. . "He wrote the short story Poyekhali 3201, published as part of Decalog 5: Wonders from Virgin Books. This story has no links to the Doctor Who universe. In February 2007 Doctor Who Magazine mentioned that Baxter was slated to write the hundredth release in the main line of Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories. Earthstorm was set to feature the Sixth Doctor, but the script was subsequently \"canned\" by Big Finish and replaced with another release entitled 100 in the wake of the television series' revival. Baxter went on to use the idea in a (non-Who) story called Project Hades in Asimov's SF Magazine.[1] SFX reported that Baxter is writing a novel for BBC Books starring the Second Doctor, possibly as part of a revived book series in 2012. (SFX Collection 47) This was later confirmed as being The Wheel of Ice, which was released in hardcover on 16 August 2012. Baxter also wrote an introduction to the 2011 publication of Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen novelisation. He also contributed to the charity reference book Behind the Sofa: Celebrity Memories of Doctor Who."@en . . . "Stephen Baxter est un \u00E9crivain de science-fiction."@fr . "Baxter,Stephen Angol szerz\u0151, 1957-ben sz\u00FCletett. Matematikusi \u00E9s m\u00E9rn\u00F6ki diplom\u00E1kat szerzett, majd egy darabig tan\u00E1rk\u00E9nt dolgozott. Jelentkezett \u0171rhaj\u00F3snak is, de amikor nem j\u00E1rt sikerrel, minden energi\u00E1j\u00E1t az \u00EDr\u00E1s fel\u00E9 ford\u00EDtotta. Els\u0151 elbesz\u00E9l\u00E9se, a \u201EXeelee Flower\u201D 1987-ben jelent meg az Interzone magazinban, \u00E9s ezzel egy\u00FAttal megkezdte annak az \u00F6n\u00E1ll\u00F3 vil\u00E1gnak a megalkot\u00E1s\u00E1t, amelyben az\u00F3ta is sz\u00E1mos m\u0171ve j\u00E1tsz\u00F3dik. P\u00E9ld\u00E1ul Raft c\u00EDm\u0171 bemutatkoz\u00F3 reg\u00E9nye 1991-b\u0151l, aminek h\u0151sei egy olyan univerzumba ker\u00FClnek, ahol a gravit\u00E1ci\u00F3s k\u00F6lcs\u00F6nhat\u00E1sok sokkal er\u0151sebbek."@hu . "Stephen Baxter"@hu . "Stephen Baxter est un \u00E9crivain de science-fiction."@fr . "Baxter,Stephen Angol szerz\u0151, 1957-ben sz\u00FCletett. Matematikusi \u00E9s m\u00E9rn\u00F6ki diplom\u00E1kat szerzett, majd egy darabig tan\u00E1rk\u00E9nt dolgozott. Jelentkezett \u0171rhaj\u00F3snak is, de amikor nem j\u00E1rt sikerrel, minden energi\u00E1j\u00E1t az \u00EDr\u00E1s fel\u00E9 ford\u00EDtotta. Els\u0151 elbesz\u00E9l\u00E9se, a \u201EXeelee Flower\u201D 1987-ben jelent meg az Interzone magazinban, \u00E9s ezzel egy\u00FAttal megkezdte annak az \u00F6n\u00E1ll\u00F3 vil\u00E1gnak a megalkot\u00E1s\u00E1t, amelyben az\u00F3ta is sz\u00E1mos m\u0171ve j\u00E1tsz\u00F3dik. P\u00E9ld\u00E1ul Raft c\u00EDm\u0171 bemutatkoz\u00F3 reg\u00E9nye 1991-b\u0151l, aminek h\u0151sei egy olyan univerzumba ker\u00FClnek, ahol a gravit\u00E1ci\u00F3s k\u00F6lcs\u00F6nhat\u00E1sok sokkal er\u0151sebbek. A t\u00E1voli j\u00F6v\u0151 intergalaktikus civiliz\u00E1ci\u00F3i mellett sz\u00EDvesen ford\u00EDtja figyelm\u00E9t saj\u00E1t bolyg\u00F3nk t\u00F6rt\u00E9nelme fel\u00E9 is, alternat\u00EDv id\u0151vonalakat k\u00E9pzelve el. Ezek k\u00F6z\u00FCl a legismertebb a Time Ships c\u00EDm\u0171 reg\u00E9ny, amely H. G. Wells Id\u0151g\u00E9p\u00E9nek folytat\u00E1sa. De \u00EDrt m\u00E1r k\u00F6nyveket arr\u00F3l, mi lett volna, ha fennmaradnak \u00E9s \u00E9rtelmess\u00E9 fejl\u0151dnek k\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6z\u0151 \u0151s\u00E1llatok, vagy mi lett volna, ha a NASA az Apollo-k\u00FCldet\u00E9sek ut\u00E1n nem az \u0171r\u00E1llom\u00E1s-programot er\u0151lteti, hanem folytatja a Naprendszer felfedez\u00E9s\u00E9t. M\u0171vei sz\u00E1mos d\u00EDjat nyertek mind haz\u00E1j\u00E1ban, mind k\u00FClf\u00F6ld\u00F6n. Arthur C. Clarke-kal el\u0151sz\u00F6r 1997-ben dolgozott egy\u00FCtt, ennek eredm\u00E9nye egy novella lett, a \u201EDr\u00F3t-kontinuum\u201D, melyet a Galaktika 176-os sz\u00E1m\u00E1ban olvashattunk magyarul. 2000-ben k\u00F6vetkezett egy reg\u00E9ny, a Light of Other Days, majd 2003-ban \u00E9s 2005-ben az Id\u0151odisszeia-tril\u00F3gia els\u0151 k\u00E9t r\u00E9sze. A harmadik megjelen\u00E9se j\u00F6v\u0151re v\u00E1rhat\u00F3. Jelenleg \u00E9pp ism\u00E9t a maga \u00FAtj\u00E1t j\u00E1rja, t\u00F6rt\u00E9nelminek \u00E1lc\u00E1zott fantasztikus reg\u00E9nysorozatot \u00EDr egy k\u00FCl\u00F6n\u00F6s pr\u00F3f\u00E9ci\u00E1r\u00F3l \u00E9s annak \u00E9vsz\u00E1zadokon \u00E1tny\u00FAl\u00F3 hat\u00E1sair\u00F3l."@hu . . . . . . . . "Stephen Baxter"@en . . . "He wrote the short story Poyekhali 3201, published as part of Decalog 5: Wonders from Virgin Books. This story has no links to the Doctor Who universe. In February 2007 Doctor Who Magazine mentioned that Baxter was slated to write the hundredth release in the main line of Big Finish Doctor Who audio stories. Earthstorm was set to feature the Sixth Doctor, but the script was subsequently \"canned\" by Big Finish and replaced with another release entitled 100 in the wake of the television series' revival. Baxter went on to use the idea in a (non-Who) story called Project Hades in Asimov's SF Magazine.[1]"@en . "Stephen Baxter"@fr .