"Roger Linus is de vader van Benjamin Linus."@nl . . "Roger Linus est le p\u00E8re de Ben. Il travaillait sur l'\u00EEle en tant qu'agent d'entretien pour le Projet DHARMA et vivait aux Baraquements avec son fils, qu'il a eu avec sa femme, Emily Linus, morte en lui donnant naissance. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 tu\u00E9 par son fils durant la Purge."@fr . "Roger Linus"@zh . "Apariciones de personajes#Roger LinusS5"@es . "Nie \u017Cyje"@pl . "Roger Linus"@zh . . . . . . "Roger Linus"@en . . "Roger Linus era o pai de Benjamin Linus. Ele era um trabalhador da Iniciativa DHARMA. Hurley se referiu a ele como Roger Trabalhador ap\u00F3s encontrar seu cad\u00E1ver. Ele era o motorista da kombi encontrada pelos sobreviventes. Seu uniforme tinha o logotipo da Esta\u00E7\u00E3o Cisne. Ele foi morto pelo filho durante a Purga\u00E7\u00E3o."@pt . . . . . . . . . "Roger Linus ist der Vater von Benjamin Linus, den er als Kind schlug und beschimpfte. Er wurde von der DHARMA Initiative als Arbeiter angestellt, dessen Uniform das Schwan-Logo trug. Er wurde von Ben w\u00E4hrend der S\u00E4uberung get\u00F6tet."@de . . "Dozorca"@pl . . "1992-12-19"^^ . "Emily Linus - Femme"@fr . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni Roger Linus era il padre di Benjamin. Era un operaio (Workman) del Progetto DHARMA, abilitato alla guida del \"DHARMA van\". La sua uniforme presentava il logo della stazione \"Il Cigno\". \u00C8 stato ucciso da suo figlio Ben durante la \"purga\"."@it . . "Roger arrives on the Island."@en . "United States"@en . "3"^^ . "Maurizio Reti"@it . "--12-19"^^ . "Emily Linus - Wife"@en . . . . "Roger Linus"@es . "Roger Linus"@de . "\u6B7B\u4EA1"@zh . . . . "Roger dies at the hands of his son, during the Purge."@en . "19"^^ . . "Roger Linus"@it . . . . "Roger Linus"@en . . . "Baraki"@pl . . . . "Roger Linus was the father of Benjamin Linus, whom he regularly abused, both verbally and possibly physically, and berated as a child. He was employed as a DHARMA Initiative \"Workman,\" and his uniform featured the Swan station logo. He was killed by Ben during the Purge. Hurley later found his skeletal corpse in 2004 in the DHARMA van."@en . "Roger Workman"@es . . "A hostile Roger aims his gun at Sayid."@en . . . "zabity przez Bena"@pl . "Jon Gries"@it . "left"@en . "Agent d'entretien"@fr . . . "\u7537\u6027\u4EBA\u985E"@zh . "Skeletor"@es . . "Trabajador de la Iniciativa Dharma"@es . "Benjamin Linus - Syn"@pl . . "Roger Linus"@pt . "Benjamin Linus - Sohn"@de . "Character appearances#Roger LinusS6"@en . . . . . "Roger Linus"@de . "Emily Linus - Esposa"@pt . . "Roger Linus"@zh . "Operaio, Progetto DHARMA"@it . . "DHARMA Initiative Work Man"@en . . "Inhaled poisonous gas by Ben"@en . . "Padre di Benjamin Linus"@it . "Jon Gries"@en . "Hausmeister bei DHARMA"@de . . "Roger3x20.jpg"@en . . "Roger was married to Emily Linus and had conceived a child with her. Emily gave birth to their child while it was still two months premature. After giving birth in an Oregon forest, they made their way to a road, where a man named Horace pulled over to assist in getting them to the hospital. Shortly before they left, Emily requested that Roger name their child Benjamin. Emily passed away due to complications during the birth."@en . . "Roger Linus"@nl . . "Alt-roger.jpg"@en . . "1992-12-22"^^ . . . "right"@en . . "Roger Linus"@zh . . . . . "Workman, DHARMA Initiative"@en . . . . . . . . . "Emily Linus † - Frau"@de . . "Desconhecida"@pt . . "Roger"@pl . "240"^^ . . . . . "Jon Gries"@es . . "Roger's mummified body, as found with the DHARMA van"@en . . "\u00C9ric Herson-Macarel"@fr . "EUA"@pt . "Trabalhador da DHARMA"@pt . "Oregon, USA"@en . "Rogerdies.jpg"@en . "250"^^ . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "Seitw\u00E4rtsblenden"@de . . "Deceased"@en . . "\"The Incident, Part 1\""@it . "Trabalhando com a DHARMA"@pt . "Muerto"@es . "N/A"@de . . "Jon Gries"@fr . "Roger Linus"@it . "Roger Linus is the father of Benjamin Linus, who he regularly beat and berated as a child. He was employed as a DHARMA Initiative \"Work Man\", whose uniform featured the Swan station logo. He was killed by Ben during the Purge. Hurley later found his skeletal corpse in 2004."@zh . . "Roger was married to Emily Linus and had conceived a child with her. Emily gave birth to their child while it was still two months premature. After giving birth in an Oregon forest, they made their way to a road, where a man named Horace pulled over to assist in getting them to the hospital. Shortly before they left, Emily requested that Roger name their child Benjamin. Emily passed away due to complications during the birth. After having trouble finding work, Horace offered Roger a position with the DHARMA Initiative working as a \"Work Man\" or janitor on the island. While he deeply resented the position, Roger stuck with it for many years. Roger blamed his son for the death of his wife, and constantly forgot his son's birthday. When his son had reached adulthood, Roger had still not managed to remember his son's birthday, but offered to make it up to Ben by spending some quality father-son time together. After driving to a secluded location, Benjamin explained that he missed his mother just as much as Roger did, and stated that for his entire life he's had to put up with Roger, which required a lot of patience. Benjamin then placed a gas mask on, and released a canister of a toxic gas into the van, killing Roger. Roger was later found dead in his Volkswagen van in the jungle by Hurley and Jin. Roger wore a DHARMA jumpsuit bearing the logo of The Swan Station. In the back of his van was a map which showed a road that the DHARMA Initiative may have been working on, also in the back were several cases of DHARMA Beer. Roger's body was removed from the van by Hurley and Jin, however his head snapped off in the process. It was later placed back on his body, and Sawyer drank a beer next to his body and referred to him as \"Skeletor\"."@en . "Roger Linus"@pt . . . . . "Roger Linus"@it . . . "Roger Manodopera, Skeletor"@it . "Roger Linus"@fr . . . . . . . . "Linus"@pl . . "Emily Linus - \u017Bona"@pl . "Character appearances#Roger LinusS5"@en . "Jon Gries"@pt . . . "Roger Linus es el padre de Benjamin Linus, a quien regularmente lo golpeaba y rega\u00F1aba cuando ni\u00F1o. Fue empleado de la Iniciativa Dharma como \"trabajador\", en cuyo uniforme aparece el logo de El Cisne. Fue asesinado por Ben durante La Purga. Luego, Hurley encontr\u00F3 su cad\u00E1ver de huesos en 2004."@es . . . . "Estados Unidos"@es . "M\u0142ody Roger 3x20.jpg"@pl . . . . "1992-12-19"^^ . "Roger Linus"@it . . . "Stati Uniti"@it . "Morto"@pt . . "An abusive Roger torments a captive Sayid."@en . "Roger Linus"@pl . "1992"^^ . . "\"Dr Linus\""@en . . "Roger Linus"@es . . "22 grudnia, prawdopodobnie w 1963 roku, Roger i jego \u017Cona, b\u0119d\u0105ca w si\u00F3dmym miesi\u0105cu ci\u0105\u017Cy Emily, wybrali si\u0119 do lasu nieopodal Portland. Z niewiadomych przyczyn zacz\u0119\u0142a tam przedwcze\u015Bnie roddzi\u0107. Roger zdo\u0142a\u0142 odebra\u0107 por\u00F3d, a nast\u0119pnie wzi\u0105\u0142 \u017Con\u0119 oraz ch\u0142opczyka na r\u0119ce i wybieg\u0142 z lasu, aby wo\u0142a\u0107 o pomoc. Na szosie dostrzeg\u0142 go niejaki Horace Goodspeed wraz z towarzysz\u0105c\u0105 mu kobiet\u0105, zatrzymuj\u0105c auto i postanawiaj\u0105c pom\u00F3c. Niestety Emily zacz\u0119\u0142a zaraz po porodzie mocno krwawi\u0107 i by\u0142a ju\u017C bardzo wyczerpana - po chwili zmar\u0142a na r\u0119kach m\u0119\u017Ca. W swych ostatnich s\u0142owach powiedzia\u0142a, by da\u0142 ich nowo narodzonemu synowi imi\u0119 Benjamin."@pl . . . "3"^^ . . . . "Roger holds a dying Emily in his arms."@en . . "Benjamin Linus - Fils"@fr . "5"^^ . . . . . . . "Roger Linus"@pl . . "Roger Linus is the father of Benjamin Linus, who he regularly beat and berated as a child. He was employed as a DHARMA Initiative \"Work Man\", whose uniform featured the Swan station logo. He was killed by Ben during the Purge. Hurley later found his skeletal corpse in 2004."@zh . "D\u00E9c\u00E9d\u00E9"@fr . . "Intoxicado por su hijo."@es . . . . . "6"^^ . "Roger Linus is a villain in Lost. He appeared as the anti-hero in the 5th season. Roger is the father of Ben."@en . "Benjamin Linus - Son"@en . . "Roger Linus"@pt . . . . . . . . "Roger Linus"@es . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . "Male"@en . . . . "Roger Linus est le p\u00E8re de Ben. Il travaillait sur l'\u00EEle en tant qu'agent d'entretien pour le Projet DHARMA et vivait aux Baraquements avec son fils, qu'il a eu avec sa femme, Emily Linus, morte en lui donnant naissance. Il a \u00E9t\u00E9 tu\u00E9 par son fils durant la Purge."@fr . . . . . . "get\u00F6tet"@de . . . . . . . "Roger Linus era o pai de Benjamin Linus. Ele era um trabalhador da Iniciativa DHARMA. Hurley se referiu a ele como Roger Trabalhador ap\u00F3s encontrar seu cad\u00E1ver. Ele era o motorista da kombi encontrada pelos sobreviventes. Seu uniforme tinha o logotipo da Esta\u00E7\u00E3o Cisne. Ele foi morto pelo filho durante a Purga\u00E7\u00E3o."@pt . . "Alex - Adoptive Granddaughter"@en . "Roger Linus es el padre de Benjamin Linus, a quien regularmente lo golpeaba y rega\u00F1aba cuando ni\u00F1o. Fue empleado de la Iniciativa Dharma como \"trabajador\", en cuyo uniforme aparece el logo de El Cisne. Fue asesinado por Ben durante La Purga. Luego, Hurley encontr\u00F3 su cad\u00E1ver de huesos en 2004."@es . . "Roger Linus"@en . "Emily Linus - Esposa"@es . "Rogerjanitor.jpg"@en . . "Roger Linus is de vader van Benjamin Linus."@nl . . . "Benjamin Linus - Hijo"@es . . . "Roger Workman"@en . "Jon Gries"@de . . . "Roger Linus in the afterlife."@en . "22 grudnia, prawdopodobnie w 1963 roku, Roger i jego \u017Cona, b\u0119d\u0105ca w si\u00F3dmym miesi\u0105cu ci\u0105\u017Cy Emily, wybrali si\u0119 do lasu nieopodal Portland. Z niewiadomych przyczyn zacz\u0119\u0142a tam przedwcze\u015Bnie roddzi\u0107. Roger zdo\u0142a\u0142 odebra\u0107 por\u00F3d, a nast\u0119pnie wzi\u0105\u0142 \u017Con\u0119 oraz ch\u0142opczyka na r\u0119ce i wybieg\u0142 z lasu, aby wo\u0142a\u0107 o pomoc. Na szosie dostrzeg\u0142 go niejaki Horace Goodspeed wraz z towarzysz\u0105c\u0105 mu kobiet\u0105, zatrzymuj\u0105c auto i postanawiaj\u0105c pom\u00F3c. Niestety Emily zacz\u0119\u0142a zaraz po porodzie mocno krwawi\u0107 i by\u0142a ju\u017C bardzo wyczerpana - po chwili zmar\u0142a na r\u0119kach m\u0119\u017Ca. W swych ostatnich s\u0142owach powiedzia\u0142a, by da\u0142 ich nowo narodzonemu synowi imi\u0119 Benjamin."@pl . "Roger Linus ist der Vater von Benjamin Linus, den er als Kind schlug und beschimpfte. Er wurde von der DHARMA Initiative als Arbeiter angestellt, dessen Uniform das Schwan-Logo trug. Er wurde von Ben w\u00E4hrend der S\u00E4uberung get\u00F6tet."@de . . "Roger Linus is a villain in Lost. He appeared as the anti-hero in the 5th season. Roger is the father of Ben."@en . "6"^^ . . "7"^^ . . "Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Et\u00E0 Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione Perch\u00E9Australia Perch\u00E9Destinazione Perch\u00E9Isola Familiari Connessioni Roger Linus era il padre di Benjamin. Era un operaio (Workman) del Progetto DHARMA, abilitato alla guida del \"DHARMA van\". La sua uniforme presentava il logo della stazione \"Il Cigno\". \u00C8 stato ucciso da suo figlio Ben durante la \"purga\"."@it . "Roger Linus was the father of Benjamin Linus, whom he regularly abused, both verbally and possibly physically, and berated as a child. He was employed as a DHARMA Initiative \"Workman,\" and his uniform featured the Swan station logo. He was killed by Ben during the Purge. Hurley later found his skeletal corpse in 2004 in the DHARMA van."@en . . "Roger Linus"@de . "200"^^ . . . "Yes"@es . "Roger Linus"@fr . . "Roger Linus"@de . . . "Alex - Nieta adoptiva"@es . . . "Benjamin Linus - Filho"@pt . . "5"^^ . . "Portland"@de . . . . . . . . .