"The scroll states that there are a myriad of other styles. However, there are offshoots from the above and all have benefits. Study each of these arts from someone who is skilled in that way."@en . "5"^^ . . . "12"^^ . . "Warrior's Challenge"@en . "MartialArts_CobraStrike.png"@en . . . "Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. Today, martial arts are studied for various reasons including combat skills, sport, fitness, self-defense, self-cultivation (meditation), mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence. A practitioner of martial arts is referred to as a martial artist."@en . "Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They are studied for various different reasons, including improving combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, meditation, mental discipline, and character development. Martial arts were still a popular area of study in the 23rd century, so much so that Starfleet incorporated a martial arts dojo (or training hall) into the recreational facilities aboard their starships, such as the Constitution-class. (TOS novel: The Entropy Effect) Vulcans raised on the Vulcan homeworld practiced various forms of martial arts. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent) The Vulcan Tuvok was trained in not only Vulcan martial arts, but in the martial arts of many Alpha Quadrant cultures, such that he knew at least 94 ways of killing an person while unarmed. (VOY episode: \"Meld\") Jasmine Tey was trained in Klingon martial arts. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Plagues of Night)"@en . . . . . "Crane Kick"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . . . . . . "Martial arts is a great way to defend yourself, and relax yourself. It increases focus and makes youthink signifigantly about your actions."@en . "Martial Arts skill."@en . "Ranged, Foe Placate, Self Stealth/Hide"@en . . . . "Martial Arts is the skillset used by Steele in MARDEK. These skills are also used by the Mystery Man in Chapter 3."@en . . . "MartialArts_CraneKick.png"@en . . "Martial arts are an excellent form of exercise and self-defense from other humans. However, despite what film and television would have one believe, it is bordering on impossible to incapacitate a single zombie with the human fist or foot, and extremely foolish to grab one, since zombies bite. Do not try to kill a zombie with your bare hands. Some martial arts (like the Indonesian martial art silat) trains its practitioners to withstand and deliver lots of blows; avoid this kind of martial art. If one must fight a zombie, the shoves or strikes in the following styles may be used to topple a zombie, or create distance."@en . . . . . "Ever since humans were tiny cellular organisms there has been conflict between the macho and the weedy. This has often resulted that throughout the ages of weaker induviduals being excluded from activicties like sports, choice of location, breeding etc. That was of course, until along came Jackie Chan. Deciding to stir things up in this heirachy (just for the heck of it), he taught the weaklings and wimps of the world martial arts. Soon the small and the weedy held their own with the brawny. To prove this to unbelievers Japan made countless documentaries of these incidents. However the huge muscly people eventually caught on to the fiendish plot, learned martial arts, kicked various rectums and cosmic balance was restored to the universe."@en . . . . "Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage , Foe Knockback"@en . "Fire"@en . . . . . . . "coh"@en . . . "A practice of Mysticism through meditation and fighting techniques."@en . "This skill improves ground martial arts damage, as well as related abilities."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "MartialArts_EaglesClaw.png"@en . "The scroll states that there are a myriad of other styles. However, there are offshoots from the above and all have benefits. Study each of these arts from someone who is skilled in that way."@en . "Martial Arts mostly consist of the lower level skills and buffs, mostly consisting of attacks of a physical nature. Required Level: 0 A one-hit overhead attack, this skill comes with the character. Required Level: 5 This skill increses the Bagi's attack power and critical rate permanently. Also required to learn any other skills than Wild Bash. Required Level: 7 Another basic attack, this frontal attack hits one enemy twice. Required Level: 10 The Bagis first buff, this increses attack and movement speed for a short time. Required Level: 15 This is a slightly more advanced attack, consisting of 3 frontal attacks on one enemy followed by an AOE overhead attack. Required Level: 30 The Bagis second buff, this increses attack power for a short time Required Level: 50 This attack consists of 2 frontal hits to one enemy followed by a diving kick, knocking all near enemies back and electricuting them. Required Level: 60 This buff gives the Bagi the strength and speed of a raging bull, incresing both his attack speed and damage for a while. Casting it also damages and knocks back nearby enemies. Required Level: 50 This buff prevents the Bagi from being knocked back, but also nullifies his own knock-backs, making this a bitter-sweet exchange. Required Level: 37 This skill distorts the space around an enemy, causing them to be suspended in time momentaraly (stunning them), and attacking them twice in the process. This skill also attacks all nearby enemies 2 times Required Level: 67 This skill shows the true brutality of the Bagi, hitting a single enemy 6 times and ending with an AOE attack. Required Level: 82 This skill emenates a Bagis energy around him, causing damage to all surrounding enemies 4 times. The final hit knocks back and damages all nearby enemies."@en . . . "Martial Arts is defined as different techniques of attacking and self-defense, with the purpose of physical and/or spiritual self-improvement. Some fictional characters (especially if they have attained mastery), often pass regular limits and become akin to superhuman (there are a lot of tales and legends about the miracles that some real life martial artists were capable of all as well)."@en . . "Martial Arts are codified systems and traditions of various fighting styles and combat practices. They contain systematized methods of training for combat, both armed and unarmed, which are practiced for a variety of reasons. There are a large number of distinct styles and schools of martial arts. Sometimes, schools or styles are introduced by individual teachers or masters, or as a brand name by a specific gym. Martial arts can be grouped by type or focus, or alternatively by regional origin. Hybrid martial arts or Mixed Martial arts refer to martial arts or fighting systems that incorporate techniques and theories from several particular martial arts . While numerous martial arts borrow or adapt from other arts and to some extent could be considered hybrids, a hybrid martial art emphasizes its disparate origins."@en . "Melee, Superior Damage , Foe Minor Disorient, +Special"@en . . "Leg Sweep"@en . . "Channel the energy of the body to restore own HP."@en . . . . . "*Echani\n*K'tara\n*K'thri\n*Stava\n*The Force\n*Wrruushi"@en . . "MartialArts_ThunderKick.png"@en . "Eagle's Claw"@en . "Physical"@en . . . . "The term martial art has become heavily associated with the fighting arts of eastern Asia, but was originally used in regard to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. An English fencing manual of 1639 used the term in reference specifically to the \"Science and Art\" of swordplay. The term is ultimately derived from Latin, martial arts being the \"Arts of Mars,\" the Roman god of war. Some martial arts are considered 'traditional' and tied to an ethnic, cultural or religious background, while others are modern systems developed either by a founder or an association."@en . . . . "*Cerean\n*Human\n*Near-Human\n*Tarasin \n*Wookiee\n*Zabrak"@en . . . . . . . . "default.asp?x=starwars/livingforce/swlf20040415a"@en . . . "5"^^ . "One of Mind and Body"@en . . . . . . . "MartialArts_WarriorsChallenge.png"@en . . "Storm Kick"@en . . "Increases proficiency with hand-to-hand weapons (Unarmed, Katar, Pata, Bagh Nakhs, Cestus, Yawara, Tekko, Tekagi-Shuko, Brass Knuckles, Weighted-Knuckle Gloves, Vajra-Musti)."@en . . . . "Power Description The following Advantages can be purchased or are built in to this power: * Ranged * Double Damage * Armor Piercing * Yes Solvent (this power can be powered-up as part of a solvent package) * Seeker * Multi-Attack * Works in Melee * Area Effect Standard: (Cost: ) Description Superior: (Cost: ) Description Supreme: (Cost: ) Description Ultimate: (Cost: ) Description Special Notes:"@en . . . "*Datapad\n*Glow poles"@en . . . . . . . . . "Ever since humans were tiny cellular organisms there has been conflict between the macho and the weedy. This has often resulted that throughout the ages of weaker induviduals being excluded from activicties like sports, choice of location, breeding etc. That was of course, until along came Jackie Chan. Deciding to stir things up in this heirachy (just for the heck of it), he taught the weaklings and wimps of the world martial arts. Soon the small and the weedy held their own with the brawny. To prove this to unbelievers Japan made countless documentaries of these incidents."@en . ", where:\n* The solution is the damage dealt;\n* is the user's ATK;\n* is the user's STR;\n* is the user's level; and\n* is the target's DEF."@en . . . . . "Martial arts are an excellent form of exercise and self-defense from other humans. However, despite what film and television would have one believe, it is bordering on impossible to incapacitate a single zombie with the human fist or foot, and extremely foolish to grab one, since zombies bite. Do not try to kill a zombie with your bare hands. Some martial arts (like the Indonesian martial art silat) trains its practitioners to withstand and deliver lots of blows; avoid this kind of martial art. If one must fight a zombie, the shoves or strikes in the following styles may be used to topple a zombie, or create distance."@en . "Melee, High Damage , Knockback"@en . . . . . . . "*Speeder"@en . . . . . "*Jedi Order\n*Office of Peace and Security\n*The Five Masters\n*Wookiee Liberation Front"@en . . . "Melee, Moderate Damage"@en . . ", where:\n* The solution is the damage healed;\n* is the user's MDEF;\n* is the user's SPR; and\n* is the user's level."@en . "The gymnasium on board the Constitution-class and the Galaxy-class starship had martial arts areas. (TOS: \"Charlie X\" ; TNG: \"Clues\" , \"Second Chances\" ) Jadzia Dax was an expert in Klingon martial arts. (DS9: \"Facets\") Tuvok had extensive training in the martial arts of many Alpha Quadrant cultures. He knew of over ninety-four ways of killing someone using only a finger, a hand, or a foot. (VOY: \"Meld\")"@en . "Die 'Martial Arts' sind die \u00F6stlichen Kampftechniken. Wer sie erlernt, unterzieht sich einem intensiven Training, in dem er K\u00F6rperbeherrschung, Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit von Bewegungen sowie Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit."@de . "MartialArts_AssassinStrike.png"@en . . . . . . . "5"^^ . . . "The term Martial Art describes a multitude of sporting events generally centered around hand to hand combat. Some styles of Martial Arts are more artistic, such as Kung Fu or Karate. Some styles are almost therapeutic like Tai Chi. Some styles are wildly popular for competition such as Western Boxing or Muay Thai other styles are more practical for actual self defense like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Judo, or lethality like LINE Combatives. Almost all forms of Martial Arts have competitions on a wide range of levels from local dojos or gyms to international competitions as big as the Olympics. Martial Arts encompass a wide variety of strikes, throws, joint manipulations, and even lethal \"kill moves\" that usually target soft areas such as the throat and eyes. Martial Arts usually have a rank hierarchy, the most common being a colored belt system to show the level of achievement the athlete has shown. Martial Arts vary greatly in almost all aspects, united by the basic concept of using ones own body as a \"weapon.\" Some Martial Arts, however, do incorporate weapons."@en . . "Die 'Martial Arts' sind die \u00F6stlichen Kampftechniken. Wer sie erlernt, unterzieht sich einem intensiven Training, in dem er K\u00F6rperbeherrschung, Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit von Bewegungen sowie Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit."@de . "Attack fiercely. Twice as powerful as an average attack, but less accurate."@en . "Martial arts is a great way to defend yourself, and relax yourself. It increases focus and makes youthink signifigantly about your actions."@en . . . "The Martial arts skill is used when attacking or kicking enemies while wielding nothing. Monks and Samurai possess this skill, superior to the bare hands skill. The base damage for a Martial arts attack is d4, and all bare handed melee attacks enjoy at least a +2 to hit bonus. (+1 melee, +1 bare hands / martial arts at unskilled). A bare handed monk without body armor gets an additional bonus. When attacking using martial arts without a shield, there is a chance of dealing a staggering blow, knocking the enemy backwards."@en . . "Martial Arts is a strength based weapon proficiency that is used when fighting with no weapons equipped, or while wearing only Claws, Tonfas and/or Shields in your hands. Using a shield will incur the normal penalty to hit, but you may fight with multiple shields equipped without incurring any further penalties. Unarmed damage begins at 2d5+1. For every 8 levels in Martial Arts, the damage die is upgraded by 1 and the damage bonus is increased by another +1. So at level 8 MA, damage is 2d6+2; level 16, 2d7+3; level 24, 2d8+4; level 32, 2d9+5; and so on and so forth. This skill will improve the pierce component of unarmed attacks. The pierce percentual is (Martial Arts) / 5, with a minimum cap of 5% and a maximum cap of 50%. These are reached at 25 and 250 skill levels, respectively. Note that the damage die size increases nigh-infinitely, and that stacks with the damage multipliers. You aren't likely to find too many weapons with damage like 2d30+26 damage, which is what you have at around 200 skill level. This means that, while it doesn't look it on paper, the ultimate weapon in the game may well be a bare-fisted \"monk\" type of character. Since skills can go up to rank 2000, maximum damage is 2d255 + 251 damage... and that's before you even start on the multipliers. \n* +1% to hit bonus per level \n* +0.05 damage multiplier per 10 levels"@en . . . . . . "Crippling Axe Kick"@en . "Martial arts"@en . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Martial Arts/preload editintro=Martial Arts/editintro width=25"@en . . "Martial Arts"@de . "Two Sims sparring"@en . "MartialArts_Placate.png"@en . . . . "A Martial Arts Fighter in Middle-Earth might be: \n* Dyrian fighter \n* a Maia of Tulkas' People \n* a descendant of the Caranchor-i-gaer \n* a Ky'taari Monk \n* a Member of the Darin Tesarath \n* a Monk of Ereg Eiren \n* an orcish Pitfighter \n* a Servant Of Tulkas or Tulkashildi \n* a W\u00F4maw Wrestler \n* a Yarkbalka-style fighter"@en . "The Unarmed Power Framework is the most \"natural\" Framework. The powers it provides can easily be ascribed to real masters of Martial arts. *This page needs editing. Powers have changed, tables need editing.*"@en . . . "Cobra Strike"@en . . . "Intrinsic to the Assassin's arsenal of abilities is her incredible prowess in the mysterious Martial Arts style of the Viz-Jaq'taar. Martial Arts skills come in two forms, Charge-up Skills and Finishing Moves. A Charge-up Skill is an attack that adds a \"charge\" for each successive hit within a short time frame. While each Charge-up attack deals normal damage, the charges continue to accumulate until triggered or until the time limit runs out. To trigger the accumulated charges, strike a monster with either a normal attack or one of the Finishing Moves. A Finishing Move doesn't just trigger the release of the accumulated charges-it also adds a powerful effect of its own. Furthermore, by building up a succession of different Charge-up Skills, Assassins can generate a potent combination of effects. Assassins are specially trained in the use of exotic Claw-class weaponry, and some of their skills can be used only when armed with these weapons."@en . . "Sims can train at the Phoenix Academy of Martial Arts in Shang Simla. However, Sims may purchase a training dummy, Board Breaker, and books to train at home. Sims get different color belts at different levels, just as real martial artists do, and apparently, Sims are using The Black Tiger-Kung Fu (or in this case Sim Fu) style."@en . "Lunge"@en . . "Thunder Kick"@en . . . "The term Martial Art describes a multitude of sporting events generally centered around hand to hand combat. Some styles of Martial Arts are more artistic, such as Kung Fu or Karate. Some styles are almost therapeutic like Tai Chi. Some styles are wildly popular for competition such as Western Boxing or Muay Thai other styles are more practical for actual self defense like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Judo, or lethality like LINE Combatives. Almost all forms of Martial Arts have competitions on a wide range of levels from local dojos or gyms to international competitions as big as the Olympics."@en . . . . . "Martial Arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They may be studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation/meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence, or any combination of the above. There is a great diversity and abundance of martial arts but, broadly speaking, martial arts share a common goal: to defeat a person physically or to defend oneself from physical threat."@en . . . . . . "Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. Today, martial arts are studied for various reasons including combat skills, sport, fitness, self-defense, self-cultivation (meditation), mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence. A practitioner of martial arts is referred to as a martial artist."@en . . "MartialArts_StormKick.png"@en . "Placate"@en . "Your Chuck Norris course has paid off! Now you can put your feet where you want... and more often than not they'll be on your opponent's ugly face. 7/10"@en . . "Steele"@en . . . . . . . . . "Martial Arts are codified systems and traditions of various fighting styles and combat practices. They contain systematized methods of training for combat, both armed and unarmed, which are practiced for a variety of reasons. There are a large number of distinct styles and schools of martial arts. Sometimes, schools or styles are introduced by individual teachers or masters, or as a brand name by a specific gym. Martial arts can be grouped by type or focus, or alternatively by regional origin."@en . "Co"@en . "The gymnasium on board the Constitution-class and the Galaxy-class starship had martial arts areas. (TOS: \"Charlie X\" ; TNG: \"Clues\" , \"Second Chances\" ) Jadzia Dax was an expert in Klingon martial arts. (DS9: \"Facets\") Tuvok had extensive training in the martial arts of many Alpha Quadrant cultures. He knew of over ninety-four ways of killing someone using only a finger, a hand, or a foot. (VOY: \"Meld\")"@en . "Martial Arts"@en . . . . . . . . . "cov"@en . . . "The Martial arts skill is used when attacking or kicking enemies while wielding nothing. Monks and Samurai possess this skill, superior to the bare hands skill. The base damage for a Martial arts attack is d4, and all bare handed melee attacks enjoy at least a +2 to hit bonus. (+1 melee, +1 bare hands / martial arts at unskilled). A bare handed monk without body armor gets an additional bonus. When attacking using martial arts without a shield, there is a chance of dealing a staggering blow, knocking the enemy backwards."@en . . . "Self +Damage, +Accuracy"@en . "Melee, Minor Damage , Minor Disorient"@en . . "Has an accuracy of 70%."@en . . . "Scrapper"@en . . . "A practice of Mysticism through meditation and fighting techniques."@en . . . . . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Martial Arts/preload editintro=Martial Arts/editintro width=25"@en . . . . . "*Barnab Chistor\n*\"Master in Black\"\n*\"Master in Green\"\n*\"Master in Purple\"\n*\"Master in Red\"\n*\"Master in White\""@en . . . . "Stalker"@en . . "Assassin's Blow"@en . "Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They are studied for various different reasons, including improving combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, meditation, mental discipline, and character development. Martial arts were still a popular area of study in the 23rd century, so much so that Starfleet incorporated a martial arts dojo (or training hall) into the recreational facilities aboard their starships, such as the Constitution-class. (TOS novel: The Entropy Effect)"@en . . . "Start"@en . "5"^^ . . . "5"^^ . . "Dragon's Tail"@en . . . . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . . . "Focus Chi"@en . . . . . "Ranged, Foe Taunt"@en . . . . "Fierce Strike"@en . . . . . . . "The term martial art has become heavily associated with the fighting arts of eastern Asia, but was originally used in regard to the combat systems of Europe as early as the 1550s. An English fencing manual of 1639 used the term in reference specifically to the \"Science and Art\" of swordplay. The term is ultimately derived from Latin, martial arts being the \"Arts of Mars,\" the Roman god of war. Some martial arts are considered 'traditional' and tied to an ethnic, cultural or religious background, while others are modern systems developed either by a founder or an association."@en . "Martial Arts"@en . . "MartialArts_CripplingHookKick.png"@en . . . . "*Coruscant\n*Cularin system\n**Almas \n**Cularin\n***Gadrin\n***Five Masters Academy\n*Outer Rim Territories \n*Thaere"@en . . . . . . . . . "0"^^ . "MartialArts_FocusChi.png"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . "Your Chuck Norris course has paid off! Now you can put your feet where you want... and more often than not they'll be on your opponent's ugly face. 7/10"@en . . . . . . . . . . "32"^^ . . "Martial Arts"@en . . . "12"^^ . . . . . "18"^^ . . "MartialArts_MonkeySweep.png"@en . "Martial Arts is defined as different techniques of attacking and self-defense, with the purpose of physical and/or spiritual self-improvement. Some fictional characters (especially if they have attained mastery), often pass regular limits and become akin to superhuman (there are a lot of tales and legends about the miracles that some real life martial artists were capable of all as well)."@en . . . "Martial Arts is the skillset used by Steele in MARDEK. These skills are also used by the Mystery Man in Chapter 3."@en . . . . . "26"^^ . . "5"^^ . . . . . . . "2"^^ . . . . "Increases proficiency with hand-to-hand weapons (Unarmed, Katar, Pata, Bagh Nakhs, Cestus, Yawara, Tekko, Tekagi-Shuko, Brass Knuckles, Weighted-Knuckle Gloves, Vajra-Musti)."@en . . . "1"^^ . "6"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . . . . . "This is the innate characteristic for ."@en . "12"^^ . . . "Sims can train at the Phoenix Academy of Martial Arts in Shang Simla. However, Sims may purchase a training dummy, Board Breaker, and books to train at home. Sims get different color belts at different levels, just as real martial artists do, and apparently, Sims are using The Black Tiger-Kung Fu (or in this case Sim Fu) style."@en . . . "Power Description The following Advantages can be purchased or are built in to this power: * Ranged * Double Damage * Armor Piercing * Yes Solvent (this power can be powered-up as part of a solvent package) * Seeker * Multi-Attack * Works in Melee * Area Effect Standard: (Cost: ) Description Superior: (Cost: ) Description Supreme: (Cost: ) Description Ultimate: (Cost: ) Description Special Notes:"@en . . . "Martial Arts mostly consist of the lower level skills and buffs, mostly consisting of attacks of a physical nature. Required Level: 0 A one-hit overhead attack, this skill comes with the character. Required Level: 5 This skill increses the Bagi's attack power and critical rate permanently. Also required to learn any other skills than Wild Bash. Required Level: 7 Another basic attack, this frontal attack hits one enemy twice. Required Level: 10 The Bagis first buff, this increses attack and movement speed for a short time. Required Level: 15 Required Level: 30 Required Level: 50 Required Level: 60"@en . . . . "Melee"@en . . . . "Chakra"@en . . . "Melee, Moderate Damage , Foe Immobilize, -Speed, -Fly"@en . "Intrinsic to the Assassin's arsenal of abilities is her incredible prowess in the mysterious Martial Arts style of the Viz-Jaq'taar. Martial Arts skills come in two forms, Charge-up Skills and Finishing Moves. A Charge-up Skill is an attack that adds a \"charge\" for each successive hit within a short time frame. While each Charge-up attack deals normal damage, the charges continue to accumulate until triggered or until the time limit runs out. To trigger the accumulated charges, strike a monster with either a normal attack or one of the Finishing Moves. A Finishing Move doesn't just trigger the release of the accumulated charges-it also adds a powerful effect of its own. Furthermore, by building up a succession of different Charge-up Skills, Assassins can generate a potent combination of ef"@en . . . . . "Martial Arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They may be studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation/meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence, or any combination of the above. There is a great diversity and abundance of martial arts but, broadly speaking, martial arts share a common goal: to defeat a person physically or to defend oneself from physical threat. Includes various Martial Arts techniques and fighting styles. Very few characters should be categorized directly under Martial Arts. Whenever possible, characters should be categorized under the sub-category of the martial arts form(s) that they are most proficient in. Some characters are proficient in more than one style. The only exception to this should be if a character's fighting style is unknown or unidentifiable (such as Green Arrow), or in the case of Batman, a character is an expert in so many different martial arts styles that cataloging them all is practically impossible. Note: Expertise in Martial Arts implies proficiency in and . This category and all sub-categories should be used in place of the lesser fighting forms, not in addition to."@en . . . . . . "Melee, Special Damage"@en . . "Melee, Minor Damage , Foe Disorient"@en . . "Martial Arts is a strength based weapon proficiency that is used when fighting with no weapons equipped, or while wearing only Claws, Tonfas and/or Shields in your hands. Using a shield will incur the normal penalty to hit, but you may fight with multiple shields equipped without incurring any further penalties. Unarmed damage begins at 2d5+1. For every 8 levels in Martial Arts, the damage die is upgraded by 1 and the damage bonus is increased by another +1. So at level 8 MA, damage is 2d6+2; level 16, 2d7+3; level 24, 2d8+4; level 32, 2d9+5; and so on and so forth."@en . "The Unarmed Power Framework is the most \"natural\" Framework. The powers it provides can easily be ascribed to real masters of Martial arts. *This page needs editing. Powers have changed, tables need editing.*"@en . . . . . . "A Martial Arts Fighter in Middle-Earth might be: \n* Dyrian fighter \n* a Maia of Tulkas' People \n* a descendant of the Caranchor-i-gaer \n* a Ky'taari Monk \n* a Member of the Darin Tesarath \n* a Monk of Ereg Eiren \n* an orcish Pitfighter \n* a Servant Of Tulkas or Tulkashildi \n* a W\u00F4maw Wrestler \n* a Yarkbalka-style fighter"@en . . . .