"Brickfilms Wiki:Formatting Guidelines"@en . . . "Begin with the brickfilm's title, followed by the year it was released, its primary genre, and its director. A one-sentence plot hook should follow. Finally if the film was notable in any other way, including winning contests or festivals, or being made for The LEGO Group, note this as well. \n* Robinson Wood as Frankenstein's Monster If more than one person provided primary work on the brickfilm, also include a crew list in this format: \n* Andy Boyer - Director, Writer"@en . . . "Begin with the brickfilm's title, followed by the year it was released, its primary genre, and its director. A one-sentence plot hook should follow. Finally if the film was notable in any other way, including winning contests or festivals, or being made for The LEGO Group, note this as well. Every brickfilm page should have an infobox, plot summary, and references. The plot summary should succinctly summarize the entire plot of the brickfilm in up to several paragraphs, though many short brickfilms will probably only need a single paragraph. Plot summaries should end with a reference or source to the actual brickfilm. If the brickfilm contains more than one voice actor, also include a cast list in this format \n* Robinson Wood as Frankenstein's Monster If more than one person provided primary work on the brickfilm, also include a crew list in this format: \n* Andy Boyer - Director, Writer"@en .