. . "A Spican flame gem is a type of gemstone, considered by some of low value. (TOS episode: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\"; DS9 episode: \"Trials and Tribble-ations\") Spican flame gems are also used in Spican flaming melon. In 2376, Quark added three flame gems to every melon served, hoping the guests knew not to eat them. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit) Jessica Silver often wore hoop earrings decorated with Spican flame gems. (SCE eBook: Breakdowns)"@en . "In 2268, Cyrano Jones failed in an attempt to sell flame gems, along with Antarean glow water, to a bartender on Deep Space K-7. (TOS: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" , DS9: \"Trials and Tribble-ations\") Jones would later attempt to sell some of the same flame gems to Captain Kirk in 2269 with similar results. (TAS: \"More Tribbles, More Troubles\") According to Star Trek: Star Charts (\"United Federation of Planets I\", \"United Federation of Planets II\") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), there was a planet named Spica in the star system Spica (Alpha Virginis), which might possibly be the system of origin for this gemstone, in the Beta Quadrant. The system's primary was a B-class star. In 2378, Spica was listed as a Federation member."@en . . . . . . "In 2268, Cyrano Jones failed in an attempt to sell flame gems, along with Antarean glow water, to a bartender on Deep Space K-7. (TOS: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" , DS9: \"Trials and Tribble-ations\") Jones would later attempt to sell some of the same flame gems to Captain Kirk in 2269 with similar results. (TAS: \"More Tribbles, More Troubles\")"@en . . . . . "Spican flame gem"@en . "A Spican flame gem is a type of gemstone, considered by some of low value. (TOS episode: \"The Trouble with Tribbles\"; DS9 episode: \"Trials and Tribble-ations\") Spican flame gems are also used in Spican flaming melon. In 2376, Quark added three flame gems to every melon served, hoping the guests knew not to eat them. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit) Jessica Silver often wore hoop earrings decorated with Spican flame gems. (SCE eBook: Breakdowns)"@en . .