"4100"^^ . "of spending my life with you."@en . . "8"^^ . . "Huh? I always cry? Yes, well,"@en . "Diarama"@en . "13"^^ . . "4538"^^ . . "-"@en . . "Nakisawame is a goddess born from the tears of Izanagi after Izanami died from the burns on her body while giving birth to Kagutsuchi. Nakisawame is the patron deity of wells and the wells with her blessing are said to always bear clean, pure water."@en . . "Deal 10X DMG to Archwitches / Subjugation Points Earned 30% UP"@en . "2015-09-30"^^ . "Nakisawame(\u30CA\u30AD\u30B5\u30EF\u30E1, recorded in the Kojiki as \u6CE3\u6CA2\u5973\u795E and in the Nihon Shoki as \u557C\u6CA2\u5973\u547D, sometimes also written as \u54ED\u6CA2\u5973\u547D) is a female kami in Japanese mythology. During the myth of the Birth of the Gods, in which the goddess Izanami died after giving birth to the fire deity Kagu-tsuchi, Izunagi clung to his wife's dead body and cried. From his tears, Nakisawame emerged. She is considered a spirit of spring water. The goddess' name is composed of the words saki meaning \"weeping\" and naki, and epithet of crying. Me denotes that she is female."@en . "I'm the goddess of this spring."@en . . "Vampire Tears"@en . "Makafuji"@en . . "Great DMGx15/ Pt+"@en . . "these are true tears of joy."@en . "Deal 300% DMG to all enemies / Absorb 20% / 25% chance"@en . "Deal 250% DMG to all enemies / Absorb 20% / 20% chance"@en . "12"^^ . "33"^^ . . "3"^^ . "11"^^ . "0"^^ . "31"^^ . "65"^^ . "130"^^ . "2015-09-30"^^ . "Great DMGx10/ Pt+"@en . "3"^^ . "0"^^ . "Nakisawame is a goddess born from the tears of Izanagi after Izanami died from the burns on her body while giving birth to Kagutsuchi. Nakisawame is the patron deity of wells and the wells with her blessing are said to always bear clean, pure water."@en . "4125"^^ . . "80"^^ . "My tears are my strength."@en . "3750"^^ . "80"^^ . "Deal 350% DMG to all enemies / Absorb 20% / 25% chance"@en . "Tears endlessly pour from the eyes of the goddess of springs, but not because she's sad."@en . "30"^^ . "I'll cry one tear of sadness."@en . . "Only available against current Archwitches."@en . "49"^^ . "SR"@en . "Deal 15X DMG to Archwitches / Subjugation Points Earned 50% UP"@en . "stopped since I met you."@en . "Deal 15X DMG to Archwitches / Subjugation Points Earned 50% UP"@en . "Nakisawame"@en . . "Deal 300% DMG to all enemies / Absorb 20% / 20% chance"@en . "39"^^ . "Posumudi"@en . . "139"^^ . "47"^^ . "Cowardly"@en . "3800"^^ . "Nakisawame(\u30CA\u30AD\u30B5\u30EF\u30E1, recorded in the Kojiki as \u6CE3\u6CA2\u5973\u795E and in the Nihon Shoki as \u557C\u6CA2\u5973\u547D, sometimes also written as \u54ED\u6CA2\u5973\u547D) is a female kami in Japanese mythology. During the myth of the Birth of the Gods, in which the goddess Izanami died after giving birth to the fire deity Kagu-tsuchi, Izunagi clung to his wife's dead body and cried. From his tears, Nakisawame emerged. She is considered a spirit of spring water. The goddess' name is composed of the words saki meaning \"weeping\" and naki, and epithet of crying. Me denotes that she is female. In the Kojiki she is also named \"Kakuyama-no-uneo-no-konoshita-ni-zasu-kami\"(\u9999\u5C71\uFF08\u304B\u3050\u3084\u307E\uFF09\u306E\u755D\u5C3E\u306E\u6728\u306E\u4E0B\u306B\u5750\u3059\u795E). The engishiki jinmy\u014Dch\u014D(\u5EF6\u559C\u5F0F\u795E\u540D\u5E33) mentions the Uneotsu-Tamoto shrine(\u755D\u5C3E\u90FD\u591A\u672C\u795E\u793Euneotsu-tamoto jinja), located in Kinomoto, Kashihara, Nara, nicknamed Nakisawa shrine(\u54ED\u6CA2\u795E\u793E), in which Nakisawame is enshrined."@en . "0"^^ . "Media"@en . "64"^^ . "7"^^ . "Forgive my unkempt look."@en . "I'm not sad. It's just, tears"@en . . "5412"^^ . "I cry tears of joy when I think"@en . "Cool"@en . . "7"^^ . "Only available against current Archwitches."@en . "My tears of joy haven't"@en . "5016"^^ . "52"^^ . . "always pour from my eyes."@en . "4180"^^ . "4510"^^ .