"The Amanda Show is an American live-action sketch comedy and variety show that aired on Nickelodeon hosted by Amanda Bynes. It starred off with Drake Bell, and Josh Peck, along with several performing artists who came and left at different points, such as John Kassir, Raquel Lee, and Nancy Sullivan. The show was a spin-off from All That, in which Bynes co-starred years earlier. The show was unexpectedly cancelled in the end of 2002, according to creator Dan Schneider's blog."@en . . . "The Amanda Show is an American live-action sketch comedy and variety show that aired on Nickelodeon hosted by Amanda Bynes. It starred off with Drake Bell, and Josh Peck, along with several performing artists who came and left at different points, such as John Kassir, Raquel Lee, and Nancy Sullivan. The show was a spin-off from All That, in which Bynes co-starred years earlier. The show was unexpectedly cancelled in the end of 2002, according to creator Dan Schneider's blog."@en . . "List of The Amanda Show characters"@en . .