. "At the tail end of 2008, there was a great need for the next step in the personal internet experience, and thus, Web 3.0 was born. It contains all the creative stylings of Web 2.0\u2122 and integrates the irritation of having your finger stuck in something, and whenever you pull on it, you feel like you're going to separate the finger from the joint, but you know you have to do it because the finger is getting cold and you know that means its cutting off circulation, so in panic you cut off your arm. These exciting aspects made Web 3.0 very desirable to a small percentage of users, who then forced it upon everyone else."@en . "Web 3.0"@en . "At the tail end of 2008, there was a great need for the next step in the personal internet experience, and thus, Web 3.0 was born. It contains all the creative stylings of Web 2.0\u2122 and integrates the irritation of having your finger stuck in something, and whenever you pull on it, you feel like you're going to separate the finger from the joint, but you know you have to do it because the finger is getting cold and you know that means its cutting off circulation, so in panic you cut off your arm. These exciting aspects made Web 3.0 very desirable to a small percentage of users, who then forced it upon everyone else."@en . "thumb|Die Zukunft des Internets Web 3.0 ist kurz gesagt die Zukunft des Internets. Es ist der Nachfolger von Web 2.0, der f\u00FCr f\u00FCrchterliche Erfindungen wie der Stupidedia verantwortlich ist, aber auch positive Dinge hervor gebracht hat wie z.B. Pornoblogs oder Wikipedia. Web 3.0 ist die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Web 2.0 Konzepts, was bedeutet, dass Menschen nicht mehr nur ihre Finger und ihr Gehirn f\u00FCr die Interaktivit\u00E4t der Gemeinschaft des Internets zu nutzen, sondern gleich ihren ganzen K\u00F6rper."@de . "Web 3.0 is a term used to describe the future of the World Wide Web. Following the introduction of the phrase \"Web 2.0\" as a description of the recent evolution of the Web, many technologists, journalists, and industry leaders have used the term \"Web 3.0\" to hypothesize about a future wave of Internet innovation."@en . . "Plusieurs axes de r\u00E9flexion : Technologie : Le Web 3 devrait donc \u00EAtre synonyme de Web s\u00E9mantique, permettant par exemple d\u2019obtenir une r\u00E9ponse coh\u00E9rente et pr\u00E9cise, \u00E0 une question cibl\u00E9e Contenu: La r\u00E9volution attendue du Web 3.0 consiste en une plus grande int\u00E9gration des sources d\u2019information, avec des r\u00E9ponses \u00E0 nos requ\u00EAtes plus intelligentes, plus pertinentes, et plus proches de l\u2019humain. Bref, l\u2019\u00E8re du Web 3 sera marqu\u00E9e par la d\u00E9duction cognitive. Commerce : L\u2019\u00E9volution technologique permettra au commerce en ligne une parfaite int\u00E9gration entre diff\u00E9rents acteurs plus sp\u00E9cialis\u00E9s et participant \u00E0 la cha\u00EEne de vente (vente, pr\u00E9l\u00E8vement du produit de son lieu de stockage, paiement, exp\u00E9dition, facturation). Pouvoir : Le pouvoir est d\u00E9sormais rendu aux utilisateurs. A c\u00F4t\u00E9 des journalistes professionnels, des individus blogueurs d\u00E9livrent d\u00E9sormais de l\u2019information, souvent appr\u00E9ci\u00E9e pour son authenticit\u00E9 et son style direct. Cette tendance devrait s\u2019accentuer avec le Web 3 Dimension sociale : Le Web 3 renforcera le ph\u00E9nom\u00E8ne collaboratif, o\u00F9 le contenu et l'\u00E9change seront des points essentiels."@fr . "Web 3.0 is a widely-misunderstood term which seems to refer to an imagined third generation of the web. Experts say Web 3.0 is about creating a more interconnected web which will probably include the semantic tagging of content. Many of the same web experts suggest that Web 2.0 is at a \"mature stage\" and that we are well into Web 3.0. Web 3.0, an extension of the current web, refers to a third period of development and is best understood as the third decade of web development from 2010-2020."@en . "thumb|Die Zukunft des Internets Web 3.0 ist kurz gesagt die Zukunft des Internets. Es ist der Nachfolger von Web 2.0, der f\u00FCr f\u00FCrchterliche Erfindungen wie der Stupidedia verantwortlich ist, aber auch positive Dinge hervor gebracht hat wie z.B. Pornoblogs oder Wikipedia. Web 3.0 ist die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des Web 2.0 Konzepts, was bedeutet, dass Menschen nicht mehr nur ihre Finger und ihr Gehirn f\u00FCr die Interaktivit\u00E4t der Gemeinschaft des Internets zu nutzen, sondern gleich ihren ganzen K\u00F6rper."@de . . . . "Web 3.0"@fr . . . . "Web 3.0"@de . . . . "Web 3.0 is a term used to describe the future of the World Wide Web. Following the introduction of the phrase \"Web 2.0\" as a description of the recent evolution of the Web, many technologists, journalists, and industry leaders have used the term \"Web 3.0\" to hypothesize about a future wave of Internet innovation. Views on the next stage of the World Wide Web's evolution vary greatly. Some believe that emerging technologies such as the Semantic Web will transform the way the Web is used, and lead to new possibilities in artificial intelligence. Other visionaries suggest that increases in Internet connection speeds, modular web applications, or advances in computer graphics will play the key role in the evolution of the World Wide Web."@en . "Plusieurs axes de r\u00E9flexion : Technologie : Le Web 3 devrait donc \u00EAtre synonyme de Web s\u00E9mantique, permettant par exemple d\u2019obtenir une r\u00E9ponse coh\u00E9rente et pr\u00E9cise, \u00E0 une question cibl\u00E9e Contenu: La r\u00E9volution attendue du Web 3.0 consiste en une plus grande int\u00E9gration des sources d\u2019information, avec des r\u00E9ponses \u00E0 nos requ\u00EAtes plus intelligentes, plus pertinentes, et plus proches de l\u2019humain. Bref, l\u2019\u00E8re du Web 3 sera marqu\u00E9e par la d\u00E9duction cognitive. Dimension sociale : Le Web 3 renforcera le ph\u00E9nom\u00E8ne collaboratif, o\u00F9 le contenu et l'\u00E9change seront des points essentiels."@fr . . . . . "Web 3.0 is a widely-misunderstood term which seems to refer to an imagined third generation of the web. Experts say Web 3.0 is about creating a more interconnected web which will probably include the semantic tagging of content. Many of the same web experts suggest that Web 2.0 is at a \"mature stage\" and that we are well into Web 3.0. Web 3.0, an extension of the current web, refers to a third period of development and is best understood as the third decade of web development from 2010-2020."@en . . . . . . . .