. "Surgeon, Employee of Mittelos Bioscience"@en . . . . . "Ethan Goodspeed"@de . . . "Ethan Goodspeed"@it . "Wyspa"@pl . . . . "Ethan Rom"@es . "Horace Goodspeed - P\u00E8re"@fr . "Ethan Rom"@pt . . . "Ethan Rom is every bad guy you've ever met with a touch of creepy. Occasionally dead. Was once killed by Charlie, which surprised everyone. Locke revealed he will kill him in the future in an 'island dream' fueled by mescaline which he smuggled in his wooden legs. Ethan loved to play practical jokes on the islanders, often involving killing people or stabbing unborn babies with huge needles."@en . . "Ethan Rom"@es . . "Ethan Rom"@de . "20"^^ . "Rom"@pl . . . "5"^^ . "Possible deceased child"@zh . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . . "1"^^ . "Etham Rom was de eerste van de Anderen die voorkwam in de serie. Hij kidnapte Claire, liet Charlie voor dood achter, en viel Jack aan als waarschuwing. Later werd hij gedood door Charlie."@nl . . . . "2004"^^ . . . "Shot by Charlie Pace"@en . "Deceased child"@en . . "Horace Goodspeed - Father"@en . "Ob\u00E9ir au chef des Autres et \u00E0 Jacob"@fr . "Cirurgi\u00E3o"@pt . . "Ethan Rom"@pl . "Ethan jest synem Amy i Horace Goodspeeda urodzonym na Wyspie w roku 1977. Jest pierwszym z Innych, kt\u00F3rego poznajemy. Infiltrowa\u0142 grup\u0119 rozbitk\u00F3w ze \u015Brodkowej cz\u0119\u015Bci samolotu. Zabity przez Charliego."@pl . . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Ethan Rom \u00E9tait le fils d'Amy et d'Horace Goodspeed. N\u00E9 sur l'\u00EEle, il a grandi au sein du Projet DHARMA mais a fini par rejoindre les Autres. \u00C0 Miami, il a aid\u00E9 Richard Alpert \u00E0 recruter Juliet et travaillait sur l'\u00EEle comme chirurgien. Envoy\u00E9 pour infiltrer les survivants de la section du milieu du vol Oceanic 815, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9masqu\u00E9 et contraint d'enlever Claire pour l'emmener \u00E0 la Station m\u00E9dicale. L\u00E0-bas, il lui a administr\u00E9 un traitement en pr\u00E9vision de son accouchement. Il tenta de la r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer apr\u00E8s sa fuite mais il a \u00E9t\u00E9 abattu par Charlie."@fr . . . "Ethan warns Jack not to follow him."@en . "Massimo Bitossi"@it . . . "William Mapother"@es . . "Deceduto"@it . "Ontario, Canada"@en . . . . . . . "Ethan Rom"@zh . . "Dr. Ethan Rom was the surgeon of the Others. When Flight 815 crashed on the Island, he was sent by Ben to infiltrate the middle-section survivors. On the verge of being discovered, he kidnapped Claire and took her to a medical station. After she escaped, Ethan attempted to take her back but was captured himself. Shortly afterward, Charlie killed the captive Ethan by firing several gunshots into him."@zh . . . "Seitw\u00E4rtsblenden"@de . . . "Ethan Rom"@nl . "\u00E9\u00E9n van De Anderen"@nl . . . "1977"^^ . . "Nasceu na ilha"@pt . . "2004"^^ . "Ethan Rom"@fr . . "Amy Goodspeed - M\u00E3e"@pt . . "Conocido como Ethan Rom en la realidad original, y como Ethan Goodspeed en la realidad alternativa, es hijo de Amy y Horace Goodspeed, antiguos miembros de la Iniciativa Dharma. En 2004, era un miembro de los Otros encargado de curar a mujeres embarazadas en la Isla. Previamente ayud\u00F3 a Richard Alpert en la empresa Mittelos Bioscience para reclutar gente del mundo exterior. M\u00E1s tarde, cuando se supo que en la Isla hab\u00EDa una nueva embarazada (Claire), Ethan experiment\u00F3 con ella, y m\u00E1s tarde se vio obligado a secuestrarla. Fue asesinado por Charlie durante una emboscada realizada por los supervivientes."@es . "Ethan Goodspeed ist der erste der Anderen, der in der Serie zu sehen ist. Er wurde von Ben beauftragt sich unter die Passagiere vom Mittelteil des Fluges 815 zu mischen. Er ist der Sohn von Horace Goodspeed und Amy. Wie er die S\u00E4uberung \u00FCberlebt ist unklar. Ethan scheint Richard Alperts Rechte Hand bei der Anwerbung neuer Mitarbeiter f\u00FCr Mittelos Bioscience zu sein und ist auch bei der Einstellung von Juliet Burke anwesend. Er ist verantwortlich f\u00FCr Claires Entf\u00FChrung, Scotts ,und ermordete Charlie beinahe. Seine Funktion bei den Anderen ist die eines Chirurgen. Er wird von Charlie get\u00F6tet."@de . "Onbekend"@nl . . . . . "Ethan's dead body, after being shot six times by Charlie."@en . . . "Ethan nikki paulo.gif"@en . "27"^^ . "3"^^ . "D\u00E9c\u00E9d\u00E9"@fr . "Ethan Rom is a villain in Lost. He appeared as the main antagonist of the 1st season. Ethan was the spinal surgeon for the Others until his death."@en . . "L'Isola"@it . "William Mapother"@en . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . . "2004-10-20"^^ . . . . "One of \"The Others\""@en . "Ethan is introduced to Juliet Burke."@en . . . . . . "2004-10-20"^^ . . "Ethan Rom is a villain in Lost. He appeared as the main antagonist of the 1st season. Ethan was the spinal surgeon for the Others until his death."@en . . . "Horace Goodspeed - padre, Amy - madre, Moglie deceduta, Figlio deceduto"@it . . . . . "Ethan Rom was a member of \"The Others\" who spied on the camp of the Fuselage Survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. He had posed as an employee of Mittelos BioScience off of the island to help recruit Juliet. Ethan was once married, but his wife died during childbirth."@en . . "20"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . "A Ilha"@pt . "Conocido como Ethan Rom en la realidad original, y como Ethan Goodspeed en la realidad alternativa, es hijo de Amy y Horace Goodspeed, antiguos miembros de la Iniciativa Dharma. En 2004, era un miembro de los Otros encargado de curar a mujeres embarazadas en la Isla. Previamente ayud\u00F3 a Richard Alpert en la empresa Mittelos Bioscience para reclutar gente del mundo exterior. M\u00E1s tarde, cuando se supo que en la Isla hab\u00EDa una nueva embarazada (Claire), Ethan experiment\u00F3 con ella, y m\u00E1s tarde se vio obligado a secuestrarla. Fue asesinado por Charlie durante una emboscada realizada por los supervivientes."@es . . . "Ethan Rom"@zh . . . "left"@en . "Ethan Rom"@de . . . . "Amy Goodspeed - Mother"@en . "Onbekend, beweerde zelf Ontario"@nl . . . "Chirurg"@de . . "Deceased wife"@en . . . . . . . . . "Lipiec 1977"@pl . "William Mapother"@it . . . . . . . "Morto"@pt . "Prot\u00E9ger l'\u00CEle"@fr . . . . "William Mapother"@nl . "Zastrzelony przez Charliego"@pl . . "Dr. Ethan Rom was the surgeon of the Others. When Flight 815 crashed on the Island, he was sent by Ben to infiltrate the middle-section survivors. On the verge of being discovered, he kidnapped Claire and took her to a medical station. After she escaped, Ethan attempted to take her back but was captured himself. Shortly afterward, Charlie killed the captive Ethan by firing several gunshots into him."@zh . . . "Overleden"@nl . . . "William Mapother"@pt . . . . . "200"^^ . . "Chirurg"@pl . . . . . . "Devon Gearhart"@pt . "Wife - Unknown, Father - Horace Goodspeed, Mother - Amy"@en . . . "verstorben"@de . . "William Mapother"@fr . "Ethan keeps Claire Littleton quiet as he injects her."@en . . . "Ethan Rom"@es . "Ethan Rom"@pt . "July 1977"@en . "William Mapother"@de . "Character appearances#Ethan RomS6"@en . . "Cirujano, empleado de Mittelos Bioscience"@es . "July 1977"@en . . "Ethan serves as Claire's doctor."@en . . . "Amy - Madre"@es . . . . . . "2004-10-20"^^ . "Amy Goodspeed - M\u00E8re"@fr . . . . "Chirurgien"@fr . . "\u96FB\u8996\u528714\u96C6 / \u624B\u6A5F\u77ED\u52871\u96C6"@zh . "Employ\u00E9 de Mittelos Bioscience"@fr . "Ontario, Canad\u00E1"@es . . "\u88ABCharlie\u69CD\u6BBA"@zh . . . . . . . "Ethan Goodspeed ist der erste der Anderen, der in der Serie zu sehen ist. Er wurde von Ben beauftragt sich unter die Passagiere vom Mittelteil des Fluges 815 zu mischen. Er ist der Sohn von Horace Goodspeed und Amy. Wie er die S\u00E4uberung \u00FCberlebt ist unklar. Ethan scheint Richard Alperts Rechte Hand bei der Anwerbung neuer Mitarbeiter f\u00FCr Mittelos Bioscience zu sein und ist auch bei der Einstellung von Juliet Burke anwesend. Er ist verantwortlich f\u00FCr Claires Entf\u00FChrung, Scotts ,und ermordete Charlie beinahe. Seine Funktion bei den Anderen ist die eines Chirurgen. Er wird von Charlie get\u00F6tet."@de . . . . . "\u3010Ethan Rom\u3011\u5716\u7247\u9801\u9762"@zh . . . . . "inf\u00E2ncia"@pt . . "Ethan Goodspeed"@en . . "Ethan Rom"@nl . . "Bertrand Liebert"@fr . . . "Posible hijo muerto"@es . . . "Disparado por Charlie"@es . . . . "Ethan Rom"@de . "EthanGunpointJohn.jpg\u200E\u200E"@en . "Amy - Matka, Horace - Ojciec"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . "Ethan encounters a time-travelling John Locke"@en . . "D\u017Cungla"@pl . "Images of Ethan Rom"@en . . . . . . "Etham Rom was de eerste van de Anderen die voorkwam in de serie. Hij kidnapte Claire, liet Charlie voor dood achter, en viel Jack aan als waarschuwing. Later werd hij gedood door Charlie."@nl . . . . . "Ethan Rom"@zh . . . . . . . . . "Ethan Goodspeed"@pl . "Luglio 1977"@it . "Ethan Rom"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ethan Rom is every bad guy you've ever met with a touch of creepy. Occasionally dead. Was once killed by Charlie, which surprised everyone. Locke revealed he will kill him in the future in an 'island dream' fueled by mescaline which he smuggled in his wooden legs. Ethan loved to play practical jokes on the islanders, often involving killing people or stabbing unborn babies with huge needles."@en . "Ethan takes care of Claire while she stays at the Staff."@en . "Ethan Rom \u00E9 o filho de Amy e Horace Goodspeed, e era o cirurgi\u00E3o dos Outros. Quando o Voo 815 caiu na Ilha, ele foi o infiltrado da se\u00E7\u00E3o intermedi\u00E1ria. Quando foi descoberto que n\u00E3o estava no avi\u00E3o, ele sequestrou Claire e a levou para a Esta\u00E7\u00E3o M\u00E9dica. Depois de ela escapar, Ethan tentou peg\u00E1-la de volta, mas, ao inv\u00E9s disso, foi capturado. Por\u00E9m, brevemente. Charlie o matou com v\u00E1rios tiros no peito."@pt . . . . . "Ethan Rom"@en . . "Ethan Rom"@fr . "8.520552E8"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . "Ethan"@pl . "Ethan introduces himself to Nikki Fernandez and Paulo."@en . . . "Il dottor Ethan Rom, nato Ethan Goodspeed, era il figlio di Amy e Horace Goodspeed e nel tempo \u00E8 diventato il chirurgo degli Altri. Quando il volo Oceanic 815 precipit\u00F2 sull'Isola, l'uomo fu mandato da Ben come spia tra i superstiti della sezione centrale dell'aereo. Dopo esser stato scoperto dai nostri, Ethan rap\u00EC Claire, ancora incinta di Aaron, e Charlie; impicc\u00F2 il ragazzo ad un albero, facendolo quasi morire soffocato, e condusse la la donna al Caduceo, la stazione medica degli Altri. Dopo che la giovane riusc\u00EC a fuggire dalla struttura, tent\u00F2 di ricondurvela, ma venne catturato. Poco dopo, Ethan fu ucciso da Charlie, che gli spar\u00F2 varie volte al petto."@it . "right"@en . . . "Ethan Rom"@it . . . . . "Ethan Rom"@pl . "Ethan Rom"@nl . . "Horace Goodspeed - Pai"@pt . "15"^^ . . "Ethan Rom"@it . . "603"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Dr. Ethan Rom, born Ethan Goodspeed, was the son of Amy and Horace Goodspeed, and the surgeon of the Others. He spent some time as a child with the DHARMA Initiative, as well as The Others, who he eventually ended up living with. As a boy, he participated in the kidnapping of Danielle Rousseau's baby, Alex, with Ben Linus. Years later, when Flight 815 crashed on the Island, he was sent by Ben to infiltrate the middle-section survivors. On the verge of being discovered, he kidnapped Claire and took her to a medical station. After she escaped, Ethan attempted to take her back but was captured himself. Shortly afterward, Charlie killed the captive Ethan by firing several gunshots into him."@en . "Ethan is told to \"shut up\" by Ben, just before they steal Alex."@en . . . . "27"^^ . . "William Mapother als Ethan Rom"@nl . . "Ethan Rom"@en . . . "15"^^ . "Ethan Rom was a member of \"The Others\" who spied on the camp of the Fuselage Survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. He had posed as an employee of Mittelos BioScience off of the island to help recruit Juliet. Ethan was once married, but his wife died during childbirth."@en . . "Juillet 1977"@fr . . . "1"^^ . . "Horace Goodspeed - Vater"@de . "Die Insel"@de . . "1977"^^ . . "Ethan Rom \u00E9tait le fils d'Amy et d'Horace Goodspeed. N\u00E9 sur l'\u00EEle, il a grandi au sein du Projet DHARMA mais a fini par rejoindre les Autres. \u00C0 Miami, il a aid\u00E9 Richard Alpert \u00E0 recruter Juliet et travaillait sur l'\u00EEle comme chirurgien. Envoy\u00E9 pour infiltrer les survivants de la section du milieu du vol Oceanic 815, il a \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9masqu\u00E9 et contraint d'enlever Claire pour l'emmener \u00E0 la Station m\u00E9dicale. L\u00E0-bas, il lui a administr\u00E9 un traitement en pr\u00E9vision de son accouchement. Il tenta de la r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer apr\u00E8s sa fuite mais il a \u00E9t\u00E9 abattu par Charlie."@fr . "Ethan Rom"@pt . "Amy - Mutter"@de . "Chirurgo, lavorava per la Mittelos Bioscience"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Juliet holding a baby Ethan."@en . . "Dr. Ethan Rom, born Ethan Goodspeed, was the son of Amy and Horace Goodspeed, and the surgeon of the Others. He spent some time as a child with the DHARMA Initiative, as well as The Others, who he eventually ended up living with. As a boy, he participated in the kidnapping of Danielle Rousseau's baby, Alex, with Ben Linus. Years later, when Flight 815 crashed on the Island, he was sent by Ben to infiltrate the middle-section survivors. On the verge of being discovered, he kidnapped Claire and took her to a medical station. After she escaped, Ethan attempted to take her back but was captured himself. Shortly afterward, Charlie killed the captive Ethan by firing several gunshots into him."@en . "28"^^ . . . . "--10-20"^^ . . "Ethan Rom \u00E9 o filho de Amy e Horace Goodspeed, e era o cirurgi\u00E3o dos Outros. Quando o Voo 815 caiu na Ilha, ele foi o infiltrado da se\u00E7\u00E3o intermedi\u00E1ria. Quando foi descoberto que n\u00E3o estava no avi\u00E3o, ele sequestrou Claire e a levou para a Esta\u00E7\u00E3o M\u00E9dica. Depois de ela escapar, Ethan tentou peg\u00E1-la de volta, mas, ao inv\u00E9s disso, foi capturado. Por\u00E9m, brevemente. Charlie o matou com v\u00E1rios tiros no peito."@pt . "Horace Goodspeed - Padre"@es . . "Nie \u017Cyje"@pl . "Ethan after a failed surgery on Sabine."@en . . . "Ethan Rom"@en . . . . "Ethan Rom"@it . . . . . "Ethan_Rom301.jpg"@pl . "Il dottor Ethan Rom, nato Ethan Goodspeed, era il figlio di Amy e Horace Goodspeed e nel tempo \u00E8 diventato il chirurgo degli Altri. Quando il volo Oceanic 815 precipit\u00F2 sull'Isola, l'uomo fu mandato da Ben come spia tra i superstiti della sezione centrale dell'aereo. Dopo esser stato scoperto dai nostri, Ethan rap\u00EC Claire, ancora incinta di Aaron, e Charlie; impicc\u00F2 il ragazzo ad un albero, facendolo quasi morire soffocato, e condusse la la donna al Caduceo, la stazione medica degli Altri. Dopo che la giovane riusc\u00EC a fuggire dalla struttura, tent\u00F2 di ricondurvela, ma venne catturato. Poco dopo, Ethan fu ucciso da Charlie, che gli spar\u00F2 varie volte al petto."@it . "Andere"@nl . "Ethan jest synem Amy i Horace Goodspeeda urodzonym na Wyspie w roku 1977. Jest pierwszym z Innych, kt\u00F3rego poznajemy. Infiltrowa\u0142 grup\u0119 rozbitk\u00F3w ze \u015Brodkowej cz\u0119\u015Bci samolotu. Zabity przez Charliego."@pl . . . . .