"Les miniatures, figurines, mini-familiers ou encore mini-pets (du mot anglais pet signifiant familier ou animal de compagnie) sont des r\u00E9pliques \u00E0 \u00E9chelle r\u00E9duite des personnages non joueur et des cr\u00E9atures du jeu. Cette pratique \u00E0 \u00E9t\u00E9 instaur\u00E9e par ArenaNet pour servir de cadeaux d'anniversaire pour la premi\u00E8re ann\u00E9e d\u2019existence de Guild Wars. De l\u2019aveu de Gaile Gray, l\u2019\u00E9quipe de developpement a d\u00E9cid\u00E9 et impl\u00E9ment\u00E9 cela tr\u00E8s rapidement peu avant la sortie de Factions pour offrir quelque chose de \"cool\" en remerciement du support apport\u00E9 par les joueurs tout au long de la premi\u00E8re ann\u00E9e d\u2019existence de Guild Wars."@fr . "La grenouille"@fr . . . . "A tool for {tabletop games} used to keep track of players & monsters."@en . . . . . "From the [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Miniature]] miniatura (manuscript illumination), from miniare (to illuminate), from the [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Miniature]] mini\u0101re (to colour red), from minium (red lead). [[Image:The_Arnolfini_Portrait%2C_d%C3%A9tail_%282%29.jpg|thumb|In the back of Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait a miniature reflexion of the scene is painted, and, surrounding it, even smaller miniatures of Christ.]]"@ia . "Season 4, Episode 110"@en . . . . "4862"^^ . "La grenouille"@fr . . . . . . "Miniature"@en . "Miniature"@ia . . "Miniatures, also referred to as \"mini pets,\" are in-game vanity items that can be obtained through various sources. When activated, a small duplicate of the named creature will appear and follow you around. Miniatures were originally created as \"birthday presents\" to show appreciation for long-time players, but have since become available through many other means. \n* Miniatures are activated by double-clicking on the item in your inventory, and can be de-activated the same way. \n* Only one miniature can be active per character at a time. If you activate a second one, it will replace the active one automatically. Two identical miniatures in a character's inventory are treated as one miniature for this purpose (if one is active, double-clicking the other will de-activate it, rather than replace it). \n* An activated miniature will stay activated even if you place it in storage, but will disappear if it is traded with someone. \n* Miniatures can be used in explorable areas, missions, towns, or outposts. \n* Only 20 miniatures can be active in the same district. \n* Miniatures can be traded, dropped, destroyed, and placed in storage. \n* Miniatures cannot be dyed or sold to Merchants. \n* A character can carry multiple miniatures in his or her inventory. \n* Miniatures exist of creatures from all campaigns, but are not limited by the campaigns unlocked on a player's account. A player who only owns Prophecies can still receive a miniature of a Factions or Nightfall creature. \n* Miniatures cannot attack, nor do they have skills or special abilities. They cannot be targeted, do not count as allies for Leadership, and have no collision box. \n* Some miniatures make noises in explorable areas."@en . "A miniature is a replica of an character, creature or thing. Miniatures are gained as player rewards."@en . "Une miniature est un PNJ qui vous suit. Cette miniature subit une d\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E9ration de vie constante lorsque vous l'activez. De la nourriture pour familier fera remonter sa vie efficacement."@fr . . . . "Robert Duvall"@en . "Miniatures, also referred to as \"mini pets,\" are in-game vanity items that can be obtained through various sources. When activated, a small duplicate of the named creature will appear and follow you around. Miniatures were originally created as \"birthday presents\" to show appreciation for long-time players, but have since become available through many other means."@en . "A miniature is a replica of an character, creature or thing. Miniatures are gained as player rewards."@en . . . "A miniature, or mini, is a figurine used to represent a creature or character in tabletop role playing games, miniature wargames, art displays, and the like."@en . "Miniature"@en . "1963-02-21"^^ . "Miniature"@fr . . "Une miniature est un PNJ qui vous suit. Cette miniature subit une d\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E9ration de vie constante lorsque vous l'activez. De la nourriture pour familier fera remonter sa vie efficacement."@fr . . . . . . . "Les miniatures, figurines, mini-familiers ou encore mini-pets (du mot anglais pet signifiant familier ou animal de compagnie) sont des r\u00E9pliques \u00E0 \u00E9chelle r\u00E9duite des personnages non joueur et des cr\u00E9atures du jeu. Cette pratique \u00E0 \u00E9t\u00E9 instaur\u00E9e par ArenaNet pour servir de cadeaux d'anniversaire pour la premi\u00E8re ann\u00E9e d\u2019existence de Guild Wars. De l\u2019aveu de Gaile Gray, l\u2019\u00E9quipe de developpement a d\u00E9cid\u00E9 et impl\u00E9ment\u00E9 cela tr\u00E8s rapidement peu avant la sortie de Factions pour offrir quelque chose de \"cool\" en remerciement du support apport\u00E9 par les joueurs tout au long de la premi\u00E8re ann\u00E9e d\u2019existence de Guild Wars. Depuis, les miniatures se retrouvent non-seulement dans la premi\u00E8re s\u00E9rie de cadeaux d\u2019anniversaires, mais \u00E9galement dans les \u00C9ditions Collector de Factions et de Nightfall, dans des programmes publicitaires, en tant que r\u00E9compense de tournoi ou de jeux sportifs, etc. \n* Liste des miniatures."@fr . "From the [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Miniature]] miniatura (manuscript illumination), from miniare (to illuminate), from the [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Miniature]] mini\u0101re (to colour red), from minium (red lead). [[Image:The_Arnolfini_Portrait%2C_d%C3%A9tail_%282%29.jpg|thumb|In the back of Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait a miniature reflexion of the scene is painted, and, surrounding it, even smaller miniatures of Christ.]]"@ia . "A miniature, or mini, is a figurine used to represent a creature or character in tabletop role playing games, miniature wargames, art displays, and the like."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Miniature.jpg"@en . "A tool for {tabletop games} used to keep track of players & monsters."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . .