. "Amalia is the daughter N and Concordia. Since she is N's daughter, she's considered Team Plasma's Future Leader but she wants to form a new plot for the team. She wasn't revealed to be N's daughter until later."@en . . . . "Die Figur Amalias ist als recht athletisch-trainiert zu bezeichnen, so dass man ihr eine taugliche Ausdauer f\u00FCr Kampfsituationen zusprechen kann, f\u00FCr die sie jedoch wohl auch regelm\u00E4\u00DFig einiger k\u00F6rperlicher Ert\u00FCchtigung nachgehen muss. Von etwas kleinerer als durchschnittlicher Gr\u00F6\u00DFe unter Sturmwinder Frauen w\u00FCrde sie in einer Menschenmenge wom\u00F6glich nicht unbedingt auffallen. Als herausragendstes Merkmal d\u00FCrfte wohl ihr st\u00E4ndiger Griff zu einer Taschenuhr gelten, auf der sie immer wieder die Zeit im Auge beh\u00E4lt."@de . "Amalia is the one of the main protagonists of the Heaven Sent Gaming comic strip Reverie. She is an outgoing and hardworking girl, she is wears many hats, but primarily works at a fast food restaurant called Fries n' Stuff."@en . . . . "Amalia is the daughter N and Concordia. Since she is N's daughter, she's considered Team Plasma's Future Leader but she wants to form a new plot for the team. She wasn't revealed to be N's daughter until later."@en . "The role of Amalia is played by Danielle Brett in the Season Two episode \"Crazy Love\"."@en . "FF0000"@en . "Amalia"@pl . "braun"@de . "Amalia"@en . "early 16th century, Italy"@en . . "Working, spending time with her boyfriend Bronjay and best friend Milly."@en . . . . "Kid Heroes"@en . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Amal\u00ECa"@de . "no"@en . . "Eventually, Nick drains and kills Amalia."@en . "40"^^ . . . "Weiblich"@de . . "von Aschensee"@de . . . . "Amalia lives with her father, Matthias, in the village of Honnleath during the events of the Fifth Blight."@en . "student and kid"@en . . . . . "aide-de-camp to Karis Tatenen"@en . . . . . "Amalia"@en . . "Amalia"@en . "Lieutenant Amalia was a female junior naval officer who served as the attendant to a high-ranking officer. After a transport ship carrying a tactical data core for Amalia's faction was attacked by O'reenian forces in the Outer Rim Territories, Amalia hired a group of spacers to find the data core. The agents subsequently traveled to the planet O'reen and recovered the data core, and afterward Amalia paid them their reward and provided them with the co-ordinates of a military base to which she wanted them to take the core."@en . . . "Amalia"@en . "Amalia von Aschensee"@de . . . . . . "Amalia lives with her father, Matthias, in the village of Honnleath during the events of the Fifth Blight."@en . . "Lieutenant Amalia was a female junior naval officer who served as the attendant to a high-ranking officer. After a transport ship carrying a tactical data core for Amalia's faction was attacked by O'reenian forces in the Outer Rim Territories, Amalia hired a group of spacers to find the data core. The agents subsequently traveled to the planet O'reen and recovered the data core, and afterward Amalia paid them their reward and provided them with the co-ordinates of a military base to which she wanted them to take the core."@en . . "blond"@en . . . . . . "Amalia"@en . "270"^^ . "None"@en . "Amalia"@en . "23"^^ . . "none"@en . . . . "r\u00F6tlich-braun"@de . "The role of Amalia is played by Danielle Brett in the Season Two episode \"Crazy Love\"."@en . . . . . "durchschnittlich \u201Etrainiert\u201C"@de . . "Amalia ."@en . "Unknown"@en . "The ability to master any task, even after very little training."@en . . "Amalia is a young witch that came to Sesamstrasse in episode 2363, when Finchen and Samson imagines how it would be to meet a nice witch. She was looking for her new broom that flew away from her. Finchen and Samson helps her to capture it and help her come up with a name for the broom."@en . "Serial Killer"@en . "Magus"@de . "etwas kleiner als durchschnittlich"@de . . . . . . . "34"^^ . . . "Amalia is a world infamous serial killer and cannibal."@en . . . . . . "240"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Amalia is a young witch that came to Sesamstrasse in episode 2363, when Finchen and Samson imagines how it would be to meet a nice witch. She was looking for her new broom that flew away from her. Finchen and Samson helps her to capture it and help her come up with a name for the broom."@en . . . . "Amalia"@en . "200"^^ . "Female"@en . . . . . "Die Figur Amalias ist als recht athletisch-trainiert zu bezeichnen, so dass man ihr eine taugliche Ausdauer f\u00FCr Kampfsituationen zusprechen kann, f\u00FCr die sie jedoch wohl auch regelm\u00E4\u00DFig einiger k\u00F6rperlicher Ert\u00FCchtigung nachgehen muss. Von etwas kleinerer als durchschnittlicher Gr\u00F6\u00DFe unter Sturmwinder Frauen w\u00FCrde sie in einer Menschenmenge wom\u00F6glich nicht unbedingt auffallen. Das rotbraune Haar ist meist zu einem eher pragmatisch pflegeleichten Zopf zusammengebunden und umrahmt dennoch ordentlich frisiert ihr Gesicht mit den braunen Augen und dem meist eher etwas neutralen bis ernsten Ausdruck. Eine herausragende Sch\u00F6nheit stellt sie nicht unbedingt dar; auch ist sie mit solchen Dingen wie Lidschatten und Wimperntusche doch sehr zur\u00FCckhaltend im Gebrauch. Schmuck sucht man doch sehr vergeblich. Ihr gesamtes Erscheinungsbild ist ein sehr gepflegtes. Auch wenn die Dame nicht einen sehr besonderen Wert auf ihr \u00C4u\u00DFerliches legen mag, so doch mindestens den Anspruch ordentlich und adrett daherzukommen. Haltung und Gang sind sehr aufrecht, wie man es von jemandem wohl erwarten w\u00FCrde, der mehrere Jahre dem Milit\u00E4r angeh\u00F6rte. Als herausragendstes Merkmal d\u00FCrfte wohl ihr st\u00E4ndiger Griff zu einer Taschenuhr gelten, auf der sie immer wieder die Zeit im Auge beh\u00E4lt."@de . "Amalia is the one of the main protagonists of the Heaven Sent Gaming comic strip Reverie. She is an outgoing and hardworking girl, she is wears many hats, but primarily works at a fast food restaurant called Fries n' Stuff."@en . "Amalia is a world infamous serial killer and cannibal."@en . . "Amalia lebt mit ihrem Vater Matthias in dem Dorf Honnleath."@de . "immer die Taschenuhr im Anschlag!"@de . . "?"@en . "female"@en . . . . . "Amalia-Portrait.jpg"@de . . . "Magierin"@de . "Wilhelm"@en . . "Amalia"@de . . "1535"^^ . "?"@en . . "Amalia"@de . "Baroness Amalia was a 23rd century female from the Miradi Empire. By the late 2270s, Amalia was serving as a command division commander in Starfleet, assigned as the aide-de-camp to Fleet Admiral Karis Tatenen, stationed on the planet Khepri. During her early youth, Amalia visited the planet Vulcan alongside her mother, who was serving as an ambassador from the Miradi Empire. She later commented that both she and her mother found Vulcans to be quite charming."@en . . . . "fed"@en . "Amalia lebt mit ihrem Vater Matthias in dem Dorf Honnleath."@de . . "110"^^ . . . "Matthias"@en . "Beschw\u00F6rerin"@de . . "Reverie"@en . . "Baroness Amalia was a 23rd century female from the Miradi Empire. By the late 2270s, Amalia was serving as a command division commander in Starfleet, assigned as the aide-de-camp to Fleet Admiral Karis Tatenen, stationed on the planet Khepri. During her early youth, Amalia visited the planet Vulcan alongside her mother, who was serving as an ambassador from the Miradi Empire. She later commented that both she and her mother found Vulcans to be quite charming. In 2277, Amalia accompanied Tatenen and the rest of his staff to a top-secret diplomatic mission on Pollox IV, traveling aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: \"The Blaze of Glory\")"@en . . . . . . . .