"After stealing the Voltronic Galaxer from the Haley Observatory, Megatron, Starscream and Thundercracker boarded Astrotrain and headed for the Moon. While Astrotrain stayed parked outside, the other three Decepticons installed the Voltronic Galaxer in the machinery inside the moonbase. Done, Megatron looked outside and spotted the Autobot Cosmos, who had only just discovered the moonbase, and sicced Astrotrain on him. As it turned out, Cosmos had a passenger: Blaster. Astrotrain captured and brought both of them to the moonbase, where Megatron ordered him to weld the Autobots to the base's wall so that they could become additional components for the base's machinery. Blaster was repurposed as a trans-scrambler, while Cosmos became a power booster. Having that taken care of, Megatron had the airwave machine activated and ordered Starscream and Thundercracker to return to Earth. Megatron hijacked Earth's airwaves, causing worldwide chaos while broadcasting his demand for all of Earth's energy reserves to be given to the Decepticons in return for the use of the airwaves. However, Blaster sent along a piece of music with Megatron's broadcasts that clued the Autobots in on his involvement, allowing them to find the moonbase by locking in on Blaster's energy signature. When the Autobots arrived, Megatron and Astrotrain engaged them in battle outside. This gave Blaster and Cosmos, whose weapons had not been deactivated or confiscated, the opportunity to do some damage to the complex. It exploded, though the lower walls to which the two Autobots were welded remained unscathed. After chasing off Megatron and Astrotrain, the other Autobots freed their comrades from the complex. Blaster suggested that they should rebuild the moonbase and turn it into \"Radio Moon, with a loony lunar line-up of hip hits\". The answer was a yes, but since he was never seen using it, permission may have been revoked when he began playing music right then."@en . . . "Decepticon lunar dome base"@en . "After stealing the Voltronic Galaxer from the Haley Observatory, Megatron, Starscream and Thundercracker boarded Astrotrain and headed for the Moon. While Astrotrain stayed parked outside, the other three Decepticons installed the Voltronic Galaxer in the machinery inside the moonbase. Done, Megatron looked outside and spotted the Autobot Cosmos, who had only just discovered the moonbase, and sicced Astrotrain on him."@en . . .