. "Fort Lincoln"@en . . . "Fort Lincoln was a settlement on the planet Mars and was located in the Sol system. The position of Fort Lincoln allowed it to oversee Gundersdotter's Dome and thus witnessed the act of sabotage by the Consortium's militiamen that killed several dozen Humans as well as saw the assassination of Rayla Gundersdotter. In 2375, Hu-Lin Raddisson used a holographic representation of the event during her meeting with Commander William T. Riker. (TOS novel: Preserver)"@en . "Fort Lincoln was a settlement on the planet Mars and was located in the Sol system. The position of Fort Lincoln allowed it to oversee Gundersdotter's Dome and thus witnessed the act of sabotage by the Consortium's militiamen that killed several dozen Humans as well as saw the assassination of Rayla Gundersdotter. In 2375, Hu-Lin Raddisson used a holographic representation of the event during her meeting with Commander William T. Riker. (TOS novel: Preserver)"@en . . . .