. "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, commonly known as the British Empire, United Kingdom (UK) or simply Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain (a term sometimes also loosely applied to the whole state), the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. The UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea in the east, the English Channel in the south and the Irish Sea in the west. British Empire maintains one of the largest empires the world had ever seen, comprised of Kingdoms, colonies, dominions and/or protectorates in North America, Asia and Africa. The empire covered more than 18,983,092 sq mi, almost a quarter of the Earth's total land area. The UK's form of government is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Its capital city is London, an important global city with the second largest urban area in the European Union. The current British monarch - since 6 February 1952 - is Queen Elizabeth II. The United Kingdom consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The latter three have devolved administrations, each with varying powers, based in their capital cities, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast, respectively."@en . . . "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, commonly known as the British Empire, United Kingdom (UK) or simply Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain (a term sometimes also loosely applied to the whole state), the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. The UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea in the east, the English Channel in the south and the Irish Sea in the west."@en . . "United Kingdom (Colony Crisis Averted)"@en . . . . .