"High Level Alchemy"@nl . "Normal"@en . "High Level Alchemy.gif"@en . "120"^^ . . . "Normaal"@nl . . "High level alchemy"@en . "1"^^ . "High Level Alchemy is a popular way for mid and high level players to train their magic level, by buying or making valuable items and nature runes, then casting the spell on the items. High (and Low) Alchemy can be cast on noted items, saving much withdrawal time from the bank, and simplifying the \"click pattern\". Casting alchemy spells on stackable items will only alchemize one at a time. It is possible to alch around 1,200 items per hour for a total of 78,000 magic experience. The warning threshold when alching a high value item can be adjusted by right-clicking the alchemy icon in your spellbook and setting the appropriate value."@en . "65"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "5"^^ . "The Explorer's ring 4 gives 15 free High Level Alchemy charges per day."@en . "55"^^ . . . . . "Alchemia Wysokiego Poziomu to zakl\u0119cie s\u0142u\u017C\u0105ce do zamiany przedmiotu w z\u0142oto. Gracz u\u017Cywaj\u0105cy tego czaru otrzymuje oko\u0142o 50% wi\u0119cej z\u0142ota ni\u017C sprzedaj\u0105c przedmiot w sklepie lub u\u017Cywaj\u0105c Alchemii Niskopoziomowej. Alchemia (niska i wysoka) mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta zar\u00F3wno na notach jak i normalnych przedmiotach. W RuneScape Classic rzucenie zakl\u0119cia na przedmiot w postaci notki alchemizowa\u0142o ca\u0142y stos na raz."@pl . . . . "normal"@pl . "Taito"@fi . . . "Normal Daemonheim"@fi . "High Level Alchemy"@en . "New magic system online!"@en . "0"^^ . . . . . "The High level alchemy tablet is an item that can be used by any player to convert items into the same amount of coins as a specialist store would pay for the item. A lot of players use these tabs instead of buying the runes, because they take up less inventory space. Players can create this item on a Mahogany demon lectern as long as they have 1 nature rune, 5 fire runes, and 1 soft clay, and at least level 55 Magic. Elemental staves can be also used to make tablets, so using a lava staff or a staff of fire can make this more cost-effective. The spell is transferred to a piece of soft clay at a lectern in the Study of a player-owned house, creating a magic tablet. The experience for casting the spell is gained at the time the tablet is created. Like all tablets, the default option is to 'Break' this tablet, which casts the spell, but does not give any experience. When you click \"break\" you choose the item you wish to convert to coins: only after that you actually cast the spell. The magic experience comes by making the tablet, though. As with all player-made magic tablets, this tablet can be made regardless of the player's current spell book. The player who uses it does not need to have the relevant magic level to use this tablet. Although alchemy is generally used to train magic, alchemy tablets can be used to alchemy certain drops that the alchemy money is or about equivalent to the cost of the item. This lets you make extra money while saving one inventory space (the tablet takes up one space, while a fire staff/runes and nature runes take up two in all, unless you are using a fire staff as your primary weapon)."@en . "High Level Alchemy (high alch, or alching) is a non-combat Magic spell used to convert items into coins at the best price a player could sell them for at a specialty store. The amount of coins generated is precisely 60% of the item's value (its non-GE price). Excluding rounding errors, high alchemy produces 50% more coins than low alchemy, and 100% more coins than selling to a non specialized shop. The cost of runes to cast high level alchemy is coins but is reduced to coins with a Staff of fire, Fire battlestaff, Mystic fire staff, Steam battlestaff, Mystic steam staff, Lava battlestaff, Mystic lava staff, any skeletal/necromancer versions of the above, Mindspike (fire) or a Dragon staff, as these staves supply unlimited fire runes. Alternatively, the Explorer's ring 4 provides 15 rune free casts of High level alchemy a day, which still grants full XP. High Level Alchemy is a popular way for mages to train their Magic level, by buying or making valuable items and nature runes, then casting the spell on the items. For example, a player might buy or make yew shieldbows to cast High Level Alchemy on them. Buying them would create profit or loss depending on the item's market price, while making them from scratch would usually create profit. In practice, smartly buying items in bulk from other players usually results in more coins being created than paid for the converted item. This is widely regarded as a major cause of inflation in the game. The wealth gained by the alchemising party is not relevant; the issue is that more currency is being created in player's hands than is being used. After the Evolution of Combat, training magic with combat is now much cheaper and faster, and the popularity of High Level Alchemy has fallen greatly. However, this seems to have led to a small drop in the price of commonly alchemised items, allowing a decent amount of profit for some items. For a list of such items, see the alchemy market watch."@en . "55"^^ . . "Alchemia Wysokiego Poziomu to zakl\u0119cie s\u0142u\u017C\u0105ce do zamiany przedmiotu w z\u0142oto. Gracz u\u017Cywaj\u0105cy tego czaru otrzymuje oko\u0142o 50% wi\u0119cej z\u0142ota ni\u017C sprzedaj\u0105c przedmiot w sklepie lub u\u017Cywaj\u0105c Alchemii Niskopoziomowej. Alchemia (niska i wysoka) mo\u017Ce by\u0107 u\u017Cyta zar\u00F3wno na notach jak i normalnych przedmiotach. U\u017Cycie alchemii jest popularn\u0105 w\u015Br\u00F3d graczy \u015Brednich i zaawansoawnych metod\u0105 treningu magii polegaj\u0105c\u0105 na alchemizowaniu wykonanych wcze\u015Bniej warto\u015Bciowych przedmiot\u00F3w. Gracz mo\u017Ce na przyk\u0142ad zakupi\u0107 lub zrobi\u0107 cisowe \u0142uki i rzuci\u0107 na nie zakl\u0119cie Alchemii Wysokiego Poziomu. W tym przypadku trening poch\u0142ania oko\u0142o 290 sztuk z\u0142ota, lub przynosi zysk, je\u015Bli gracz wykona\u0142 \u0142uki samemu. Darmowym graczom warto poleci\u0107 alchemi\u0119 tarcz kwadratowych z runitu. Wiele zale\u017Cy od aktualnych cen w Grand Exchange. Ca\u0142kowite straty ponoszone na zakupie ich i run to oko\u0142o 20 sztuk z\u0142ota na ka\u017Cd\u0105 tarcz\u0119. Innym polecanym przedmiotem jest green d'hide body oraz ruby amulet, kt\u00F3rego cena rynkowa r\u00F3\u017Cni si\u0119 a\u017C o 110 monet od kwoty po wykonaniu czaru. W RuneScape Classic rzucenie zakl\u0119cia na przedmiot w postaci notki alchemizowa\u0142o ca\u0142y stos na raz. To jest jedynie zal\u0105\u017Cek artyku\u0142u. Je\u015Bli potrafisz \u2013 rozbuduj go. Informacje zawarte na tej stronie s\u0105 niepe\u0142ne, dlatego otrzyma\u0142a ona status zal\u0105\u017Cka. Po uzupe\u0142nieniu tej strony usu\u0144 szablon z jej kodu \u017Ar\u00F3d\u0142owego. High Level Alchemy"@pl . . . . "Skilling"@en . . "No"@en . "High alching, High-level Alchemy"@fi . "High Level Alchemy"@fi . . . . . "High Level Alchemy is spell that becomes available at level 55 magic. High level alchemy converts an item into more coins than Low level alchemy would. High level alchemy requires one Nature-Rune and 5 Fire-Runes to cast and for this reason it is recommended that players wield a Fire staff so it only costs the player one Nature-rune."@en . . "High Level Alchemy.gif"@fi . . . "High Level Alchemy"@en . "Nature"@en . . "High_Level_Alchemy_icon.png"@pl . "High Level Alchemy is spell that becomes available at level 55 magic. High level alchemy converts an item into more coins than Low level alchemy would. High level alchemy requires one Nature-Rune and 5 Fire-Runes to cast and for this reason it is recommended that players wield a Fire staff so it only costs the player one Nature-rune."@en . "The Explorer's ring 4 gives 15 free High Level Alchemy charges per day."@en . . . . . "High Level Alchemy"@pl . "Fire"@en . "The cost of runes to cast high level alchemy is coins but is reduced to coins with a Staff of fire, Fire battlestaff, Mystic fire staff, Steam battlestaff, Mystic steam staff, Lava battlestaff, Mystic lava staff, any skeletal/necromancer versions of the above, Mindspike (fire), Mystical staff or a Dragon staff, as these staves supply unlimited fire runes. Alternatively, the Explorer's ring 4 and Radiant alchemist's amulet provides 15 rune free casts of High level alchemy a day, which still grants full XP."@en . "High level alchemy"@en . "High alching, High-level Alchemy"@en . . . . "The cost of runes to cast high level alchemy is coins but is reduced to coins with a Staff of fire, Fire battlestaff, Mystic fire staff, Steam battlestaff, Mystic steam staff, Lava battlestaff, Mystic lava staff, any skeletal/necromancer versions of the above, Mindspike (fire), Mystical staff or a Dragon staff, as these staves supply unlimited fire runes. Alternatively, the Explorer's ring 4 and Radiant alchemist's amulet provides 15 rune free casts of High level alchemy a day, which still grants full XP. High Level Alchemy is a popular way for mages to train their Magic level, by buying or making valuable items and nature runes, then casting the spell on the items. For example, a player might buy or make yew shieldbows to cast High Level Alchemy on them. Buying them would create profit or loss depending on the item's market price, while making them from scratch would usually create profit. In practice, smartly buying items in bulk from other players usually results in more coins being created than paid for the converted item. This is widely regarded as a major cause of inflation in the game. In Daemonheim, High Level Alchemy will always yield 2x shop price (twice what the smuggler will buy for)."@en . "Yes"@en . . "High level alchemy is een magic spreuk waar spelers voorwerpen in geld kunnen omtoveren. Categorie:Beantwoorde vragen Categorie:RuneScape"@nl . "0"^^ . . "High Level Alchemy is een magische spreuk waarmee men voorwerpen inwisselt voor coins. De hoeveelheid coins is over het algemeen 50% meer dan de prijs waarvoor je het voorwerp kunt verkopen in de general store en de hoeveelheid die je ervoor krijgt met low level alchemy. Voor deze spreuk heb je 1 Nature rune, 5 Fire runes en een voorwerp om de spreuk op te gebruiken nodig. De spreuk ziet er anders uit wanneer je een staff in je handen hebt. Image:High alchemy.gif High Level Alchemy is een veel gebruikte manier om de Magic skill te trainen. Hiervoor worden vaak nature runes en de voorwerpen die men wil alchen in grote hoeveelheden gekocht. Belangrijk is om een voorwerp uit te zoeken waar van de High Alchemy waarde (de hoeveelheid coins die je ontvangt) hoger ligt dan de GE Prijs. Op die manier maak je zo min mogelijk verlies, of misschien zelfs winst. High level alchemy kan ook bij noted voorwerpen gebruikt worden. Dit bespaart een hoop tijd. Aangeraden wordt om bij het gebruiken van deze spreuk een staff met het element vuur te gebruiken of een combinatiestaff die geen Fire runes nodig heeft zodat je alleen nog maar 1 nature nodig hebt om deze spreuk te gebruiken."@nl . . "*5 Fire\n*1 Nature"@en . "Yes"@en . "High Level Alchemy"@fi . "High Level Alchemy"@nl . . "5"^^ . "No"@en . "No"@en . "Loitsu muuttaa tavaroita rahaksi hintaan, jonka voi saada vain erikoiskaupassa. Rahaa saa yleens\u00E4 50% enemm\u00E4n kuin sekatavarakaupassa tai Low Alchemy-loitsulla. Loitsua voi k\u00E4ytt\u00E4\u00E4 my\u00F6s tavarakuitteihin (notes), joka s\u00E4\u00E4st\u00E4\u00E4 paljon aikaa. Tavarakuittipino kannattaa siirt\u00E4\u00E4 repussa samaan kohtaan kuin taika-sivulla loitsu on ja hiirt\u00E4 ei tarvitse siirt\u00E4\u00E4 loitsun aikana, mik\u00E4 nopeuttaa tavaroiden muuttamista rahaksi ja rasittaa v\u00E4hemm\u00E4n k\u00E4tt\u00E4. Seuraavat sekatavarakaupat ostavat samalla hinnalla kuin High Level Alchemy:"@fi . . . . "55"^^ . . . . "2001-05-24"^^ . . "High Level Alchemy (high alch, or alching) is a non-combat Magic spell used to convert items into coins at the best price a player could sell them for at a specialty store. The amount of coins generated is precisely 60% of the item's value (its non-GE price). Excluding rounding errors, high alchemy produces 50% more coins than low alchemy, and 100% more coins than selling to a non specialized shop."@en . "Nee"@nl . "fire"@en . "Normal Daemonheim"@en . "Drop"@en . "5"^^ . "Ei"@fi . . . "Yes"@en . . "A tablet containing a magic spell."@en . "Loitsu muuttaa tavaroita rahaksi hintaan, jonka voi saada vain erikoiskaupassa. Rahaa saa yleens\u00E4 50% enemm\u00E4n kuin sekatavarakaupassa tai Low Alchemy-loitsulla. Loitsua voi k\u00E4ytt\u00E4\u00E4 my\u00F6s tavarakuitteihin (notes), joka s\u00E4\u00E4st\u00E4\u00E4 paljon aikaa. Tavarakuittipino kannattaa siirt\u00E4\u00E4 repussa samaan kohtaan kuin taika-sivulla loitsu on ja hiirt\u00E4 ei tarvitse siirt\u00E4\u00E4 loitsun aikana, mik\u00E4 nopeuttaa tavaroiden muuttamista rahaksi ja rasittaa v\u00E4hemm\u00E4n k\u00E4tt\u00E4. Loitsua k\u00E4ytettiin usein varallisuuden hankkimiseen, jossa ostetaan tavarat muilta pelaajilta ja muutetaan ne rahaksi voitolla, mutta nyky\u00E4\u00E4n Grand Exchangen mukana on hinnat muuttunut niin ett\u00E4 mink\u00E4\u00E4n tavaran high alchaamisest\u00E4 ei j\u00E4\u00E4 voitolle. Loitsua pidet\u00E4\u00E4n p\u00E4\u00E4syyllisen\u00E4 RuneScapen inflaatioon, jossa joidenkin tavaroiden hinta on noussut k\u00E4sitt\u00E4m\u00E4tt\u00F6m\u00E4n korkeaksi. Loitsua k\u00E4ytett\u00E4ess\u00E4 ei kannata pit\u00E4\u00E4 harvinaisia tavaroita repussa, koska niiden muuttaminen vahingossa saattaa aiheuttaa suuren rahallisen menetyksen, johtuen niiden kauppahinnan v\u00E4h\u00E4isyydest\u00E4 ja korkeasta katuhinnasta. Jos haluat ker\u00E4t\u00E4 rahaa High Level Alchemy:lla niin osta G.E:st\u00E4 (30) Adamant Platebody\u00E4 ja tapa Dark Wizardeja ja ker\u00E4\u00E4 niilt\u00E4 Nature Runet niin s\u00E4\u00E4st\u00E4t 200 gp ea. kun sinulla on (30) Nature runea ja adamant platepodya niin Fire Staff k\u00E4teen ja sitten vaan alcaamaan! Seuraavat sekatavarakaupat ostavat samalla hinnalla kuin High Level Alchemy: \n* Bandit Camp \n* L\u00E4nsi-Ardougne \n* Rogues Den \n* Kaikki Karamjan kaupat, jos k\u00E4yt\u00E4t Karamja Gloves 3:ia"@fi . "High Level Alchemy is een magische spreuk waarmee men voorwerpen inwisselt voor coins. De hoeveelheid coins is over het algemeen 50% meer dan de prijs waarvoor je het voorwerp kunt verkopen in de general store en de hoeveelheid die je ervoor krijgt met low level alchemy. Voor deze spreuk heb je 1 Nature rune, 5 Fire runes en een voorwerp om de spreuk op te gebruiken nodig. De spreuk ziet er anders uit wanneer je een staff in je handen hebt. Image:High alchemy.gif"@nl . "1"^^ . . . . . . "No"@en . "High level alchemy"@nl . . . . "65"^^ . . "High Level Alchemy is a popular way for mid and high level players to train their magic level, by buying or making valuable items and nature runes, then casting the spell on the items. High (and Low) Alchemy can be cast on noted items, saving much withdrawal time from the bank, and simplifying the \"click pattern\". Casting alchemy spells on stackable items will only alchemize one at a time. It is possible to alch around 1,200 items per hour for a total of 78,000 magic experience."@en . . "The High level alchemy tablet is an item that can be used by any player to convert items into the same amount of coins as a specialist store would pay for the item. A lot of players use these tabs instead of buying the runes, because they take up less inventory space. Like all tablets, the default option is to 'Break' this tablet, which casts the spell, but does not give any experience. When you click \"break\" you choose the item you wish to convert to coins: only after that you actually cast the spell. The magic experience comes by making the tablet, though."@en . "1"^^ . . . "5"^^ . "nature"@en . . . "High level alchemy (HLA) is a new branch of alchemy in Dream of Mirror Online. You can craft and , or . Materials created using normal alchemy will help to raise your alchemy level, but using the scrolls do not. It appears that alchemy level does not matter when using HLA other than the required level for the HLA qualification and to make certain materials through normal alchemy."@en . . . "High level alchemy is een magic spreuk waar spelers voorwerpen in geld kunnen omtoveren. Categorie:Beantwoorde vragen Categorie:RuneScape"@nl . . "High level alchemy (HLA) is a new branch of alchemy in Dream of Mirror Online. You can craft and , or . Materials created using normal alchemy will help to raise your alchemy level, but using the scrolls do not. It appears that alchemy level does not matter when using HLA other than the required level for the HLA qualification and to make certain materials through normal alchemy."@en . . "0"^^ .