"Dwemer Ruins"@en . . . "Falmer"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "deep under ground area's"@en . "Agressive"@en . . "Falmer"@pl . . . . . . "Falmer are the remains of the former snow elves race, who where once believed to have been extinct. However, they now live in the underground. After being hunted to near extinction by the Nords, The Snow elves went to the Dwemer for help. The Dwarves, using the deal to their advantage, tricked the Falmer into losing their sight, and they soon became an almost mindless race that was used as slave labor."@en . . . "Los Falmer son misteriosos habitantes de las profundidades de Skyrim. La descendencia corrupta y deforme de los antes conocidos como Elfos de las Nieves. Se dice que fueron desfigurados, envenenados, por los enanos y obligados a adaptarse a su nuevo entorno suberr\u00E1neo. Tras siglos de vivir en la oscuridad de las cuevas y ruinas Dwemer todos perdieron el sentido de la vista, sin embargo, sus otros sentidos compensan con creces su invidencia y los convierte en enemigos formidables."@es . . "Falmer_in_a_jar.jpg"@en . . . . . . . "Falmer are the remains of the former snow elves race, who where once believed to have been extinct. However, they now live in the underground. After being hunted to near extinction by the Nords, The Snow elves went to the Dwemer for help. The Dwarves, using the deal to their advantage, tricked the Falmer into losing their sight, and they soon became an almost mindless race that was used as slave labor. Years later, they rebelled against the Dwember, and launched a bloody war. Dispite the loss of sight, the Falmer had almost super senses, being able to hear and detect things with ease. The war ended when the Dwemer mysteriously vanished. The Dwemer are scavengers, and produce little of their own. They use Chaurus not only for food, but use its shell to make arms and armor. They have a natural talent for alchemy, and produce poisons to assist in combat. The Falmer are highly aggressive, attacking any intruders they detect. During the fourth era, they began to to emerge from their underground homes and raid small towns and caravans, killing everybody, or dragging survivors into their holes. The Falmer show no one goal with captives, some people would be tortured or feed to Chaurus, others would be enslaved."@en . . . . . . . "miniatur|260px|Schneeelf thumb|300px|Die Falmer in ihrer heutigen, wortw\u00F6rtlich verk\u00FCmmerten GestaltDie Falmer, auch Schneeelfen, sind eine Elfenrasse, welche tief unter der Erde hausen. Man glaubt, dass die Falmer die wahren Nachkommen der urspr\u00FCnglichen Elfenzivilisation sind. Nur wenige wissen, dass \u00FCberhaupt noch Falmergemeinschaften existieren. Manche Leute glauben au\u00DFerdem, dass sie sich in den unterirdischen Gegenden Himmelsrands angesiedelt haben. Erste Erw\u00E4hnung der Falmer findet man im Buch Aevar Steinsang."@de . "Jar"@en . "Falmer"@es . "Difficult to measure due to crouching."@en . . "Top shelf of the left side display in the Great JarHunt Room in the Hall of Oddities."@en . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Falmer File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX14CF28(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "miniatur|260px|Schneeelf thumb|300px|Die Falmer in ihrer heutigen, wortw\u00F6rtlich verk\u00FCmmerten GestaltDie Falmer, auch Schneeelfen, sind eine Elfenrasse, welche tief unter der Erde hausen. Man glaubt, dass die Falmer die wahren Nachkommen der urspr\u00FCnglichen Elfenzivilisation sind. Nur wenige wissen, dass \u00FCberhaupt noch Falmergemeinschaften existieren. Manche Leute glauben au\u00DFerdem, dass sie sich in den unterirdischen Gegenden Himmelsrands angesiedelt haben. Erste Erw\u00E4hnung der Falmer findet man im Buch Aevar Steinsang."@de . . . . "__NOEDITSECTION__ Falmer File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX14CF28(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)"@en . . . . . . "Los Falmer son misteriosos habitantes de las profundidades de Skyrim. La descendencia corrupta y deforme de los antes conocidos como Elfos de las Nieves. Se dice que fueron desfigurados, envenenados, por los enanos y obligados a adaptarse a su nuevo entorno suberr\u00E1neo. Tras siglos de vivir en la oscuridad de las cuevas y ruinas Dwemer todos perdieron el sentido de la vista, sin embargo, sus otros sentidos compensan con creces su invidencia y los convierte en enemigos formidables."@es . "14"^^ . . . "100"^^ . "Falmer"@de . "Falmer"@en . "Non-sapien, Sapient"@en . . . . . . . . "1"^^ .