. . "The Real Housewives of Shelbyville TV Show Information Genre Starring Country of Origin Channel First Appearance The Real Housewives of Shelbyville is a reality show which focuses on the housewives residing in Shelbyville. Marge is seen watching the show while waiting for Homer to return from work. The show also has its own handbag in \"Loan-a Lisa\"."@en . . . "United States"@en . . "The Real Housewives of Shelbyville TV Show Information Genre Starring Country of Origin Channel First Appearance The Real Housewives of Shelbyville is a reality show which focuses on the housewives residing in Shelbyville. Marge is seen watching the show while waiting for Homer to return from work. The show also has its own handbag in \"Loan-a Lisa\"."@en . "\"Boy Meets Curl\""@en . "The Real Housewives of Shelbyville"@en . "Reality"@en . . . "The Real Housewives of Shelbyville"@en . . . .