. "Steamroll"@en . "Steamroll was Rickoran's Special Ability on Bakugan Dimensions."@en . . "Steam roll is a decepticon scientist. Steamroll is highly intelligent and can analyze almost any math problem, he can also detect enemies from afar. Steamroll is not the best fighter but his plasma canon gets the job done most of the time. He is often picked on by his decepticon cohorts but he ignores them. Steamroll resides in a museum with Broadkill and Darkstore. Weapons Steamroll is equiped with a plasma cannon and a cyber sword. Dislike towards autobots Steamroll has a common dislike towards autobots but when he meets ratchet he amires him for his medical skill. No autobots have tried to kill him except for bumblebee and his attempt suceeded because he cut off Steamroll's head."@en . . . . "Attack"@en . . "Steam roll is a decepticon scientist. Steamroll is highly intelligent and can analyze almost any math problem, he can also detect enemies from afar. Steamroll is not the best fighter but his plasma canon gets the job done most of the time. He is often picked on by his decepticon cohorts but he ignores them. Steamroll resides in a museum with Broadkill and Darkstore. Weapons Steamroll is equiped with a plasma cannon and a cyber sword. Dislike towards autobots"@en . "Steamroll was Rickoran's Special Ability on Bakugan Dimensions."@en . . . . . .