"Sel: Guuuys! Let me get a word in, too!"@en . "Birp: Let\u2019s consult the map."@en . "Yai: Hmmm, I wonder what that could be\u2026"@en . "Bern: Heheh!"@en . "Bern: Yes! Got another chocobo at the Crag of Holla! Get ready, San d\u2019Oria! Bern\u2019s comin\u2019 at ya! \n\nToday\u2019s Lesson: Cheaters never prosper. \n\nWell, there you have it. The Lost Chocobo game, pushing adventurers to strive against each other for every second that may count. Adventurers can now confirm the time for each route, and many have become eager to try out more difficult courses. \n\nHopefully this report will be helpful to those who have yet to challenge the Lost Chocobo game!"@en . "Rookie reporter. Author of this article."@en . "Sel: Riiight. You\u2019re all bark and no bite."@en . "Battle Plan: Go with the flow."@en . "Birp: Pretty much what I expected. \n\nRetired"@en . "Fen: Calm it down, guys!"@en . "Aba: Think he tried to get a ride on the ship?"@en . "DRK Lv52/BLM Lv18"@en . "Objectively analyze the fastest member among the other five Dreamers. Of course, that means targeting Fen and following. \n\nFen"@en . "Aba: I aaalmost had it...!"@en . "Yai: Which way is fastest?"@en . "Fen: Hmm..."@en . "speed over strategy \nframe|right|Sel gallops with flair but choosesspeed over strategy]]\nSel"@en . "Sel: Buburimu? Don\u2019t tell me he went to Mhaura!"@en . "Yai: He was with me until we reached the Buburimu Peninsula..."@en . "Battle Plan: Slow and steady wins the race."@en . "12"^^ . "PLD Lv50/NIN Lv25"@en . "Sel: I\u2019m not gonna look for him. He got what he deserved! \n\nPresently on the La Theine Plateau..."@en . "Birp: Hey everyone, how about we take all that energy and use it in the race?"@en . "Novice adventurer. Still unaccustomed to party battles."@en . "Yai: There\u2019s a shortcut?"@en . "Aba: You don\u2019t think he got lost trying to cheat, do you?"@en . "Bern: Oh yeah, I get it! We\u2019re gonna do the chocobo race!"@en . "Sel: This is so wrong\u2026"@en . "After so generously explaining the details of the Lost Chocobo game, Sel announced the route we were going to take: Windurst to San d'Oria. \n\nSel: Regardless of the order we arrive in, those with outstanding times will receive a special prize from the choco-gal."@en . "Battle Plan: Self-improvement."@en . "left\nYai"@en . . "This time around, the Dreamers try their hands at the Lost Chocobo game. The goal is to help out the choco-gals by delivering a chocobo to the stables of its home nation. Which member of the Dreamers can reach the destination the fastest? \n\n;The Dreamers\nleft\nSelfeilliget"@en . "Bern: Just thinking about my moment of victory."@en . "Fen: Let\u2019s go!"@en . "Bern: I\u2019m gonna use my item as soon as I get my hands on it!"@en . "Bern: Heheh! \n\nOn your marks, get set\u2026 Go! \n\nSel: I\u2019m in the lead! I\u2019m in the lead!"@en . "Sel: Hey! I\u2019m supposed to get the first word!"@en . "Fen: Weren\u2019t you just following me the entire time? \n\nThird Place"@en . "Fen: Actually, we\u2019re just going to be returning lost chocobos to the stables in their home nations. We can compare our times at the end, though!"@en . "Sel: Just ignore him. Let\u2019s start. We needn\u2019t all start at the same time, so just talk to a choco-gal when you\u2019re ready. When you reach the goal, tell the rest of us your time. \n\nSariale the Choco-gal"@en . "Bern: Yee-haw! \n\nThe time it takes to get from one place to another by chocobo depends entirely on the knowledge and skill of the rider. There are many difficult questions to consider. How does one choose a route? Can the rider skillfully maneuver the chocobo and avoid any monsters obstructing the path? The rider\u2019s response to these questions determines the time. With that in mind, let\u2019s take a look at how each member of the Dreamers plans to compete. \n \n \nSel gallops with flair but chooses"@en . "I\u2019m not very skilled at chocobo riding and I\u2019m not very familiar with the geography of the areas around Windurst, so I\u2019ll just keep checking the map, moving forward at a steady pace, and try my best to catch up with everyone in the second half. \n\nRacing Through Tahrongi Canyon\nframe|right|Yai lets her luck ride on tailing Bern\nSel: There\u2019s no choice but to drop from the cliffs and take the long route!"@en . "Bern: I\u2019m gonna take a shortcut!"@en . "Sel: Stop taking all my lines!"@en . "Birp: Anyway, why\u2019d you call us all here?"@en . "Fen: First, we better check our route."@en . "Aba: Haha, good idea."@en . "BST Lv60/NIN Lv30"@en . "-----\nResponding to Sel\u2019s emergency summons, the Dreamers promptly gathered in Windurst Woods. \nframe|right|Sel called the team to Windurstwithout an explanation]] \nBern: Long time no see, guys and gals!"@en . "Fen: I got a page from Miratete's Memoirs!"@en . "Bern: Yeah, that\u2019s it!"@en . "Sel: Who says you\u2019re going to get something?"@en . "Birp: Oh, I get it! We\u2019re going to compete and see who gets the best time, right?"@en . "Battle Plan: Top secret."@en . "This is my first time playing the Lost Chocobo game, and I\u2019m so nervous I can\u2019t stop shaking. I think I\u2019ll just follow behind someone else\u2026 \n\nBern"@en . "Birp: I didn\u2019t even know you could race chocobos\u2026"@en . "Fulfills his role admirably, but can occasionally be over-the-top."@en . "left\nBirp"@en . "I\u2019ve played the Lost Chocobo game several times and I know the routes by heart. My amateur rivals don\u2019t stand a chance, so I\u2019ll just ignore them and aim to top my personal best time instead. \n\nYai"@en . "Sel: Well, um, you see, that\u2019s because..."@en . "Fen: \u2026And what are you laughing at?"@en . "The only reliable mage. Lifeline of the party."@en . "Birp: Let me just take a look at the map here..."@en . "Aba: Finally."@en . "Yai: All right!"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Would you be so kind as to deliver this chocobo to the kingdom stables in Southern San d\u2019Oria? Oh, thank you so very much! You shall be rewarded by our associates upon delivery of the chocobo. \n\nSel: All right, it\u2019s time for some action!"@en . "The race ended after night had fallen. \n\nWinner"@en . "The leader of the Dreamers. Has some management issues."@en . "Battle Plan: Dash first, ask questions later."@en . "Fen: I heard that a page from Miratete's Memoirs is among the prizes."@en . "Birp: Anyway, I wonder what happened to Bern. I haven\u2019t seen him yet."@en . "Birp: Okay!"@en . "Yai: Where did my chocobo go all of a sudden? \ncenter\nSel: How could the San d\u2019Orian stables be so cruel? All they gave me was Gysahl Greens!"@en . "Bern: Ugh, this place reeks of chocobo!"@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Fen: Yaaay!!! \n\nRunner Up"@en . "Troublemaker extraordinaire."@en . "Sel: You\u2019re taking my lines again..."@en . "Aba: Hmph, look who\u2019s talking."@en . "Choose the shortest-looking course without thinking too hard, dodging monsters and other obstacles with effortless grace. \n\nAba"@en . "left\nBernwart"@en . "Birp: Doesn\u2019t that take even more time?"@en . "Aba: Hey, me too!"@en . "Yai: I\u2019m gonna follow him and see."@en . "I have a foolproof plan to get the best time! The details are top secret, but I\u2019m nice, so I\u2019ll give you a hint: The shortest route is always the best! \n\nBirp"@en . "Fen: I don\u2019t think so... Did you find something new?"@en . "BLM Lv54/WHM Lv27"@en . "The Dreamers Dash for Glory!"@en . "Birp: Don\u2019t count your chocobos before they hatch."@en . "RNG Lv53/NIN Lv16"@en . "Battle Plan: Huh? We need a plan?"@en . . "NIN Lv74/WAR Lv37"@en . "Sel: Why am I not in first!? \n\nFourth Place"@en . "left\nAbalard"@en . "Aba: I\u2019m the best here, anyway."@en . "Fen: Well, he can\u2019t enter the town riding a chocobo in the first place."@en . "left\nFeneinei"@en . "The Dreamers Dash for Glory!"@en .