. . . "USS Horatio (NCC-10532)"@en . "heavy cruiser"@en . . "The USS Horatio (NCC-10532) was an Ambassador-class starship in service during the mid-24th century. Captain Jenna Steele was Horatio's first commanding officer in 2326. (Dockyard Review) Cadet Michael Owens served on the Horatio for four months in 2354. It was while serving on Horatio that he developed his aspirations to become a starship captain. A dream which would become reality when he took command of the USS Eagle in 2371. (The Star Eagle Adventures)"@en . "In 2344, the Horatio was at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards undergoing a refit. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart) In 2348, the Horatio returned to Earth so that Keel could attend the wedding of Jack Crusher and Beverly Howard. The marriage was made possible by Keel after he introduced the two to each other. (TNG novel: Death in Winter) In 2364, the Horatio rendezvoused with the USS Enterprise-D, the USS Renegade, and the USS Thomas Paine in orbit of Dytallix B so that Keel could discuss the possibility of a conspiracy in Starfleet Command with Captains Jean-Luc Picard, Tryla Scott and Rixx. Following this meeting, the Horatio was mysteriously destroyed in Sector 63. Starfleet Command believed the ship imploded. (TNG episode: \"Conspiracy\")"@en . . . . . . . . . . "USS Horatio"@en . . "Ambassador"@en . . "Starfleet"@en . "In 2344, the Horatio was at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards undergoing a refit. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart) In 2348, the Horatio returned to Earth so that Keel could attend the wedding of Jack Crusher and Beverly Howard. The marriage was made possible by Keel after he introduced the two to each other. (TNG novel: Death in Winter)"@en . . . "The USS Horatio (NCC-10532) was an Ambassador-class starship in service during the mid-24th century. Captain Jenna Steele was Horatio's first commanding officer in 2326. (Dockyard Review) Cadet Michael Owens served on the Horatio for four months in 2354. It was while serving on Horatio that he developed his aspirations to become a starship captain. A dream which would become reality when he took command of the USS Eagle in 2371. (The Star Eagle Adventures) In 2364, Captain Walker Keel was the Horatio's commanding officer. That year, the USS Enterprise-D detected the Horatios wreckage in Sector 63 after meeting with the Enterprise and two other ships at Dytallix B with regards to the alien parasite. Keel suspected his first officer and chief medical officer might be under the alien parasite's control, and further investigation revealed the Horatios destruction, including a loss of all hands, was a result of sabotage. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\")"@en . . . . "Destroyed"@en . "NCC-10532"@en . . "NCC-10532"@en . . . "Federation"@en . . . . . "fed"@en .