"The Ki Baratan Medical Center was a facility on the planet Romulus and situated in the capital of Ki Baratan. Senator Xarian Dor was rushed to this site in the 24th century after collapsing in the Hall of State where the doctors pronouced him dead as a result of Velderix Riehn'va. (DS9 novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)"@en . . "Ki Baratan Medical Center"@en . . "The Ki Baratan Medical Center was a facility on the planet Romulus and situated in the capital of Ki Baratan. Senator Xarian Dor was rushed to this site in the 24th century after collapsing in the Hall of State where the doctors pronouced him dead as a result of Velderix Riehn'va. (DS9 novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)"@en . .