. . . "Headquarters of the Planegazers"@en . "The Headquarters of the Planegazers is a secret office and prison hidden underground somewhere on the eastern part of the Tibian map. It can be accessed by entering an Energy Portal located inside the Gnome Deep Hub's Forge, but only after the correct steps are taken (see: Opticording Sphere Quest). The Planegazers were a group of scientists and explorers trying to gather more information regarding what they cave called the Planestride, an unknown entity which has visited Tibia a few times and left different magical marks. As far as it is known, these group is now extinct and only some buildings and documents written by them were left behind. Inside the Headquarters, there are some documents that shed some light on what the Planegazers were doing: \n* Diary of Luis (Book) - This book is actually found before the Headquarter's entrance and was written by Luis, who apparently had the task of being the Gatekeeper of the Planegazers for 426 days before abandoning his post. \n* Council Dispute (Book) - Written by a former secretary of the group, this meeting report explains what seems to be the beginning of the Planegazer's end, caused by their then Leader Dolis' lack of caution. \n* Research Notes of Dolis I (Book) - These notes clarify some of the Planegazer's progress in their research, as well as how they have came to capture some of the prisioners currently locked inside the Headquarters. \n* Research Notes of Dolis II (Book) - These notes describe the Planegazer's exploration of Fiehonja, as well as their discoveries regarding The Cubes. \n* The Travelling Savant (Book) - This book tells the story about a magician from Edron and his travels around Tibia. There are also 3 prisoners NPCs in the Headquaters: the Deepling WOX, the extra-dimensional Yielothax and the Glimpse of Allusion from Roshamuul. Each one of them tell a little bit about their story. Furthermore, you'll also find a portal to the Chamber of Reflections, where you have a chance to fight Dolis in its creature form, the Last Planegazer."@en . . "The Headquarters of the Planegazers is a secret office and prison hidden underground somewhere on the eastern part of the Tibian map. It can be accessed by entering an Energy Portal located inside the Gnome Deep Hub's Forge, but only after the correct steps are taken (see: Opticording Sphere Quest). Inside the Headquarters, there are some documents that shed some light on what the Planegazers were doing: Furthermore, you'll also find a portal to the Chamber of Reflections, where you have a chance to fight Dolis in its creature form, the Last Planegazer."@en . .