. . "The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is noted for its demographic tracking of extreme longevity. It is located in Rostock, Germany, and was founded in 1996. It is one of approximately 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society. The MPIDR is jointly led by founding director James Vaupel and Mikko Myrskyla, who in 2014 followed Joshua R. Goldstein who had in 2007 taken the post of retired Jan Hoem. After the Institut national d'\u00E9tudes d\u00E9mographiques, the MPIDR is the largest demographic research body in Europe and one of the largest in the world. Conducting basic research into demographic processes, it analyzes the underlying causes of demographic change, describes contemporary demographic trends, produces forecasts for the future direction of demographic processes, highlights the potential consequences facing society, and assists decision-makers in the various political and social institutions by providing them with solid information and expert advice. Currently, the MPIDR houses eight research laboratories: Evolutionary Biodemography, Survival and Longevity, Economic and Social Demography, Contemporary European Fertility and Family Dynamics, Demographic Data, Statistical Demography, Population and Policy, and Historical Demography. The institute is participating in four international doctoral training programs: The International Max Planck Research School for Demography, the European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD), the MaxNet Aging Research School (MNARS), and the PhD program Demography at Rostock University. Within the framework of the Rostock Center, a joint initiative between the MPIDR and Rostock University, the institute provides decision-makers in politics and society with information and expert advice on the causes and consequences of demographic change. Since 2009, the MPIDR hosts Population Europe - the collaborative network of Europe\u2019s leading demographic research institutes and centres - whose main activity is to the disseminate policy relevant demographic research findings."@en . . . . "Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research"@en . . "The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is noted for its demographic tracking of extreme longevity. It is located in Rostock, Germany, and was founded in 1996. It is one of approximately 80 institutes of the Max Planck Society. The MPIDR is jointly led by founding director James Vaupel and Mikko Myrskyla, who in 2014 followed Joshua R. Goldstein who had in 2007 taken the post of retired Jan Hoem."@en . . .