. . "At its onset, the Glorious Armada of the Golden Empire consisted entirely of Massassi warriors and droids. Massassi served as both officers and enlisted personnel. However, as the Empire began to expand, new species were incorporated into the military and the droids were gradually phased down, then out, and the vital importance of the Massassi declined. However, as with the training of enlisted personnel, on-the-job training by the Massassi (and by Tariun Sakaros and Keltrayu, for senior commanders) proved woefully insufficient to provide education for the many officers it took to crew the Prime Fleet, lead the Army, and man the starfighters."@en . . . "At its onset, the Glorious Armada of the Golden Empire consisted entirely of Massassi warriors and droids. Massassi served as both officers and enlisted personnel. However, as the Empire began to expand, new species were incorporated into the military and the droids were gradually phased down, then out, and the vital importance of the Massassi declined. However, as with the training of enlisted personnel, on-the-job training by the Massassi (and by Tariun Sakaros and Keltrayu, for senior commanders) proved woefully insufficient to provide education for the many officers it took to crew the Prime Fleet, lead the Army, and man the starfighters. Bases were established only on very loyal, easily-defendable systems. Locations which had previously been without the requisite technology were given planetary shields and various ground weapons emplacements to defend themselves against attack. As time went on, most such bases also acquired small Army garrisons and a squad or two of fighters. Training standards were set by the various High Commands of the Army and Starfleet. All training was conducted entirely in Orhyo, and unlike training for enlisted personnel, officer candidates were not allowed translator droids or other translation aids. All candidates shared the special paygrade of OT (\"Officer Trainee\"). Candidates of the Army and Navy were given the rank \"Cadet\"; RSC candidates were titled \"Cadet Pilot\"."@en . "Officer Training Institutes of the Golden Empire"@en .