. . "The name Fenrisulfr is chosen from the name of the Giant Wolf of the Gods of Aesir, who is said will only ever be loosed upon the world at Ragnarok, the name of the final war of the Gods. Teutoburg feels that the same is true for it's armies. while it is true that it has already unleashed many examples of military excellence both engaging in Alliance conflicts, such as the ICP Reformation War and numerous others of Norden Verein's conflicts, and in it's own personal affairs in Teutoburg's continued campaigns against Communism and the impervious Bolschevist threat The Fenrisulfr of Teutoburg uses many prominant symbols of power, these symbols including the Totenkopf, or Death's Head, a symbol which at one point was used by all European armies as a symbolic tradition. The Othala Rune, which is from one of rune sets associated with Odin, and is a symbol of power, strength, and loyalty to ones kin. In all forms of Fenrisulfr doctrine used by the Nation of Teutoburg, one will be able to see the atleast one these symbols, most common of which will be the full Fenrisulfr Crest (featured on right) which is used by the Fenrisulfr commanders to make any statements official. Other things that one will commonly see during times of war is the National flag being replaced with Teutoburg's National war flag to show support for the military effort."@en . . "Fenrisulfr"@en . "Fenrisulfr is a Norse wolf god who is said to kill Odin during Ragnarok, the end of the world."@en . "The name Fenrisulfr is chosen from the name of the Giant Wolf of the Gods of Aesir, who is said will only ever be loosed upon the world at Ragnarok, the name of the final war of the Gods. Teutoburg feels that the same is true for it's armies. while it is true that it has already unleashed many examples of military excellence both engaging in Alliance conflicts, such as the ICP Reformation War and numerous others of Norden Verein's conflicts, and in it's own personal affairs in Teutoburg's continued campaigns against Communism and the impervious Bolschevist threat"@en . . "Slay Odin"@en . "Fenrisulfr is a Norse wolf god who is said to kill Odin during Ragnarok, the end of the world."@en . "Fenrisulfr"@en . . . "225"^^ . .