"Caldero Chorreante"@es . . . . ""@es . "Harry Potter series: Hannah Abbott is in Harry Potter's year and was sorted into Hufflepuff. In the second film she does not believe that Harry is the heir of Slytherin, but her friend, Ernie Macmillan, persuades her to believe it. She and Ernie later learn that Harry is not the heir. She was a member of Dumbledore's Army led by Harry, Ron and Hermione. After Voldemort's death, Hannah becomes the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron and marries Neville Longbottom."@en . . . "1980"^^ . . . "Marrones"@es . . . . . . "Wirtin des Tropfenden Kessels"@de . . . "Guaritrice"@it . . "Landlady of the Leaky Cauldron"@en . . . . "2010"^^ . . . . . "*Scuola di Magia e Stregoneria di Hogwarts\n*Tassorosso\n*Esercito di Silente\n*Famiglia Longbottom\n*Famiglia Abbott\n*Il Paiolo Magico"@it . "Hannah Abbott"@de . . . "*Hogwarts\n*Dumbledore's Armee\n*Familie Longbottom\n*Familie Abbott\n*Zum Tropfenden Kessel"@de . "Gender"@en . . "Hannah Abbott"@it . "Umano"@it . . "House"@en . . . . . . ""@de . . . . . . . . "Hogwarts, Dumbledore's Army"@en . . "Blond"@de . . . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott"@en . . "Hannah Abbott"@da . . . . . . . . . . "Great Britain or Ireland"@en . . . . . "Hannah Abbott"@sv . . . . "Hannah Abbott"@es . . "Vertrauenssch\u00FClerin"@de . . . . . . . . . "Collecting Chocolate Frog Cards"@en . "Braun"@de . . . . . . . "ca. 1980"@de . . "Hannah Abbott"@it . . . . "thumb|Hannah AbbottHannah Longbottom (f\u00F8dt Abbott) er en halvblods heks som blev f\u00F8dt 1980. Hun startede p\u00E5 hogwarts i 1991 hvor hun blev sorteret ind p\u00E5 hufflepuff. P\u00E5 sit andet \u00E5r meldte hun sig til duelklubben. Hannah har vist stor loyalitet overfor hufflepuff eftersom hun ogs\u00E5 bar et Potter stinker emble. P\u00E5 hendes 5 \u00E5r blev hun udvalgt til at v\u00E6re vejleder for hufflepuff. Samme \u00E5r sluttede hun sig senere sammen med Gruppen Dumbledore's Arme fordi de det \u00E5r ikke l\u00E6rte forsvar mod m\u00F8rkes kr\u00E6fter og fordi hun begyndte og tro p\u00E5 Harry Potter og Albus Dumbledore's historie om at Lord Voldemort skulle v\u00E6re vendt tilbage Hannah's mor blev myrdet 1996 af d\u00F8dsgadisterne p\u00E5 hendes sjette \u00E5r. Som medlem af Dumbledore's Arme gjorde hun opr\u00F8r p\u00E5 hogwarts da det blev styret af Severus Snape og sene"@da . . . . . "Biondi"@it . . "Hannah Abbott was a Hufflepuff Hogwarts student from 1991-1998. She is described as a blonde girl with a pink face. In her second year, she formed a friendship with Justin Finch-Flechley and Ernie Macmillan, and Ernie convinced her to believe that Harry Potter was the Heir of Slytherin. In her third year, she belived Sirius Black disguised himself as a flowering plant, which was not too far off from the truth, despite many people not taking her theory seriously. In her fifth year, she was overwhelmed by her O.W.L.S. and needed to take a calming draught to help her study and focus. In her seventh year, she was almost killed by Tom Riddle along with Seamus Finnigan but Harry came to the duo's aid. She is portrayed by Charlotte Skeoch."@en . "Sposato"@it . . . "thumb|Hannah AbbottHannah Longbottom (f\u00F8dt Abbott) er en halvblods heks som blev f\u00F8dt 1980. Hun startede p\u00E5 hogwarts i 1991 hvor hun blev sorteret ind p\u00E5 hufflepuff. P\u00E5 sit andet \u00E5r meldte hun sig til duelklubben. Hannah har vist stor loyalitet overfor hufflepuff eftersom hun ogs\u00E5 bar et Potter stinker emble. P\u00E5 hendes 5 \u00E5r blev hun udvalgt til at v\u00E6re vejleder for hufflepuff. Samme \u00E5r sluttede hun sig senere sammen med Gruppen Dumbledore's Arme fordi de det \u00E5r ikke l\u00E6rte forsvar mod m\u00F8rkes kr\u00E6fter og fordi hun begyndte og tro p\u00E5 Harry Potter og Albus Dumbledore's historie om at Lord Voldemort skulle v\u00E6re vendt tilbage Hannah's mor blev myrdet 1996 af d\u00F8dsgadisterne p\u00E5 hendes sjette \u00E5r. Som medlem af Dumbledore's Arme gjorde hun opr\u00F8r p\u00E5 hogwarts da det blev styret af Severus Snape og senere i kampen om hogwarts. Som voksen giftede hun sig med Neville Longbottom og ejer af Leaky Cauldron. Hannah er i familie med en Abbott som ligger begravet i Godric Dalen og Giffard Abbott. Kategori:Abbott familie Kategori:Troldm\u00E6nd Kategori:Kvinder Kategori:Dumbledores Arm\u00E9 Kategori:Glitterik Sm\u00F8rh\u00E5r ventilatorer Kategori:Hufflepuff Kategori:Britiske individer"@da . "Hannah Abbott is a Hufflepuff and classmate of Harry Potter and his friends. She is one of The Original Forty. She has blonde hair."@en . "hufflepuff"@en . . . . . . "Successivamente, Hannah spos\u00F2 il suo compagno di classe Neville Longbottom e divenne la propietaria del Paiolo Magico. Nel 2014, divenne una guaritrice e lavor\u00F2 come infermiera a Hogwarts."@it . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott Harry Potter'la ayn\u0131 y\u0131l Hogwarts'a girmi\u015Ftir. 1980 do\u011Fumlu Hannah, sar\u0131 uzun at kuyruklu sa\u00E7\u0131 olan pembe y\u00FCzl\u00FC Hufflepuf'lu \u00F6\u011Frencidir. En yak\u0131n arkada\u015F\u0131 Ernie Macmillan'd\u0131r. \u00C7ikolatal\u0131 Kurba\u011Fa'n\u0131n i\u00E7inden \u00E7\u0131kan kartlar\u0131n kolleksiyonunu yapar. Hannah 5. s\u0131n\u0131fta S.B.D. s\u0131navlar\u0131na haz\u0131rlan\u0131rken b\u00FCy\u00FCk bir strese girmi\u015F, kendini bu s\u0131navlara giremeyecek kadar ba\u015Far\u0131s\u0131z bulup a\u011Flama krizlerine girmi\u015Fti. Bu y\u00FCzden Madam Pomfrey taraf\u0131ndan Sakinle\u015Ftirici \u0130la\u00E7 verilen tek \u00F6\u011Frencidir."@tr . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott"@en . . . . . . "y"@en . "Verheiratet"@de . "\u2020\n*Neville Longbottom"@de . "Blonde"@en . "Human"@en . ""@de . . "\u2020\n*Giffard Abbott"@de . . . "thumb|left|Hannah in ihrem ersten Jahr Hannah Abbott ist im gleichen Schuljahr wie Harry und geh\u00F6rt dem Haus Hufflepuff an. Bis jetzt ist sie die einzige Hufflepuff-Sch\u00FClerin, die in jedem Roman der Reihe zumindest einen Auftritt hatte. Sie hat blondes Haar, welches sie f\u00FCr gew\u00F6hnlich zu Z\u00F6pfen gebunden tr\u00E4gt. Ihre besten Freunde sind Justin Finch-Fletchley und Ernie Macmillan, zumindest letzterer teilt ihr Hobby: Schokofroschkarten sammeln. thumb Hannah scheint ein gutes Gesp\u00FCr f\u00FCr andere Menschen zu haben. Sie nahm Harry in Schutz, als viele der anderen Sch\u00FCler von ihm behaupteten, er w\u00E4re der Erbe Slytherins. Sie ist ein loyaler Mensch und sprach sich w\u00E4hrend des Trimagischen Turniers deutlich f\u00FCr ihren Hufflepuff-Mitsch\u00FCler Cedric Diggory aus, als dieser gegen Harry im Turnier antrat. Trotzdem scheint sie allgemein mit Harry und seinen Freunden auf gutem Fu\u00DF zu stehen. Sie wurde in Harrys 5. Jahr zur Vertrauenssch\u00FClerin ernannt. Wenig sp\u00E4ter trat sie der DA bei Dumbledore's Armee, die von Harry gegr\u00FCndet worden war. Sie scheint eher sensibel zu sein, denn w\u00E4hrend der Vorbereitungen auf die ZAG-Pr\u00FCfungen brach sie in Panik aus und Poppy Pomfrey musste sie mit einem Beruhigungstrank behandeln. Auch w\u00E4hrend der Pr\u00FCfungen selbst zeigte sie deutliche Zeichen gro\u00DFer Nervosit\u00E4t: Zum Beispiel verwandelte sie ein Frettchen in Flamingos, anstatt es verschwinden zu lassen. Hannah geh\u00F6rte nicht zu den DA-Mitgliedern, die Harry ins Ministerium begleiteten. Sie geh\u00F6rte allerdings zur Gruppe derer, die Harry am Ende des f\u00FCnften Bandes gegen Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe und Gregory Goyle verteidigen, als diese ihn im Hogwarts-Express angriffen. Im 6. Band wird ihre Mutter von Todessern ermordet, daraufhin verl\u00E4sst Hannah Hogwarts, kehrt aber im 7. Band zur\u00FCck, um Harry im Kampf um Hogwarts zu unterst\u00FCtzen. Die blonde, rosig aussehende Hannah Abbott ist eine halbbl\u00FCtige Mitsch\u00FClerin von Harry Potter in Hogwarts. Sie wird in demselben Jahr dort eingeschult wie er und dem Haus Hufflepuff zugeordnet. thumb|Hannah"@de . . . . . "Femminile"@it . "c. 1979-1980"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Familie Longbottom"@de . . . . . . . . "Hell"@de . . . . . "Hannah Longbottom"@de . . . . "Hannah Abbott"@tr . "*Mrs Abbott \u2020\n*Abbott \u2020\n*Giffard Abbott \u2020\n*Neville Longbottom \n*Alice Longbottom \n*Frank Longbottom \n*Augusta Longbottom \n*Longbottom family"@en . . . "thumb|leftHannah Longbottom (os. Abbott) syntyi ilmeisesti vuonna 1980. H\u00E4n tuli Tylypahkaan samana vuonna kuin Harry Potter, Ron Weasley ja Hermione Granger, eli 1991 ja tuli lajitelluksi Puuskupuhiin. Hannahilla on punakat kasvot, ja tummanvaaleat hiukset. Hannahin yst\u00E4vi\u00E4 (tai ainakin tuttuja) Tylypahkassa olivat Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan ja Justin Finch-Flecthley. My\u00F6hemmin el\u00E4m\u00E4ss\u00E4\u00E4n Hannah meni naimisiin entisen rohkelikkopoika Neville Longbottomin kanssa ja h\u00E4nest\u00E4 tuli Vuotavan Noidankattilan vuokraem\u00E4nt\u00E4."@fi . . . . . "Muggle father, witch mother"@en . . . "Casada"@es . "nascondi"@it . "In her fifth year, she became both a prefect and a member of Dumbledore's Army, an organisation taught and led by Harry Potter. In 1996, Hannah was pulled out of school after her mother was murdered by Death Eaters, but she returned the following year and was again a member of the D.A. She fought fought in the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May, 1998. Later in life, Hannah married classmate Neville Longbottom and became landlady of the Leaky Cauldron, which the couple lived above. She eventually trained as a healer and applied for the job of Matron at Hogwarts."@en . "Chiara"@it . . "[Fuente] Hannah Longbottom (de soltera Abbott) es una bruja de sangre mestiza que asisti\u00F3 a al Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechiceria en el mismo a\u00F1o que Harry Potter. Es seleccionada para la casa de Hufflepuff y fue la primera en la lista. La describen como una ni\u00F1a rubia con coletas y de cara rosada. En el tercer a\u00F1o, Hannah, se pas\u00F3 toda una clase de Herbolog\u00EDa argumentando que Sirius Black podr\u00EDa convertirse en un arbusto. [[Archivo:Hannah_y_susan.jpg|thumb|left|Hannah y Ernie Macmillan burlandose de Harry Potter.]]"@es . . . . "Hannah Abbott is a half-blood (one parent was a Muggle and the other was a wizard) witch who appeared in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "--09-01"^^ . . . "Femenino"@es . . "Half-blood"@en . . . . . . . . . "No known family members"@en . "Full name: Hannah Margaret Abbott Age: 24 Date of birth: August 31 Blood: Half-blood Wand: 9 \u00BD inches, Almond Tree, Unicorn Tail Hair Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Affiliation: Informative press division of the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee and journalist for the muggle newspaper, The Daily Telegraph. Helps release explanations to the muggle press about magic-related accidents and occurrences that cannot be removed from the minds of muggles. As it is her cover, Hannah serves as an ordinary journalist for The Daily Telegraph when not needed by the Ministry."@en . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott is a half-blood (one parent was a Muggle and the other was a wizard) witch who appeared in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7."@en . "*Sr. Abbott \n*Sra. Abbott \u2020\n*Neville Longbottom \n*Giffard Abbott \n*Frank Longbottom \n*Alice Longbottom \n*Familia Longbottom"@es . . . "Hannah Abbott was a Hufflepuff Hogwarts student from 1991-1998. She is described as a blonde girl with a pink face. In her second year, she formed a friendship with Justin Finch-Flechley and Ernie Macmillan, and Ernie convinced her to believe that Harry Potter was the Heir of Slytherin. In her third year, she belived Sirius Black disguised himself as a flowering plant, which was not too far off from the truth, despite many people not taking her theory seriously. In her fifth year, she was overwhelmed by her O.W.L.S. and needed to take a calming draught to help her study and focus. In her seventh year, she was almost killed by Tom Riddle along with Seamus Finnigan but Harry came to the duo's aid. She is portrayed by Charlotte Skeoch."@en . . . . "250"^^ . "Propietario del Paiolo Magico"@it . . . "*Abbott family\n*Longbottom family\n*Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry\n**Hufflepuff\n*Dumbledore's Army\n*Leaky Cauldron"@en . "*Abbott"@de . "Unknown"@en . "Female"@en . "In her fifth year, she became both a prefect and a member of Dumbledore's Army, an organisation taught and led by Harry Potter. In 1996, Hannah was pulled out of school after her mother was murdered by Death Eaters, but she returned the following year and was again a member of the D.A. She fought fought in the Battle of Hogwarts on 2 May, 1998. Later in life, Hannah married classmate Neville Longbottom and became landlady of the Leaky Cauldron, which the couple lived above. She eventually trained as a healer and applied for the job of Matron at Hogwarts."@en . . "Blood Status"@en . . . "Married"@en . . . . . "*Alice Longbottom"@de . "m"@de . "Full name: Hannah Margaret Abbott Age: 24 Date of birth: August 31 Blood: Half-blood Wand: 9 \u00BD inches, Almond Tree, Unicorn Tail Hair Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Affiliation: Informative press division of the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee and journalist for the muggle newspaper, The Daily Telegraph. Helps release explanations to the muggle press about magic-related accidents and occurrences that cannot be removed from the minds of muggles. As it is her cover, Hannah serves as an ordinary journalist for The Daily Telegraph when not needed by the Ministry."@en . "*Mrs. Abbott"@de . "*Landlady of the Leaky Cauldron \n*Healer"@en . . "thumb|left|Hannah in ihrem ersten Jahr Hannah Abbott ist im gleichen Schuljahr wie Harry und geh\u00F6rt dem Haus Hufflepuff an. Bis jetzt ist sie die einzige Hufflepuff-Sch\u00FClerin, die in jedem Roman der Reihe zumindest einen Auftritt hatte. Sie hat blondes Haar, welches sie f\u00FCr gew\u00F6hnlich zu Z\u00F6pfen gebunden tr\u00E4gt. Ihre besten Freunde sind Justin Finch-Fletchley und Ernie Macmillan, zumindest letzterer teilt ihr Hobby: Schokofroschkarten sammeln. thumb Hannah scheint ein gutes Gesp\u00FCr f\u00FCr andere Menschen zu haben. Sie nahm Harry in Schutz, als viele der anderen Sch\u00FCler von ihm behaupteten, er w\u00E4re der Erbe Slytherins. Sie ist ein loyaler Mensch und sprach sich w\u00E4hrend des Trimagischen Turniers deutlich f\u00FCr ihren Hufflepuff-Mitsch\u00FCler Cedric Diggory aus, als dieser gegen Harry im Turnier antrat. "@de . . . . "Harry Potter series: Hannah Abbott is in Harry Potter's year and was sorted into Hufflepuff. In the second film she does not believe that Harry is the heir of Slytherin, but her friend, Ernie Macmillan, persuades her to believe it. She and Ernie later learn that Harry is not the heir. She was a member of Dumbledore's Army led by Harry, Ron and Hermione. After Voldemort's death, Hannah becomes the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron and marries Neville Longbottom."@en . . . . . "Marroni"@it . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Unknown"@en . "Hufflepuff"@en . . . . "Incumbent"@en . . "Hannah Abbott"@en . . . "*Signora Abbott \u2020\n*Neville Longbottom \n*Abbott \u2020\n*Giffard Abbott \u2020\n*Frank Longbottom \u2020\n*Alice Longbottom \u2020\n*Famiglia Longbottom \u2020"@it . . . . . . . . "Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (Buch)"@de . . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott"@en . . . "[Fuente] Hannah Longbottom (de soltera Abbott) es una bruja de sangre mestiza que asisti\u00F3 a al Colegio Hogwarts de Magia y Hechiceria en el mismo a\u00F1o que Harry Potter. Es seleccionada para la casa de Hufflepuff y fue la primera en la lista. La describen como una ni\u00F1a rubia con coletas y de cara rosada. No tiene mucha importancia hasta el libro Harry Potter y la C\u00E1mara Secreta cuando se arma una revuelta contra Harry Potter, porque todos pensaban que el era el Heredero de Slytherin. Hannah estaba en el grupo de Hufflepuffs que proteg\u00EDa a Justin Finch-Fletchley, un hijo de muggles, junto a su amigo, Ernie Macmillan. Harry escuch\u00F3 una discusi\u00F3n entre algunos Hufflepuffs que se encontraban en la Biblioteca, entre los cuales se encontraba Hannah, quien defend\u00EDa a Harry diciendo que \u00E9l se hab\u00EDa visto bueno desde el primer a\u00F1o y era qui\u00E9n hab\u00EDa vencido a Lord Voldemort. Despu\u00E9s de la petrificaci\u00F3n de Justin, Ernie y Hannah estaban casi seguros que Harry era el heredero, pero dejaron de pensarlo cuando Hermione fue petrificada por el Basilisco de Salazar Slytherin. En el tercer a\u00F1o, Hannah, se pas\u00F3 toda una clase de Herbolog\u00EDa argumentando que Sirius Black podr\u00EDa convertirse en un arbusto. [[Archivo:Hannah_y_susan.jpg|thumb|left|Hannah y Ernie Macmillan burlandose de Harry Potter.]] En Harry Potter y el C\u00E1liz de Fuego, Hannah, junto a su cercano a amigo Ernie, usaban las insignias de Apoya a Cedric - Potter Apesta, porque demostraban lealtad hac\u00EDa su casa: Hufflepuff, ya que Cedric Diggory hab\u00EDa sido elegido el Primer Campe\u00F3n de Hogwarts. En la pel\u00EDcula se ve que Hannah y Ernie le cierran el paso a Harry y se burlan de \u00E9l al mostrarle sus insignias. En 5to a\u00F1o, Hannah y Ernie se convierten en prefectos de Hufflepuff. En este libro se le ve m\u00E1s cercana hacia los personajes principales, en especial con Hermione pues ella tambi\u00E9n se convierte en prefecta de Gryffindor. Hannah se une al Ej\u00E9rcito de Dumbledore y al parecer es ella quien le informa a Susan Bones sobre el grupo. Hannah tuvo la mala suerte de ser distinguida como la primera del a\u00F1o de Harry en caer bajo la presi\u00F3n de los ex\u00E1menes TIMO. En una clase de Herbolog\u00EDa rompe en llanto diciendo que es demasiado torpe como para hacer los ex\u00E1menes requiriendo una p\u00F3cima Calmante, hecha por Madam Pomfrey. Al parecer Hannah no super\u00F3 su depresi\u00F3n y ech\u00F3 a perder algunas de las pruebas, una de ellas fue Transformaciones, donde accidentalmente convierte un hur\u00F3n en un grupo de flamencos. A fin de a\u00F1o Hannah se encontraba en mejor estado, lo demuestra cuando junto a algunos miembros del Ej\u00E9rcito de Dumbledore (entre ellos Ernie, Justin y Susan), defiende a Harry Potter en la emboscada que Draco le hizo en el Expreso de Hogwarts. Cuando el Ministerio de Magia confirm\u00F3 que Lord Voldemort hab\u00EDa retornado, muchos magos, brujas y muggles comenzaron a morir asesinados (en algunas ocasiones aparec\u00EDan muertos), una de ellas fue la madre de Hannah, es por eso que, durante una clase de Herbolog\u00EDa, Hannah es retirada del Invernadero para informarle que su madre hab\u00EDa sido encontrada muerta (Septiembre de 1996). Harry, Hermione y Ron dicen no haber visto a Hannah desde ese incidente. En el 7\u00BA a\u00F1o en Hogwarts, Hannah Abbott pelea en la batalla final contra Voldemort."@es . "thumb|leftHannah Longbottom (os. Abbott) syntyi ilmeisesti vuonna 1980. H\u00E4n tuli Tylypahkaan samana vuonna kuin Harry Potter, Ron Weasley ja Hermione Granger, eli 1991 ja tuli lajitelluksi Puuskupuhiin. Hannahilla on punakat kasvot, ja tummanvaaleat hiukset. Hannahin yst\u00E4vi\u00E4 (tai ainakin tuttuja) Tylypahkassa olivat Susan Bones, Ernie Macmillan ja Justin Finch-Flecthley. My\u00F6hemmin el\u00E4m\u00E4ss\u00E4\u00E4n Hannah meni naimisiin entisen rohkelikkopoika Neville Longbottomin kanssa ja h\u00E4nest\u00E4 tuli Vuotavan Noidankattilan vuokraem\u00E4nt\u00E4."@fi . "*Hufflepuff\n*Ej\u00E9rcito de Dumbledore\n*Hogwarts\n*Familia Longbottom\n*Familia Abbott\n*Caldero Chorreante"@es . "Hannah Abbott"@fi . . . . . . . "*Frank Longbottom"@de . . "Hannah Longbottom"@es . . . . . "Rubio"@es . . . . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott Harry Potter'la ayn\u0131 y\u0131l Hogwarts'a girmi\u015Ftir. 1980 do\u011Fumlu Hannah, sar\u0131 uzun at kuyruklu sa\u00E7\u0131 olan pembe y\u00FCzl\u00FC Hufflepuf'lu \u00F6\u011Frencidir. En yak\u0131n arkada\u015F\u0131 Ernie Macmillan'd\u0131r. \u00C7ikolatal\u0131 Kurba\u011Fa'n\u0131n i\u00E7inden \u00E7\u0131kan kartlar\u0131n kolleksiyonunu yapar. Hannah 5. s\u0131n\u0131fta S.B.D. s\u0131navlar\u0131na haz\u0131rlan\u0131rken b\u00FCy\u00FCk bir strese girmi\u015F, kendini bu s\u0131navlara giremeyecek kadar ba\u015Far\u0131s\u0131z bulup a\u011Flama krizlerine girmi\u015Fti. Bu y\u00FCzden Madam Pomfrey taraf\u0131ndan Sakinle\u015Ftirici \u0130la\u00E7 verilen tek \u00F6\u011Frencidir. 6. s\u0131n\u0131fta iken annesinin \u00F6ld\u00FC\u011F\u00FCn\u00FC Bitkibilim dersinde \u00F6\u011Frenen Hannah okuldan ayr\u0131ld\u0131. Rowling'in son a\u00E7\u0131klamalar\u0131na g\u00F6re Hannah Neville Longbottom ile evlenmi\u015Ftir. \u00C7atlak Kazan'\u0131n sahibesi olmu\u015Ftur kendisi. Hannah'\u0131n Neville ile beraber bar\u0131n \u00FCst kat\u0131nda ya\u015Famalar\u0131 fikri de Rowling'in \u00E7ok ho\u015Funa gitmi\u015F ..."@tr . "Clara"@es . . . . . "Hannah.jpg"@it . "Boggart"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . "200"^^ . "Female"@en . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Successivamente, Hannah spos\u00F2 il suo compagno di classe Neville Longbottom e divenne la propietaria del Paiolo Magico. Nel 2014, divenne una guaritrice e lavor\u00F2 come infermiera a Hogwarts."@it . . "Weiblich"@de . . . . "Hufflepuff"@en . "No known special abilities"@en . . . . . . "Hannah Abbott is a Hufflepuff and classmate of Harry Potter and his friends. She is one of The Original Forty. She has blonde hair."@en . . .