. . . . . . "Capitaine"@fr . . . . "2151"^^ . . . "Male"@en . . . "Sopek was a Vulcan male alive in the 22nd century. In the 2150s, Sopek was a member of the Vulcan High Command and in command of the Vulcan starship Ni'Var. In 2151, Captain Sopek was sent to Coridan III to bring Subcommander T'Pol back to Vulcan following the destruction of the P'Jem monastery. (ENT episode: \"Shadows of P'Jem\") In 2155, when rumor began to spread about an ongoing Romulan plot to attack the Coalition of Planets, Sopek's death was faked and he went undercover as the Romulan Ch'uihv. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru)"@en . "Sopek was a Vulcan male alive in the 22nd century. In the 2150s, Sopek was a member of the Vulcan High Command and in command of the Vulcan starship Ni'Var. In 2151, Captain Sopek was sent to Coridan III to bring Subcommander T'Pol back to Vulcan following the destruction of the P'Jem monastery. (ENT episode: \"Shadows of P'Jem\") In 2155, when rumor began to spread about an ongoing Romulan plot to attack the Coalition of Planets, Sopek's death was faked and he went undercover as the Romulan Ch'uihv. (ENT novel: Kobayashi Maru) There, he assumed leadership of the Ejhoi Ormiin, a Romulan dissident group. His group kidnapped the Romulan scientist Ehrehin, who had been working on a warp seven drive for the Romulan Empire. Ch'uihv murdered Section 31 agent Tinh Hoc Phuong. Fellow operative Charles Tucker III and the Romulan Ehrehin escaped from Ch'uihv's grasp, with Ehrehin returning to Romulus and Tucker returning to Earth. (ENT novel: The Good That Men Do)"@en . . "intelligence agent"@en . . . . . "Sopek \u00E9tait un Vulcain, officier commandant du Ni'Var dans les ann\u00E9es 2150."@fr . . . . "no"@en . "Sopek"@en . . "male"@en . "Captain Sopek ca. 2151."@en . . . . "Sopek"@en . . . "Sopek was a Vulcan officer and the captain of the Vulcan ship Ni'Var in the early 2150s. Sopek was the senior Vulcan officer in the Coridan sector and was accordingly kept under close surveillance by the Andorian Imperial Guard. After Archer and T'Pol were rescued, rebel leader Traeg attempted to shoot Sopek. T'Pol pushed Sopek out of harm's way, taking the shot herself. As T'Pol recovered from her injury, Archer convinced Sopek to ask the High Command to reconsider her transfer in light of recent events. (ENT: \"Shadows of P'Jem\")"@en . "Alive"@en . . "Sopek"@en . . . . "Sopek"@de . . "Sopek"@fr . "Ni'Var"@fr . . . . "thumb|Sopek (2151) Sopek ist ein Vulkanier und kommandiert im Jahr 2151 die Ni'Var. Er ist der rangh\u00F6chste Offizier eines Sektors, zu dem auch Coridan geh\u00F6rt. Er wird heimlich von andorianischen Soldaten abgeh\u00F6rt. Sopek wurde von Gregory Itzin gespielt und von Dieter Memel synchronisiert."@de . "Ch'uihv"@en . "Sopek"@cs . "Sopek was a Vulcan officer and the captain of the Vulcan ship Ni'Var in the early 2150s. Sopek was the senior Vulcan officer in the Coridan sector and was accordingly kept under close surveillance by the Andorian Imperial Guard. In 2151, the Vulcan High Command sent Sopek to transfer T'Pol off Enterprise NX-01 and back to Vulcan due to her role in the destruction of the sacred Vulcan monastery of P'Jem. After T'Pol and Captain Jonathan Archer were abducted by one of the many rebel factions on Coridan, Sopek led a heavily-armed landing party to rescue them, unaware that Enterprise crewmembers, with the help of Andorian officers Shran and Tholos, were conducting a rescue mission of their own. After Archer and T'Pol were rescued, rebel leader Traeg attempted to shoot Sopek. T'Pol pushed Sopek out of harm's way, taking the shot herself. As T'Pol recovered from her injury, Archer convinced Sopek to ask the High Command to reconsider her transfer in light of recent events. (ENT: \"Shadows of P'Jem\") Sopek was played by Gregory Itzin. In the script for \"Shadows of P'Jem\" (both the first draft and the final draft), Sopek was described thus; \"He's haughty and officious, in that stoic Vulcan way.\" In the non-canon Star Trek: Enterprise \"relaunch\" novel The Good That Men Do, Sopek appears on Romulus, posing as a Romulan dissident leader named \"Ch'uihv\". In Kobayashi Maru, it is revealed that Sopek is working as a V'Shar operative, reporting back to Vulcan on the status of the Romulan threat. Despite previously trying to kill fellow undercover spy Commander Tucker, he later saves his life due to a request from a friend of T'Pol's."@en . "Sopek"@fr . . "Masculin"@fr . . "Sopek \u00E9tait un Vulcain, officier commandant du Ni'Var dans les ann\u00E9es 2150."@fr . "V roce 2151 poslalo Vulk\u00E1nsk\u00E9 vrchn\u00ED velen\u00ED Sopeka, aby p\u0159evezl T'Pol z Enterprise NX-1 zp\u011Bt na Vulk\u00E1n, kv\u016Fli jej\u00ED roli ve zni\u010Den\u00ED kl\u00E1\u0161tera P'Jem. Pot\u00E9, co byli T'Pol a kapit\u00E1n Jonathan Archer uneseni coridansk\u00FDmi rebely, vydal se Sopek s ozbrojen\u00FDm t\u00FDmem na povrch, aby je zachr\u00E1nil. Mezit\u00EDm, v\u0161ak \u010Dlenov\u00E9 pos\u00E1dky Enterprise, s pomoc\u00ED Andorian\u016F Shrana a Tholose vytvo\u0159ili sv\u016Fj vlastn\u00ED z\u00E1chrann\u00FD t\u00FDm. Pot\u00E9, co byli T'Pol a Archer zachr\u00E1n\u011Bni, vyst\u0159elil v\u016Fdce rebel\u016F Traeg na Sopeka z phaseru. T'Pol ho strhla k zemi, ale sama byla post\u0159elena. Vzhledem k jej\u00EDmu zran\u011Bn\u00ED, a s p\u0159ihl\u00E9dnut\u00EDm k tomu, \u017Ee mu zachr\u00E1nila \u017Eivot, Sopek se rozhodl T'Pol na Vulk\u00E1n nep\u0159iv\u00E9zt. (ENT: Shadows of P'Jem)"@cs . "leader, Ejhoi Ormiin"@en . "thumb|Sopek (2151) Sopek ist ein Vulkanier und kommandiert im Jahr 2151 die Ni'Var. Er ist der rangh\u00F6chste Offizier eines Sektors, zu dem auch Coridan geh\u00F6rt. Er wird heimlich von andorianischen Soldaten abgeh\u00F6rt. Sopek wird 2151 zur Enterprise geschickt, um Subcommander T'Pol zur\u00FCck zum Planeten Vulkan zu bringen. Als sie und Captain Archer von radikalen Splittergruppen auf Coridan entf\u00FChrt werden, f\u00FChrt er ein Einsatzkommando an und versucht die beiden zu befreien. T'Pol rettet in diesem Einsatz sein Leben, wof\u00FCr er sie vor dem vulkanischen Oberkommando unterst\u00FCtzt. Dadurch kann T'Pol weiterhin an Bord der Enterprise bleiben. (ENT: ) Sopek wurde von Gregory Itzin gespielt und von Dieter Memel synchronisiert."@de . "Captain of the Ni'Var"@en . "vul"@en . "V roce 2151 poslalo Vulk\u00E1nsk\u00E9 vrchn\u00ED velen\u00ED Sopeka, aby p\u0159evezl T'Pol z Enterprise NX-1 zp\u011Bt na Vulk\u00E1n, kv\u016Fli jej\u00ED roli ve zni\u010Den\u00ED kl\u00E1\u0161tera P'Jem. Pot\u00E9, co byli T'Pol a kapit\u00E1n Jonathan Archer uneseni coridansk\u00FDmi rebely, vydal se Sopek s ozbrojen\u00FDm t\u00FDmem na povrch, aby je zachr\u00E1nil. Mezit\u00EDm, v\u0161ak \u010Dlenov\u00E9 pos\u00E1dky Enterprise, s pomoc\u00ED Andorian\u016F Shrana a Tholose vytvo\u0159ili sv\u016Fj vlastn\u00ED z\u00E1chrann\u00FD t\u00FDm."@cs . . .