"July War"@en . . . "The July War was a military conflict which took place primarily between the Hume and Nephilim races. Fighting primarily took place in the July Desert- hence the name- and the April Jungle in Utgardr. The war began when the leaders of Harvest and December where assassinated, the assassinations mistakenly attributed to the Nephilim and Hume respectively."@en . "48"^^ . . . . "6"^^ . . "*Gro\u00DFgermanian occupation of Slovakia\n*Establishment of a Gro\u00DFgermanian in Slovakia\n*End of attacks on Gro\u00DFgermania by the from Slovak territory"@en . . "The July War (German: Julikrieg), known in Slovakia as the Germanic Invasion (Slovak: Germ\u00E1nske Inv\u00E1zie) and codenamed Fall Rhodos by the Germanian Military, was a military conflict between Gro\u00DFgermania and the Slovak Republic. The war began on 30 June 2009 with a declaration of war against Slovakia by the Imperial Government of Gro\u00DFgermania, proclaimed by Emperor Michael von Preu\u00DFen on 1 July following its approval by the Reichstag the night previous. On 5 July, the Imperial Military of Gro\u00DFgermania began a full-scale invasion of Slovakia, mobilizing approximately 470,000 troops. Following the final surrender of Slovak military command, the war ended on 25 July. In August, a client state was established in Slovakia under the de facto control of the Gro\u00DFgermanian government."@en . "64"^^ . "July War"@en . "Fieldmarshal Klaus Sch\u00F6nhausen and his troops in"@en . "21490"^^ . "The July War (German: Julikrieg), known in Slovakia as the Germanic Invasion (Slovak: Germ\u00E1nske Inv\u00E1zie) and codenamed Fall Rhodos by the Germanian Military, was a military conflict between Gro\u00DFgermania and the Slovak Republic. The war began on 30 June 2009 with a declaration of war against Slovakia by the Imperial Government of Gro\u00DFgermania, proclaimed by Emperor Michael von Preu\u00DFen on 1 July following its approval by the Reichstag the night previous. On 5 July, the Imperial Military of Gro\u00DFgermania began a full-scale invasion of Slovakia, mobilizing approximately 470,000 troops. Following the final surrender of Slovak military command, the war ended on 25 July. In August, a client state was established in Slovakia under the de facto control of the Gro\u00DFgermanian government. Although the declaration of war established no casus belli, a spokesman for the Gro\u00DFgermanian government later stated that the declaration and subsequent invasion was 'a direct response to terrorist activities being carried out against Gro\u00DFgermania from within Slovak territory'. In response to this claim, the Government of Slovakia, which effectively controls very little of the territory of Slovakia, issued a statement demanding that it not be held responsible for the actions of groups that 'are beyond the effective control of the Government' and claiming the invasion is a 'blatant attack on the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic'. Slovakia also filed a complaint with the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Security Council, of which Gro\u00DFgermania is an elected member. At a Security Council meeting held on 10 July, the Gro\u00DFgermanian envoy presented evidence to the fifteen-member panel, as well as a delegation from Slovakia, that the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, a Rome-based Catholic chivalric order, was using the territory of Slovakia to launch terrorist attacks on Gro\u00DFgermania, including several bombings and a foiled assassination attempt against Horst K\u00F6hler. The Slovak delegation reiterated to the Council that, due to its currently weak control of its territory, it should not be responsible for terrorist actions carried out within its borders. The member nations of the UNSC continued consultations well into the evening, but released no response to the invasion. The Russian Federation, which still maintains troops in Gro\u00DFgermania following the suppression of a coup d'\u00E9tat in that country in early June, has thus far been the only nation to explicitly condemn the invasion. Many speculate Russia's shared borders with Slovakia make Russia view the invasion as a threat to its domestic security. According to a leak made to Pravda Online, the Gro\u00DFgermanian ambassador to Russia, Valentino Boos, met with Russian President Viktor Putyatin to quell these concerns, at which point he assured Russia that Slovakia was to remain an independent country following the invasion. The Gro\u00DFgermanian assault was executed in three operations. The first operation involved moving the Luftwaffe against the Slovakian Air Force, in a swift and decisive move to decommission the numerically-superior force. The second operation, conducted by the Imperial Army, involved an invasion of eastern Slovakia from Silesia, with the army proceeding northwest trough the country, securing the rural, food-producing areas in order to isolate the cities in a form of modern siege warfare. The final phase of the invasion involved moving more than a quarter million ground troops, including the majority of tanks, in a blitzkrieg maneuver from Moravia and Opole towards the Slovak capital, Pre\u00DFburg. On Thursday, 23 July, the Slovak Government, led by President Mikul\u00E1\u0161 Pa\u0161ka, was captured and surrendered when Gro\u00DFgermanian troops captured the Pre\u00DFburger Schlo\u00DF (Pre\u00DFburg Castle), the government's meeting hall and primary executive building. The majority of cities complied with the surrender, however, the troops in charge of Ko\u0161ice, Pre\u0161ov, and Bansk\u00E1 Bystrica continued to resist until 25 July, when Germanian troops launched a coordinated assault and forced their surrender. The First Army (spread throughout the country) has continued to meet sporadic resistance since then, both from government military and local paramilitary and militia forces. The day following the initial surrender, Pa\u0161ka officially granted control of the country to the Second Gro\u00DFgermanian Army, which formally dissolved the Slovak Republic, establishing the Joint Military Command of Pre\u00DFburg and Preschau (Gemischten Milit\u00E4rkommando Pre\u00DFburg und Preschau, GMkPP), with G\u00FCnter Kehrer, Commander of the Imperial Military, as Viceroy. In mid-August, the GMkPP was dismantled, and a civilian government was established under the de facto control of the Imperial Government of Gro\u00DFgermania. Thusfar, only Gro\u00DFgermania itself recognizes the legitimacy of the new Slovak government."@en . "The July War was a military conflict which took place primarily between the Hume and Nephilim races. Fighting primarily took place in the July Desert- hence the name- and the April Jungle in Utgardr. The war began when the leaders of Harvest and December where assassinated, the assassinations mistakenly attributed to the Nephilim and Hume respectively."@en . "5500"^^ . . "Gro\u00DFgermanian declaration of war on and invasion of Slovakia"@en . "--06-30"^^ . "25"^^ . "468796"^^ . "25"^^ . "215"^^ .