. . "The Fifth House of Betazed was a prestigious family on planet Betazed. Lwaxana Troi was daughter of the Fifth House, in addition to being heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed and the holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, all of which she rarely failed to mention in formal introductions. (TNG: \"Haven\" , \"Half a Life\" ; DS9: \"The Forsaken\") According to Star Trek: Star Charts, the Fifth House of Betazed was the planetary government of Betazed, based in the capital city of Rixx."@en . . . . "The Fifth House of Betazed is a one of the most prominent family organizations on Betazed. One of approximately 20 Houses of Betazed, the Fifth House was one of the most prominent members of that group. (TNG novel: Imzadi) Lwaxana Troi and her surviving daugher Deanna Troi are both members of the Fifth House. Lwaxana would often remind others of her social status as a daughter of the Fifth House, as well as being a holder of the Holy Rings of Betazed and the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. (TNG episodes: \"Haven\", \"Manhunt\", \"Half a Life\", and novel Q-in-Law)"@en . "The Fifth House of Betazed is a one of the most prominent family organizations on Betazed. One of approximately 20 Houses of Betazed, the Fifth House was one of the most prominent members of that group. (TNG novel: Imzadi) Lwaxana Troi and her surviving daugher Deanna Troi are both members of the Fifth House. Lwaxana would often remind others of her social status as a daughter of the Fifth House, as well as being a holder of the Holy Rings of Betazed and the Sacred Chalice of Rixx. (TNG episodes: \"Haven\", \"Manhunt\", \"Half a Life\", and novel Q-in-Law)"@en . . "Fifth House of Betazed"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The Fifth House of Betazed was a prestigious family on planet Betazed. Lwaxana Troi was daughter of the Fifth House, in addition to being heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed and the holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, all of which she rarely failed to mention in formal introductions. (TNG: \"Haven\" , \"Half a Life\" ; DS9: \"The Forsaken\") According to Star Trek: Star Charts, the Fifth House of Betazed was the planetary government of Betazed, based in the capital city of Rixx."@en . . .