. . . "non"@fr . "-"@en . "39"^^ . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Tristram"@en . . . "76"^^ . "2"^^ . . . "6"^^ . "-"@fr . . . . "Diablo, having fully corrupted the soulstone, was able to influence Lazarus into shattering it. He tried to take control of Leoric's body, and while he managed to drive the king mad, he was never able to fully possess Leoric. Diablo then left the king's body and requested that Lazarus proceeds to bring him Albrecht, Leoric's son. Rapidly possessing the prince, the Lord of Terror finally was able to fully manifest in the mortal realm once again. Leoric was left even more insane by the disappearance of his son, and thought the townsfolk guilty, and even his loyal knights. His knights, led by Lachdanan, were sent (by the advice of Lazarus) to a suicidal war against the larger kingdom of Westmarch; more than half of Tristram's citizens were charged with treason and murdered. When Lachdanan returned defeated to Tristram, he found the city devastated. He confronted the king, finally perceiving that there was no salvation for Leoric. When King Leoric attacked Lachdanan and his knights, Lachdanan ordered them to defend themselves and a fierce battle ensued, until Lachdanan and his forces were able to overcome the darkened monarch. With his dying breath, Leoric cursed Lachdanan and his knights to serve him in darkness, forever. Soon after, Tristram was attacked by a horde of demons, and the once-holy cathedral became a place of dark cults and rituals. The archbishop emerged from the ancient Horadric monastery, and rallied the townsfolk into finding the lost prince in the dungeon; only to lure them into a confrontation with the Butcher, a powerful demon, who slew many that night, and left very few survivors. What was left of Tristram's townsfolk either left the town or tried to survive however they could in the demon-infested town."@en . . "Tristram"@fr . . "Diablo, having fully corrupted the soulstone, was able to influence Lazarus into shattering it. He tried to take control of Leoric's body, and while he managed to drive the king mad, he was never able to fully possess Leoric. Diablo then left the king's body and requested that Lazarus proceeds to bring him Albrecht, Leoric's son. Rapidly possessing the prince, the Lord of Terror finally was able to fully manifest in the mortal realm once again. Leoric was left even more insane by the disappearance of his son, and thought the townsfolk guilty, and even his loyal knights."@en . . . . . "thumb En des temps anciens, Jered Cain et ses initi\u00E9s Horadrim vainquirent Diablo lors de l'Exil Noir et l'emprisonn\u00E8rent dans une des trois Pierres d'\u00E2mes. Jered cacha ensuite la pierre dans le monast\u00E8re Horadrique construit \u00E0 Tristram. Bien s\u00FBr de g\u00E9n\u00E9ration en g\u00E9n\u00E9ration, l'ordre Horadrim s'est dissout peu \u00E0 peu, car les d\u00E9mons primordiaux \u00E9taient enferm\u00E9s dans les pierres d'\u00E2mes. Alors que leurs nombres d\u00E9clina, le monast\u00E8re tomba en ruine. Avec le temps, des villages furent construit aux environs, les citoyens n'ayant pas connaissance de la terreur reposant dans les labyrinthes souterrains, Tristram fut construite juste au-dessus."@fr . "thumb|300px|Tristram in Diablo ITristram ist ein kleines St\u00E4dtchen im Land Khanduras in der Welt von Sanktuario und spielt in der Diablo-Reihe eine zentrale Rolle."@de . . . . . "thumb|300px|Tristram in Diablo ITristram ist ein kleines St\u00E4dtchen im Land Khanduras in der Welt von Sanktuario und spielt in der Diablo-Reihe eine zentrale Rolle."@de . "Tristram"@de . . "Deckard Cain"@fr . "thumb En des temps anciens, Jered Cain et ses initi\u00E9s Horadrim vainquirent Diablo lors de l'Exil Noir et l'emprisonn\u00E8rent dans une des trois Pierres d'\u00E2mes. Jered cacha ensuite la pierre dans le monast\u00E8re Horadrique construit \u00E0 Tristram. Bien s\u00FBr de g\u00E9n\u00E9ration en g\u00E9n\u00E9ration, l'ordre Horadrim s'est dissout peu \u00E0 peu, car les d\u00E9mons primordiaux \u00E9taient enferm\u00E9s dans les pierres d'\u00E2mes. Alors que leurs nombres d\u00E9clina, le monast\u00E8re tomba en ruine. Avec le temps, des villages furent construit aux environs, les citoyens n'ayant pas connaissance de la terreur reposant dans les labyrinthes souterrains, Tristram fut construite juste au-dessus."@fr . . "A la recherche de Cain"@fr . "76"^^ . . "I"@en . "Tristram"@pl . . . . "39"^^ . "No"@en . "Tristram"@fr . . "6"^^ . "6"^^ . . "Tristram"@en . . . . . "D\u00E9chu, Shaman d\u00E9chu, archer Squelette"@fr .