"\u0415\u0434\u0438\u043D\u0430\u044F \u0421\u0438\u043B\u0430"@en . "The Unifying Force was an aspect of the Force that bound the light side and dark sides of the Force together, ensuring a continuous cosmic balance between both."@en . . "\u30E6\u30CB\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30F3\u30B0\u30FB\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30B9"@en . . . . . . "Visions of the future were of particular significance to Unifying Force supporters. Yoda was one of the most adamant proponents of heeding visions of the future, though he did not adhere to many of the other views common with the Unifying Force. Many of these Jedi believed a similar philosophy focusing on the flow of time as a whole, ignoring primary use of the Living Force. Voices for the latter espoused a philosophy of \"live for the moment\" and heavily relied on their instincts. This viewpoint might have allowed the Jedi Order to stave off the conflict that gave rise to the Galactic Empire, as its members lost themselves in looking forward rather than analyzing the unfolding events before them. Yoda later espoused beliefs closer to the philosophy of the Living Force when training Luke Sk"@en . . "Visions of the future were of particular significance to Unifying Force supporters. Yoda was one of the most adamant proponents of heeding visions of the future, though he did not adhere to many of the other views common with the Unifying Force. Many of these Jedi believed a similar philosophy focusing on the flow of time as a whole, ignoring primary use of the Living Force. Voices for the latter espoused a philosophy of \"live for the moment\" and heavily relied on their instincts. This viewpoint might have allowed the Jedi Order to stave off the conflict that gave rise to the Galactic Empire, as its members lost themselves in looking forward rather than analyzing the unfolding events before them. Yoda later espoused beliefs closer to the philosophy of the Living Force when training Luke Skywalker on Dagobah. Ironically, Emperor Palpatine, known as Darth Sidious, also supported this belief in the Unifying Force. He agreed that there was only one Force: the only difference worthy of note was that the Sith saw the Force as a means to an end while the Jedi saw it as an end in itself. This view was also supported by Vergere, who taught Jacen Solo that there was no light side or dark side of the Force\u2014only the Unifying Force. Vergere also told Solo that \"the Force was everything, and everything was the Force;\" that the Force did not have sides and never took sides. However, the Sith Lord Darth Plagueis disagreed with this belief. His own studies of the Force had indicated to him that there was a clear and obvious distinction between the light and dark sides."@en . . . "The Unifying Force was an aspect of the Force that bound the light side and dark sides of the Force together, ensuring a continuous cosmic balance between both."@en . . . . . "\uD1B5\uD569 \uD3EC\uC2A4"@en . . . "Unifying Force"@en . .