. "The game revolves around Link's quest to awaken the Wind Fish. The book more-or-less follows the same plot as the game; however, there are a few differences in plot from the game. Some of the additional information in the manga is added to explain certain points and give comic relief. One major addition is Felicia who acts as Link's Fairy sidekick during his quest."@en . . "The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (manga)"@en . "The game revolves around Link's quest to awaken the Wind Fish. The book more-or-less follows the same plot as the game; however, there are a few differences in plot from the game. Some of the additional information in the manga is added to explain certain points and give comic relief. One major addition is Felicia who acts as Link's Fairy sidekick during his quest. Much like the game itself, Link travels throughout Koholint Island to obtain the Instruments of the Sirens. In the manga, however, the Owl takes on many of the characteristics that are given to the Wind Fish in-game. As the game reveals that the two entities are connected, if not the same, the manga emits this idea. Marin also plays a bigger role, escalating the romantic chemistry between the two."@en . . . .