. . . "12th of Morning Star Mistress Gimbert, Felicitous Greetings This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of your shipment of my latest order of books, to wit: - The Five Points of the Star - Sacred Rites of the Stonechewers - Twin Secrets - Relics of St. Veloth - Cheeses of Tamriel The last item on the list came as something of a surprise. Checking my records, I see that the fifth book should have been \"Boethiah and Her Avatars.\" I understand it is easy to make such an oversight, but I would appreciate it if you could rectify the error at your earliest possible convenience. Yours in Arcane Scholarship, Lady Cinnabar Tower of the Fifth Doctrine Taneth"@en . "Receipt for Arcane Tomes"@en . . . . "No"@en . "12th of Morning Star Mistress Gimbert, Felicitous Greetings This letter serves to acknowledge receipt of your shipment of my latest order of books, to wit: - The Five Points of the Star - Sacred Rites of the Stonechewers - Twin Secrets - Relics of St. Veloth - Cheeses of Tamriel The last item on the list came as something of a surprise. Checking my records, I see that the fifth book should have been \"Boethiah and Her Avatars.\" I understand it is easy to make such an oversight, but I would appreciate it if you could rectify the error at your earliest possible convenience."@en . . . . "Receipt for Arcane Tomes"@en . . "Lady Cinnabar of Taneth"@en . "Receipt for Arcane Tomes"@en . "No"@en . .