"Zak fue el apodo de un oficial naval clon que sirvi\u00F3 en la Armada de la Rep\u00FAblica durante las guerras clon. \u00C9l tuvo la tarea de transportar al Maestro Yoda a la luna neutral Rugosa para reunirse con el Rey Katuunko, con el fin de que el planeta del cual Rugosa era su sat\u00E9lite, Toydaria, se uniera a la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica. Zak llev\u00F3 al Maestro Yoda a la superficie del planeta, en una fragata clase consular, cuando salieron dos fragatas confededaras del hiperespacio. y Yoda se vio obligado a tomar una c\u00E1psula de salvamento a Rugosa, dejando a Zak y la nave a retir\u00E1ndose. Categor\u00EDa:Individuos masculinos Categor\u00EDa:Soldados clon"@es . "Zak"@fi . . "Zak is voiced by Jason Michas."@en . . "Zak war ein Klonkrieger des Kopfgeldj\u00E4gers Jango Fett der der Republik als Offizier diente."@de . . . . "Zak, is a Neutrino and a friend of the Turtles. This character was created specifically for the 1987 animated series. Zak1987 series zak_idw.jpg| ZakIDW comics Zak games.png| ZakVideo games"@en . "Zak ist ein Neutrinojunge und ein Freund der Turtles. Dieser Charakter wurde speziell f\u00FCr die 1987iger Zeichentrickserie erschaffen."@de . "Mad Zak the Outcast is one of the inhabitants of the Abyss colony whose mind broke under the horrible conditions in which he was forced to exist. When the Avatar found Zak on the third level of the Abyss in Ultima Underworld I, he had developed an almost lethal fear of the darkness and obsessively collected light sources to keep the darkness at bay. At first, Zak hadn't much to teach the Avatar. Later, the Avatar learned that Zak had stolen the Taper of Sacrifice from the Knights of the Crux Ansata. After returning to Zak, the hungry man agreed to exchange the Taper for some fish. After hearing from Delanrey that Zak had her candelabra, the Avatar told her of having met Zak and where he could be found. Most likely Garamon rescued him when he teleported everyone out of the doomed colony."@en . "None"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Fire Breathing, Flight, Music and Singing"@en . "Spezies"@de . . . . "Zak is the only named employee of the fast food franchise Chickie D's. He first appeared in Destroy Chickie D!, unconcerned by the sight of General Monger and Susan coming in at his drive-thru in a jetpack. He is rather vengeful as shown in The Partymobile That Invaded Earth after \"The Aliens\" attacked his Chickie D and took out his frustration on Coverton."@en . . . "\"Zak\""@it . "Zak"@en . "Male"@en . "\"Zak\" era il nome di un clone soldato capitano che serv\u00EC nella Marina della Repubblica durante le Guerre dei Cloni. Gli fu incaricato di accompagnare il Maestro Jedi Yoda sulla luna neutrale di Rugosa, dove avrebbe dovuto incontrare il Re Toydariano Katuunko per fare entrare Toydaria nella Repubblica Galattica. Nell'orbita della luna, l'incrociatore classe Consular capitanato da Zak fu attaccato da due fregate della Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti, e Yoda fu costretto a raggiungere Rugosa con un guscio di salvataggio, lasciando a Zak la possibilit\u00E0 di saltare nell'iperspazio per mettersi in salvo."@it . . . . . . . . . . "\"Die Au\u00DFerirdischen\""@de . "Singing and Playing Music, Cleaning"@en . . "black"@en . "Zak is precocious and bright."@en . "Zak"@es . "Zak"@en . . . . . "File:Zak.gif"@en . . "Zak"@en . . . . "Zakky"@en . "Klonkrieger"@de . . . "A technique which is blasted out of the Laser Cannon on his arm. \n* Ki Blast \n* Ki Wave \n* I Will End All Life! A technique which Zak powers up, fires off a Laser blast, then, Zak charges his opponent. To top it off, he punches him away, mostly draining his power at the defence. \n* Punishing Beam A weaker version of Punishing Blaster used by Frieza in his second form."@en . "Zak"@en . "The Third Door"@en . "Masculin"@fr . . "Zak, like Carl, is a boxer who uses St. Aicard's Church as his gym. He is trained by Anton Gris. The player can bet on which boxer - Zak or Carl - will win in a boxing match, in order to obtain Gris' Gold Watch."@en . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Humana"@es . "Zak"@de . "theclonewars/guide/episode001.html"@en . "Zak ist ein Neutrinojunge und ein Freund der Turtles. Dieser Charakter wurde speziell f\u00FCr die 1987iger Zeichentrickserie erschaffen."@de . "Blanca"@es . "Zak fue el apodo de un oficial naval clon que sirvi\u00F3 en la Armada de la Rep\u00FAblica durante las guerras clon. \u00C9l tuvo la tarea de transportar al Maestro Yoda a la luna neutral Rugosa para reunirse con el Rey Katuunko, con el fin de que el planeta del cual Rugosa era su sat\u00E9lite, Toydaria, se uniera a la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica. Zak llev\u00F3 al Maestro Yoda a la superficie del planeta, en una fragata clase consular, cuando salieron dos fragatas confededaras del hiperespacio. y Yoda se vio obligado a tomar una c\u00E1psula de salvamento a Rugosa, dejando a Zak y la nave a retir\u00E1ndose. Categor\u00EDa:Individuos masculinos Categor\u00EDa:Soldados clon"@es . . . . "\"Zak\""@en . . . . "Zak"@fr . . . . . . . . "Rep"@es . "Zak is a character featured in RAGE. He is a resident of Subway Town and one of construction workers involved in the expansion project. He can be found in \"Fez\", talking to Eddie. When first encountered, he is angry and will mention that Redstone will have to end the mutant infestation at the Blue Line Station in order to continue the expansion project. After completing the quest \"Mutant Expansion\", he will be in a much lighter mood and will simply state that now without the mutant problem, Subway Town citizens will have more space and more work. He also states that space has been a problem for Subway Town as with the mutants below and the Gearheads above them, there was no where they could expand until now. Later on, he and Eddie will be found clearing some rubble in town. Afterwards, when the Authority arrives in Subway Town, he and Eddie will move back to \"Fez\" stating that the Authority has come around \"looking for something or someone\"."@en . "To avoid getting into trouble"@en . . . . . . . . "show"@en . . . . . . . "Zak is a young boy who appeared in The Searchers (episode)."@en . . . . . "\u0397 \u03BF\u03BD\u03BF\u03BC\u03B1\u03C3\u03AF\u03B1 \" \" \u03C3\u03C7\u03B5\u03C4\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03C4\u03C5\u03BC\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC \u03BC\u03B5 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BB\u03AD\u03BE\u03B7 \"[[ ]]\"."@el . "Alien"@de . "*Repubblica Galattica\n**Marina della Repubblica"@it . "Zak, is a Neutrino and a friend of the Turtles. This character was created specifically for the 1987 animated series. Zak1987 series zak_idw.jpg| ZakIDW comics Zak games.png| ZakVideo games"@en . . . . . "Zak"@el . . . "\u30B6\u30C3\u30AF"@it . "*Galactic Republic\n**Republic Navy"@en . . . "Zak is the only named employee of the fast food franchise Chickie D's. He first appeared in Destroy Chickie D!, unconcerned by the sight of General Monger and Susan coming in at his drive-thru in a jetpack. He is rather vengeful as shown in The Partymobile That Invaded Earth after \"The Aliens\" attacked his Chickie D and took out his frustration on Coverton."@en . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Masculino"@es . . "Brown"@en . . "Janna"@en . . . . . "\"Zak\""@fi . . "Negro"@es . "Zak"@it . . . "The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Ambush"@fi . . "\u0417\u0430\u043A"@en . "Zak"@it . . . "Zak"@en . . . . . . . "Zak was a character in The Tribe intoduced at the end of Series 5. He had a minor role in the series, but played a bigger role as May's love interest in The Tribe: A New World."@en . . . . . "Zak"@it . "Zak is a zebra who makes his first and only appearance in Falling in Love. He briefly joins forces with Timon."@en . . "143.0"^^ . . . . . "Zak is a character featured in RAGE. He is a resident of Subway Town and one of construction workers involved in the expansion project. He can be found in \"Fez\", talking to Eddie. When first encountered, he is angry and will mention that Redstone will have to end the mutant infestation at the Blue Line Station in order to continue the expansion project. Afterwards, when the Authority arrives in Subway Town, he and Eddie will move back to \"Fez\" stating that the Authority has come around \"looking for something or someone\"."@en . . . "Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit"@de . . . "unbekannt"@de . . . . . "Zak is the third member of Captain Zero's Z stack fleet, he's used for a wide variety of tasks around Bigg City Port. Zak's main role was that of a flunky to devious Zorran: a confused thug. The heavy, no malice in him. He's usually seen working with his brother Zebedee. Like the rest of Zero marine, Zak is based on the Moran fleet Tugs from the Roaring 20s. He's quite a thuggish character, often aggresive and threatening. Publicity material for the series indicated that he saw himself as a potential leader of the Z Stacks. Zak is the Z Stacks equivalent to the Star Fleet's Hercules, in that he's rarely ever seen in the remarkably short span of episodes, if there is a second series, his personality would need major developing. He had no major roles in any episodes, but is usually seen eith"@en . . "[Source] Zak \u00E9tait un capitaine clone de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique servant dans la Marine R\u00E9publicaine en tant qu'officier naval clone. En 21 av.BY, il re\u00E7ut la mission d'escorter Thire, Rys, Jek et le ma\u00EEtre Jedi Yoda vers Rugosa \u00E0 la rencontre du roi des Toydariens Katuunko. En orbite de la plan\u00E8te, son croiseur de classe Consular fut attaqu\u00E9 par des fr\u00E9gates de classe Munificent de la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants. Yoda et les trois clones fuirent en capsule de sauvetage et Zak se replia."@fr . . "Tan"@en . . . "\"Zak\" oli kloonilaivastoupseeriin lempinimi, joka palveli Galaktisen Tasavallan laivastossa kloonisotien aikana. H\u00E4n sai teht\u00E4v\u00E4n saattaa jedien suurmestari Yodan Rugosan neutraalille kuulle diplomaattisiin neuvotteluihin Toydarian kuninkaan Katuunkon kanssa saadakseen luvan rakentaa Tasavallan suurarmeijalle tukikohdan Toydarialle. Kuun yl\u00E4puolella Zakin alus joutui ansaan, ja kaksi Munificent-luokan t\u00E4htifregattia hy\u00F6kk\u00E4si saattueen kimppuun. Yoda pakeni kuun pinnalle pakokapselissa, ja Zak pakeni aluksen kanssa."@fi . . . . . "Like the rest of the Zero Marine, Zak is based off the Moran Fleet tugs from the Roaring 20s. He's quite a thuggish character, often aggressive and threatening. Publicity material for the series indicated that he saw himself as a potential leader of the Z-Stacks. Zak has been seen as a second-in-command to Zorran. He played major roles in Sunshine, High Tide, and Munitions, although he was never the focus character of an episode. He is usually seen either assisting the Z-Stacks in their devious schemes and insulting the Star Tugs. His whistle sounds like Bluenose's, only at a lower pitch. Zak's most prominent appearance is High Tide, when he and Zebedee competed with Big Mac and Warrior for a steel contract. Engine trouble that Zak had neglected to get treated however forced the two Z-Stacks to take a shortcut through Bigg City's canal network. What Zak saw as a very clever idea however resulted in disaster when Zebedee's tall load destroyed the railway bridge. He speaks with a gruff Cockney accent."@en . . "General"@de . . . . "Falling in Love"@en . . . "183"^^ . . "A technique which is blasted out of the Laser Cannon on his arm. \n* Ki Blast \n* Ki Wave \n* I Will End All Life! A technique which Zak powers up, fires off a Laser blast, then, Zak charges his opponent. To top it off, he punches him away, mostly draining his power at the defence. \n* Punishing Beam A weaker version of Punishing Blaster used by Frieza in his second form."@en . . . . "Zak war ein Klonkrieger des Kopfgeldj\u00E4gers Jango Fett der der Republik als Offizier diente."@de . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "\u0397 \u03BF\u03BD\u03BF\u03BC\u03B1\u03C3\u03AF\u03B1 \" \" \u03C3\u03C7\u03B5\u03C4\u03AF\u03B6\u03B5\u03C4\u03B1\u03B9 \u03B5\u03C4\u03C5\u03BC\u03BF\u03BB\u03BF\u03B3\u03B9\u03BA\u03AC \u03BC\u03B5 \u03C4\u03B7\u03BD \u03BB\u03AD\u03BE\u03B7 \"[[ ]]\"."@el . "Zak"@it . . . . . . . "Beruf"@de . . . . . . . "Zak"@es . "Unknown"@en . . "Mensch"@de . . . . "Stygian Abyss #Third LevelAbyss-Level Three"@en . . "Zak"@en . "Era del Alzamiento del Imperio"@es . . "32"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Umano"@it . . . "Purpur"@de . "[Source] Zak \u00E9tait un capitaine clone de la Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique servant dans la Marine R\u00E9publicaine en tant qu'officier naval clone. En 21 av.BY, il re\u00E7ut la mission d'escorter Thire, Rys, Jek et le ma\u00EEtre Jedi Yoda vers Rugosa \u00E0 la rencontre du roi des Toydariens Katuunko. En orbite de la plan\u00E8te, son croiseur de classe Consular fut attaqu\u00E9 par des fr\u00E9gates de classe Munificent de la Conf\u00E9d\u00E9ration des Syst\u00E8mes Ind\u00E9pendants. Yoda et les trois clones fuirent en capsule de sauvetage et Zak se replia."@fr . . "1.83"^^ . . "US-Sprecher:"@de . . . "Zak"@fr . . "\u30B6\u30C3\u30AF\uFF08\u30AF\u30ED\u30FC\u30F3\u30FB\u30C8\u30EB\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\uFF09"@en . . . "250"^^ . . "Zak is one of the main characters in Dragon Tales. He is a green dragon who prefers doing \"safe\" activities, much of which lack any fun and is the conjoined twin brother of Wheezie. His dragon badge resembles an eighth note. He is voiced by Jason Michas."@en . . "Zak"@en . "die Neutrino-Heimatwelt, Dimension X"@de . "250"^^ . . . . . "Dorne"@en . . . "The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Ambush"@en . "Offizier"@de . . . . . . "Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n\nGran Ej\u00E9rcito de la Rep\u00FAblica"@es . . . . . "Zak"@es . "Zak is Xaxon's Homo Sapien Sapien (a species from the planet Earth) form. He appears as a...well....a human. He is a human with dark blonde hair a bit longer than Ben's. He wears a shirt like Ben's lucky t-shirt from his first days with the Omnitrix, but long-sleeved and with a black X pattern rather than a T pattern. His Protomnitrix Symbol is on his wrist, covered by the shirt. Unlike most of Xaxon's aliens, Zak seems to age in real time, just as a normal human would. In his most recent appearance, he has shoulder-length brown hair (styled similarly to Kevin's), a blue jacket with a red X on it, a white T-shirt, a blue baseball cap with a red bill, a pair of black pants with blue pipeline patterns, and a pair of large black shoes. His symbol did not change position, however."@en . "Human"@en . . "Marroni"@it . . . . "*R\u00E9publique Galactique\n**Grande Arm\u00E9e de la R\u00E9publique\n**Marine R\u00E9publicaine"@fr . . . . . "Teenager"@de . . "*Capitaine clone\n*Officier naval clone"@fr . . . . . "Galactic Republic"@en . . "Zak"@it . "Zak is voiced by Jason Michas."@en . . . "Alive"@en . "Neri"@it . . . . . "1,83 m"@it . "Ihminen"@fi . . . . "Ruskeat"@fi . . . . . . . "Zak"@en . "Casta\u00F1os"@es . "Mad Zak the Outcast is one of the inhabitants of the Abyss colony whose mind broke under the horrible conditions in which he was forced to exist. When the Avatar found Zak on the third level of the Abyss in Ultima Underworld I, he had developed an almost lethal fear of the darkness and obsessively collected light sources to keep the darkness at bay. At first, Zak hadn't much to teach the Avatar. Later, the Avatar learned that Zak had stolen the Taper of Sacrifice from the Knights of the Crux Ansata. After returning to Zak, the hungry man agreed to exchange the Taper for some fish. After hearing from Delanrey that Zak had her candelabra, the Avatar told her of having met Zak and where he could be found."@en . . "Mitglied eines Sonderkommandoteams"@de . . . "\"Zak\" oli kloonilaivastoupseeriin lempinimi, joka palveli Galaktisen Tasavallan laivastossa kloonisotien aikana. H\u00E4n sai teht\u00E4v\u00E4n saattaa jedien suurmestari Yodan Rugosan neutraalille kuulle diplomaattisiin neuvotteluihin Toydarian kuninkaan Katuunkon kanssa saadakseen luvan rakentaa Tasavallan suurarmeijalle tukikohdan Toydarialle. Kuun yl\u00E4puolella Zakin alus joutui ansaan, ja kaksi Munificent-luokan t\u00E4htifregattia hy\u00F6kk\u00E4si saattueen kimppuun. Yoda pakeni kuun pinnalle pakokapselissa, ja Zak pakeni aluksen kanssa."@fi . "Zak is a zebra who makes his first and only appearance in Falling in Love. He briefly joins forces with Timon."@en . . "Zak is precocious and bright."@en . "Zak was a character in The Tribe intoduced at the end of Series 5. He had a minor role in the series, but played a bigger role as May's love interest in The Tribe: A New World."@en . "Dragon Tales"@en . . . "Zak"@de . "RAGE"@en . . "Zak is Xaxon's Homo Sapien Sapien (a species from the planet Earth) form. He appears as a...well....a human. He is a human with dark blonde hair a bit longer than Ben's. He wears a shirt like Ben's lucky t-shirt from his first days with the Omnitrix, but long-sleeved and with a black X pattern rather than a T pattern. His Protomnitrix Symbol is on his wrist, covered by the shirt."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "lightsteelblue"@en . "Zak"@it . "theclonewars/guide/episode001.html"@fi . "Dragon, Pessimist"@en . . "\"Zak\" era il nome di un clone soldato capitano che serv\u00EC nella Marina della Repubblica durante le Guerre dei Cloni. Gli fu incaricato di accompagnare il Maestro Jedi Yoda sulla luna neutrale di Rugosa, dove avrebbe dovuto incontrare il Re Toydariano Katuunko per fare entrare Toydaria nella Repubblica Galattica. Nell'orbita della luna, l'incrociatore classe Consular capitanato da Zak fu attaccato da due fregate della Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti, e Yoda fu costretto a raggiungere Rugosa con un guscio di salvataggio, lasciando a Zak la possibilit\u00E0 di saltare nell'iperspazio per mettersi in salvo."@it . . . . "Datei:Zak.jpg"@de . "Zak"@it . . "Like the rest of the Zero Marine, Zak is based off the Moran Fleet tugs from the Roaring 20s. He's quite a thuggish character, often aggressive and threatening. Publicity material for the series indicated that he saw himself as a potential leader of the Z-Stacks. Zak has been seen as a second-in-command to Zorran. He played major roles in Sunshine, High Tide, and Munitions, although he was never the focus character of an episode. He is usually seen either assisting the Z-Stacks in their devious schemes and insulting the Star Tugs. His whistle sounds like Bluenose's, only at a lower pitch. Zak's most prominent appearance is High Tide, when he and Zebedee competed with Big Mac and Warrior for a steel contract. Engine trouble that Zak had neglected to get treated however forced the two Z-Stac"@en . . . . . "Kamino"@es . . . . . "Zak"@nl . . "Zak"@it . . . . "Zak is a young boy who appeared in The Searchers (episode)."@en . . . . . . . "Zak is one of the main characters in Dragon Tales. He is a green dragon who prefers doing \"safe\" activities, much of which lack any fun and is the conjoined twin brother of Wheezie. His dragon badge resembles an eighth note. He is voiced by Jason Michas."@en . . "Zak, like Carl, is a boxer who uses St. Aicard's Church as his gym. He is trained by Anton Gris. The player can bet on which boxer - Zak or Carl - will win in a boxing match, in order to obtain Gris' Gold Watch."@en . "Zak is the third member of Captain Zero's Z stack fleet, he's used for a wide variety of tasks around Bigg City Port. Zak's main role was that of a flunky to devious Zorran: a confused thug. The heavy, no malice in him. He's usually seen working with his brother Zebedee. Like the rest of Zero marine, Zak is based on the Moran fleet Tugs from the Roaring 20s. He's quite a thuggish character, often aggresive and threatening. Publicity material for the series indicated that he saw himself as a potential leader of the Z Stacks. Zak is the Z Stacks equivalent to the Star Fleet's Hercules, in that he's rarely ever seen in the remarkably short span of episodes, if there is a second series, his personality would need major developing. He had no major roles in any episodes, but is usually seen either assisting the Z Stacks in their devious schemes and insulting the Star Tugs, His whistle sounds like Warrior's, but only deeper with two tones. Zak's most prominent appearance is High Tide, when he and Zebedee competed with Big Mac and Warrior for the Big Steel contract. Engine trouble that Zak had neglected to get treated however forced the 2 Z Stacks to take a shortcut through Bigg City's canal network. What Zak saw as a very clever idea however resulted in disaster when Zebedee's tall load destroyed the railway bridge. Like Zebedee, Zak resembles 'Arry and Bert from the sister series, as having the secondary antagonist role"@en . . . . . "Zak"@en . . . . . . "Zak"@de . "Geschlecht"@de . . .