"Brother= Tom Hussah"@en . . "Hussah, Miles Von"@en . . . "1.98m"@en . "Coronet City, Corellia"@en . "Father= Tom Hussah"@en . "198.0"^^ . "Cadet"@en . "MIles Von Hussah"@en . "None"@en . . "23"^^ . "Mother= Sarah Hussah"@en . . "TSGE"@en . "After meeting with a recruitment officer, Verica, his answers were deemed satisfactory by the prestigious Empress Tatiana Renkl-Rayner, which he proceeded to disrespect with too informal a thank you.Background\nBorn into an upper class family on Corellia, Miles grew up in luxury. He had an easy childhood, well, it would have been if not for the strict regime of his father, who was intent on him being initiated into the Navy of TSGE. However, he was never nearly so hardly worked as his older brother, Tom, like his father's name. This meant, he learnt these lessons, but never fully appreciated them. He has a fair knowledge of firearms, martial arts of his home world and flight of basic ships, but is not particularly adept at these things. Growing up in the shadow of his brother was difficult, worse was how much he loved his brother andhis father. Never proving himself as greatly to his father, and never being able to. He was an angry child, but also began to become lazy during adolescence. Unable to keep up with his father's strict discipline, at the age of 17 he was exiled from his family till he was willing again to join in with his father's wishes. For a while, he lived on the street, scraping to get by, utilising the abilities of survival taught by his father. Almost instantly as he became aclimatised to living on the streets, learning tricks to get him by, and how to act around the common folk, his brother was killed in action on a dangerous mission. He crushingly found out in a newsdisk he found in a bin. Upon attempting to find his family again, he realised they had moved from the family home, and were long gone. He drowned himself in contrabands for a short period, but soon grew above it. He decided the best way to honour his brother was to join the organisation that they grew up trying to get to. Organising the funds was difficult, he joined a fight club, in which he was beaten almost daily. However, he was quickly able to raise the creds required to leave the dump of a life he'd been living for the past 6 years and hopped onto one of the very few pilots in the area who had no previous offences with the Sovereign Galactic Empire.=Family=\nMiles no longer has any contact with his family. Nor does he have any real friends. He is almost alone in the universe, but his wallet and his fists."@en . "Blonde"@en . . "Grey"@en . "After meeting with a recruitment officer, Verica, his answers were deemed satisfactory by the prestigious Empress Tatiana Renkl-Rayner, which he proceeded to disrespect with too informal a thank you.Background\nOrganising the funds was difficult, he joined a fight club, in which he was beaten almost daily. However, he was quickly able to raise the creds required to leave the dump of a life he'd been living for the past 6 years and hopped onto one of the very few pilots in the area who had no previous offences with the Sovereign Galactic Empire.=Family=\n"@en . . "Human"@en . . "Miles Von Hussah"@en . "None"@en .