"Secret Agent Bob (film)"@en . "Secret Agent Bob is a 2003 CGI-animated short film. It was created, animated, produced, and written by Jason Steele of FilmCow.com. The main theme for the film was composed by renowned musician and inspiration for Jason Steele and Logan Whitehurst. It stars Jason Steele as the film\u2019s protagonist Bob, the antagonist, Russian terrorist Dr. Hinkins, and one of Bob\u2019s two mysterious associates \u201Cthe Walrus\u201D. It also stars Stephanie Steele in the role of another one of Bob\u2019s partners, the telepathic Michelle."@en . . . . "Secret Agent Bob is a 2003 CGI-animated short film. It was created, animated, produced, and written by Jason Steele of FilmCow.com. The main theme for the film was composed by renowned musician and inspiration for Jason Steele and Logan Whitehurst. It stars Jason Steele as the film\u2019s protagonist Bob, the antagonist, Russian terrorist Dr. Hinkins, and one of Bob\u2019s two mysterious associates \u201Cthe Walrus\u201D. It also stars Stephanie Steele in the role of another one of Bob\u2019s partners, the telepathic Michelle."@en .