Wiki to become more awesome by expanding it."@en . .