"R: Listen: I might not be from the Times, but if you walk out that door, the people knocking at your door tomorrow, they -will- be!"@de . "Vik Institute"@de . "The Vik Institute is a mental research facility in Vik, Iceland, being run by the Hanso Foundation as part of the Mental Health Appeal project. Dr. Armand Zander was the director of the Institute."@en . "A tragic fire struck a hospital in the town of Vik, Iceland at 3 a.m. today, leaving one man, renowned mathematician Vigi Benoffski, dead, and several others hospitalized for burns and smoke inhalation. Authorities released only the names of three of the injured: Janos Backh , Orhan Hikmet Ran , und Vikram Sahani . Their families refused comment\n\nThe coastal community was awakened in the early morning hours by sirens, as rescue and fire units rushed to contain the blaze that erupted on a basement level of The Vik Institute. Hospital Director Armand Zander, \"We are most thankful more were not put in harm's way. What happened to Mr. Benoffski is a horrible tragedy.\"\n\nWhile the fire has been ruled accidental, uncertainty still lingers. It is not yet known whether the injured included any hospital patients. And, while Zander asserted that Benoffski \"must have been visiting,\" he refused to comment how a visitor could have obtained access to a basement level well past visiting hours."@de . "Z: What letter?"@de . "R: The answer to that is the reason that I can't tell you. Trust me, you're safer not knowing. Dr. Zander, while you still have a chance, GET AWAY FROM THEM."@de . "Das Vik Institute ist eine Mentalforschungseinrichtung, die sich in der isl\u00E4ndischen Stadt Vik befindet. Sie wird von der Hanso Foundation als Teil des Mental Health Appeal betrieben. Dr. Armand Zander war der Direktor des Instituts."@de . "R: What about them?"@de . "Z: I... I didn't know what I was getting into when I took this job."@de . . "R: The one to Mittelwerk, about the savants, the forced memory tests, the THIRD BASEMENT? They lied to you, they're lying to everyone, they don't want the world to know that Vigi Benoffski was at your institute, WHY?"@de . "Z: These are autistic savants, Miss Blake, their computational powers are unsurpassed! They keep them in this room\u2014it's comfortable, I've seen to that, first and foremost I am a doctor\u2014but all day, they are running this equation over and over, over..."@de . "Vik Institute"@en . "TM: They won\u2019t, I\u2019ve seen to that."@de . "You hire me to fix things."@de . "Z: I can't talk to you\u2014"@de . . "Woman: And Vigi Benoffski. If his family goes public\u2026"@de . "TM: I admit the fire sets us back, but all we\u2019ve really lost is time."@de . "R: What kind of equation is this?"@de . "Originalgespr\u00E4ch"@de . "Z: You... You read my letter. The third basement, Miss Blake, it's not full of mental patients! They are mathe-- mathematicians! Pulled from the world's finest, paid to come in, undercover, and work in secret, only I'm sure some of them don't want to be there. ... I don't know... they work day and night on this equation. And there's the savants."@de . . ""@de . "Z: I've answered your questions, Miss Blake, now answer mine\u2014 Who are you? Why are you doing this?"@de . "Woman: We\u2019re already funnelling millions into your mental programmes without knowing if this equations even\u2026"@de . "R: And what are you getting into?"@de . . "It is with profound anger that I submit this complaint. I understand that The Hanso Foundation prides itself on experimentation and innovation -- but what is going on in my own hospital has left me extremely confused about my mission.\n\nI was recruited to the directorship of the Vik Institute with a promise that I would be given the cutting edge of technology for the benefit of my patients. Instead, I find myself prisoner in a hall of mirrors. \n\nDay in and day out, new doctors not in my staff enter and exit the hospital. Last night, twenty of my autistic savant patients were administered secret proprietary memory tests without my consult or consent by doctors whom I have never seen before -- and then there is, of course, the third sub-basement.\n\nNever in my thirty years of treating the mentally ill have I seen the like. A secret ward containing patients whose illness is unknown to the hospital's director? It is, I regret to say, absurd and offensive.\n\nI am responsible for the lives of hundreds of patients, but I cannot, in good conscience, take that responsibility if I am hamstrung by a secret program of experimentation taking place under my own nose.\n\nThe bottom line is, I expect a full accounting of the activities taking place in my hospital. If you are unable, or unwilling to comply, I may just be forced to tender resignation. \n\nRegretfully yours, \n\nArmand Zander"@de . "R: You -need- to show me them."@de . . "Z: I've always thought they looked like... egyptian hieroglyphics. There are 5, maybe six of them in there, and, it's a vulture, a staff, a\u2014"@de . . "Vik.jpg"@en . "R: I -read- your letter."@de . . "Vik2.jpg"@en . . "Z: We are, of course, very strict about enforcing visiting hours, but mistakes do happen\u2014"@de . "R: I know that's the story you practiced, and it's convincing, but I'm not from the Times, Doctor."@de . "It\u2019ll be fixed."@de . "OK, which institute?"@de . "Well if you need me I\u2019ll gladly be there when I\u2026"@de . . "Yes?"@de . "R: Just a concerned citizen--"@de . "TM: You say it like its an insult, \u201Cmental programs\u201D. The Mental Health Appeal is the centre-piece of all our future plans."@de . "Z: I, uh... Who are you?"@de . "Englisches Transcript"@de . "The original extract"@en . "The Vik Institute is a mental research facility in Vik, Iceland, being run by the Hanso Foundation as part of the Mental Health Appeal project. Dr. Armand Zander was the director of the Institute."@en . "Of course I\u2019m working."@de . "Dr. Mittelwerk:"@de . "Original-Zeitungsauschnitt"@de . "R: Representational of what?"@de . "right"@en . "Z: There is no getting away from them... Haven't you realized that yet?"@de . "Z: No, you have 3 seconds to come clean before I walk out."@de . "Z: It's like nothing I've seen. There are these... symbols. I asked one of the mathematicians, and he said they were representational."@de . . "R: Smile, you're on pursecam. I'm about to meet with Armand Zander, director of the Vik Institute, where that mathemetician just happened to be visiting a mental patient. Wish me luck."@de . "When I\u2019m finished here!"@de . "What fire?"@de . "Das Vik Institute ist eine Mentalforschungseinrichtung, die sich in der isl\u00E4ndischen Stadt Vik befindet. Sie wird von der Hanso Foundation als Teil des Mental Health Appeal betrieben. Dr. Armand Zander war der Direktor des Instituts."@de . "200"^^ . "Original-Brief"@de .